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The Entrance of the Yellow Tube

Something new I got...from Twenty for Teen...:)

It's quite difficult to wear as the upper part tends to fold down...hhmmm...but still, I love it!! :)

PS: Thank you for the support you all have given to me...I feel much better now! Thank you once again..God bless us all! :)

11 short films about a browser

(Cross-posted from the Google Chrome Blog)

For those of us who live and work on the web, the browser is an unsung hero. It's become the most important piece of software on our computer, but rarely is it given proper recognition, let alone fêted.

We invited some creative friends to make short movies about our own browser, Google Chrome, and then watched as they came back with dozens of interesting ways to portray the browser. After finishing his video, artist and illustrator Christoph Niemann wrote to us about his approach:

"Instead of thinking of what I wanted to show, I tried to think about what I did NOT want to show. I realized that when I use a computer or browse the web these days, the one thing I do NOT think about is... a computer.

There was a time when I knew the meaning of every single item in my system folder and had to wisely allocate RAM to an application before burdening it with a complex task. Dealing with a computer has become much simpler these days (if everything works), but much more difficult and complex (especially if it doesn't behave) — almost like dealing with a living creature.

I wanted to find a simple metaphor that explains what a browser does, without showing a screen, a keyboard, the letters WWW, pixels, zeroes or ones.

Initially I thought of my mom (the browser) who brings me (the user) a plate of spaghetti bolognese (the Internet). But since spaghetti bolognese is not a rewarding thing to draw, let alone animate, I went for the next best metaphor, which can be seen in the animation."

Along with Christoph's video, there are great shorts by Motion Theory, Steve Mottershead, Go Robot, Open, Default Office, Hunter Gatherer, Lifelong Friendship Society, SuperFad, Jeff&Paul, and Pantograph. You can view the individual Chrome Shorts on our YouTube channel as well as a quick compilation below.

We're really excited about the imagination and range of their ideas, and we hope you enjoy them.

Experimental Flu Trends for Mexico

(Cross-posted on the Blog)

In November 2008, we launched Google Flu Trends after finding a close relationship between how many people search for flu-related topics and how many people actually have flu symptoms. Google Flu Trends may be able to detect influenza outbreaks earlier than other systems because it estimates flu activity in near real time.

In response to recent inquiries from public health officials, we've been attempting to use Google search activity in Mexico to help track human swine flu levels. Experimental Flu Trends for Mexico is, as you might have guessed, very experimental. But the system has detected increases in flu-related searches in Mexico City (Distrito Federal) and a few other Mexican states in recent days, beginning early in the week of April 19-25.

In the United States, we were able to validate our estimates using data from a surveillance system managed by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). We have not verified our data for Mexico in the same manner, but we've seen that Google users in Mexico (and around the world) also search for many flu-related topics when they have flu-like symptoms. Given the tremendous recent attention to swine flu, our model tries to filter out search queries that are more likely associated with topical searches rather than searches by those who may be experiencing symptoms.

While we would prefer to validate this data and improve its accuracy, we decided to release an early version today so that it might help public health officials and concerned individuals get an up-to-date picture of the ongoing swine flu outbreak. As with our existing Flu Trends system, estimates are provided across many of Mexico's states and updated every day. Our current estimates of flu activity in the U.S. are still generally low as would be expected given the relatively low confirmed swine flu case count. However, we'll be keeping an eye on the data to look for any spike in activity.

We're keenly aware of the trust our users place in us and our responsibility to protect their privacy. Experimental Flu Trends for Mexico -- like Google Flu Trends -- cannot be used to identify individual users. The patterns we observe are only meaningful across large populations of Google searchers. We hope that this experimental release provides useful information.

For updates on swine flu and information on how to stay healthy during a disease outbreak, visit the CDC's swine flu site.

Siswa Selesaikan Soal Matematika dalam 45 menit Tanpa Coretan ?

Dugaan Kebocoran jawaban Ujian Nasional(UN) di Bandung makin menguat, setelah Tim Pemantau Independent UN menemukan adanya siswa yang cepat dalam mengerjakan soal matematika hari ini, Rabu (29/4/2009).

Para siswa bisa mengerjakan soal selama 45 menit tanpa coretan hitungan sedikit pun.

Pernyataan tersebut dikatakan oleh Ketua Tim Pemantau Independent UN Yayat Ahdiyat. Menurutnya, beberapa siswa yang mengikuti ujian hari ini, mengisi lembar jawaban dengan cepat. Dari dua jam waktu yang disediakan, siswa hanya membutuhkan waktu 45 menit untuk menyelesaikannya.

"Anehnya lagi mereka mengisi jawaban tanpa perhitungan di kertas buram yang disediakan panitia," kata Yayat dan menambahkan jika kejadian serupa sempat pula terjadi di hari kedua penyelenggaraan UN, Selasa (28/4/2009). Hari ini, mata pelajaran yang diujikan adalah Matematika.

"Kalau kemarin mereka mengerjakan 30 menit saja untuk soal Bahasa Inggris," kata Yayat.

Yayat meminta kepolisian untuk menelusuri dan menindak tegas pelaku yang membocorkan lembar jawaban kepada para siswa. "Polisi harus tindak tegas, karena ini terkait rahasia negara, dan kita hanya sebatas melaporkan hasil temuan di lapangan," ujar Yayat.

Yayat pun menegaskan jika hasil temuan terbukti adanya kecurangan, maka siswa yang bersangkutan akan terancam gagal dalam mengikuti UN sekarang. "Sudah konsekuensinya dari siswa yang bersangkutan kalau terbukti melakukan kecurangan," tegas Yayat.

Live stream on YouTube: the President's First 100 Days News Conference

(Cross-posted from the YouTube Blog)

The first three months of the Obama Administration have brought the new American President unprecedented challenges. Back in November, when he was elected, everyone knew the economy and the Middle East would be critical issues for Obama to attack early on. But like every president before him, he's had to deal with the unexpected as well: who could have predicted pirates off the Somali Coast or swine flu?

As citizens and pundits from all political perspectives analyze the President's first 100 days in office today, Obama himself will address the nation tonight on the 100-day anniversary of his inauguration -- and we're going to carry a live stream of the conference from the White House YouTube channel. Be sure to tune in at 8pm EDT to watch it live.

We're also featuring commentary and analysis from top news organizations on our homepage today. Hear Karl Rove grade the President on Fox News. Get a re-cap from Al-Jazeera on what Obama has accomplished in his opening act. Watch the Washington Post talk with Americans in DC about their early impressions of the new President.

You can join in the conversation by making a video: How is the Obama Administration doing, and what advice would you give the President moving forward? Upload your thoughts to YouTube and add them as a video response to this Citizentube video, and we'll feature some of them on our News page tomorrow.

Finally, don't forget to come to at 8pm EDT to watch President Obama address the nation.

Featured: Cosmopolitan Magazine

Surpriiiiiiiiise....I've been featured in Cosmopolitan magazine, May 2009 edition...hahah :D

Click on the images for a larger view

It's funny to see myself looking (a bit more) mature here hehehe....many thanks to Lily for interviewing me and making my day! :)

Adding search power to public data

Earthquakes are not the only thing that can shake Silicon Valley. After the dot-com bubble burst back in 2000 the unemployment rate of Santa Clara county went up to 9.1%. During the last couple of months, it has gone up again:

We just launched a new search feature that makes it easy to find and compare public data. So for example, when comparing Santa Clara county data to the national unemployment rate, it becomes clear not only that Santa Clara's peak during 2002-2003 was really dramatic, but also that the recent increase is a bit more drastic than the national rate:

If you go to and type in [unemployment rate] or [population] followed by a U.S. state or county, you will see the most recent estimates:

Once you click the link, you'll go to an interactive chart that lets you add and remove data for different geographical areas.

Here's a video showing how it works:

The data we're including in this first launch represents just a small fraction of all the interesting public data available on the web. There are statistics for prices of cookies, CO2 emissions, asthma frequency, high school graduation rates, bakers' salaries, number of wildfires, and the list goes on. Reliable information about these kinds of things exists thanks to the hard work of data collectors gathering countless survey forms, and of careful statisticians estimating meaningful indicators that make hidden patterns of the world visible to the eye. All the data we've used in this first launch are produced and published by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics and the U.S. Census Bureau's Population Division. They did the hard work! We just made the data a bit easier to find and use.

Since Google's acquisition of Trendalyzer two years ago, we have been working on creating a new service that make lots of data instantly available for intuitive, visual exploration. Today's launch is a first step in that direction. We hope people will find this search feature helpful, whether it's used in the classroom, the boardroom or around the kitchen table. We also hope that this will pave the way for public data to take a more central role in informed public conversations.

This is just the beginning. Stay tuned for more.

Business in the cloud

There's a lot of interest in understanding cloud computing these days, so we thought we'd share some thoughts. If you're interested in hearing what we talk about when we talk about the role of cloud computing in business, check out our post on the Google Enterprise Blog.

Cerita Drama Penculikan Manohara Pinot Versi Kerajaan Kelantan !

Ibu model cantik Manohara Odelia Pinot (Mano) menuduh putra Raja Kelantan, Tengku Muhammad Fahkry, menculik putrinya saat berada di bandara di Jeddah, Arab Saudi. Namun, pihak istana mengatakan Daisy Fajarina, ibu Mano, cuma salah paham.

"Pemandu di Jeddah tidak tahu. Dia bawa Daisy ke tempat (pesawat) jet juga. Itu yang jadi masalah sedikit. Apabila jet sudah ditutup, tidak boleh dibuka lagi," kata sahabat dekat pasangan Fakhry-Manohara Odelia Pinot (Mano), Moh Soberi Shafii seperti dikutip dari, Selasa (28/4/2009).

"Jadi tertinggalah beliau (Daisy). Itu saja. Itu yang beliau katakan diculik itu," kata dia.

Menurut Soberi, pada saat di bandara Jedaah untuk pulang dari Umroh itu, Daisy memang diminta naik penerbangan lain, bukan jet pribadi yang ditumpangi Fakhry dan istrinya.

"Agen perjalanan lupa bilang kepada sopir mobil. Selepas dari hotel, kita ke jet, dan beliau (Daisy) ke (penerbangan) komersial," kata Soberi menjelaskan peristiwa yang terjadi pada Februari 2009 lalu itu.

Soberi mengaku, dirinya satu jet bersama Fakhry dan Mano pulang ke Kelantan. Di dalam pesawat itu juga ada seorang pengawal pasangan tersebut.

"Di dalam jet, Manohara menenelepon memberitahu ibunya bahwa mau balik ke Kelantan dan ibu (pulang) ke Jakarta," pungkasnya.

Short Note

Just to clear things up...I'm not getting skinnier. I weigh exactly the same as before, not any less. Wearing some clothes just makes me look skinnier, and vice versa. And yes, I am basically 'gifted' with a skinny figure. That's all. Thank you for your concerns though..:)


Pass a Port

Went to the immigration office to renew my passport today... happyyyy!!! :)

Listening to Google Health users

At Google, we believe that consumers should have convenient and secure access to all their health data so that they can be better informed and be more involved in their care. Recently, a data-savvy patient known as e-Patient Dave blogged about data that was imported into his Google Health Account from his hospital in Boston, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center. Once he saw his data in Google Health, he saw diagnoses that were both alarming and wrong. Where did they come from?

It turns out that they came from the billing codes and associated descriptions used by the hospital to bill the patient's insurance company. These descriptions, from the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-9), often do not accurately describe a patient because the right ICD-9 code may not exist. So the doctor or hospital administrator chooses something that is "close enough" for billing purposes. In other cases, the assigned code is precisely what the doctor is trying to rule out, and if the patient turns out not to have that often scary diagnosis, it is still associated with their record. Google Health faithfully displayed the data we received on Dave's behalf. We and Beth Israel knew that this type of administrative data has its limitations but felt that patients would find it a good starting point. Too often, this is wrong.

At Google, we are constantly learning important lessons from our users. Two days after we learned about this issue, I met with Beth Israel CIO John Halamka, the patient's physician Dr. Danny Sands, and e-Patient Dave himself. We agreed on a reasonable plan: Beth Israel will stop sending ICD-9 billing codes and will instead only send to Google Health the free text descriptions entered by doctors. Beth Israel is also working with the National Library of Medicine (NLM) to associate those free text descriptions with a more clinically useful coding system called SNOMED-CT, so that we can offer patients useful services like automatic drug interaction checking. The result will be more accurate and useful information in patients' Google Health profiles.

This week, all four of us were also at a conference called Health 2.0 in Boston. Dave's story, and the lessons we all learned, were the focus of much discussion. We are grateful to Dave for his openness and passion for making things right. We're also glad this happened because we and many others now better understand the limitations of certain types of health data and we are working with partners to improve the quality of the data before it gets to Google Health and our users. We look forward to sharing what we learn with the broader community. We also learned that the patient community is surprisingly interested in understanding these data issues. Dave and his doctor Danny Sands collaborated on an informative post about different data vocabularies used in different aspects of healthcare. The patient-controlled "data liquidity" that Google Health supports is clearly an important part of the future of health care. We are more committed than ever to putting consumers in charge of their own health information.

Coming soon to YouTube: Besson's and Bertrand's environmental film project

Today we're pleased to share an exciting new project that taps into the power of YouTube and Google Maps to spread the word about the state of our planet. Luc Besson's and Yann-Arthus Betrand's 90 minute full-length film "Home" will exclusively be available online on YouTube for English, French, Spanish and German–speaking countries beginning June 5 — just in time for the 37th World Environment Day.

Through stunning displays of aerial camerawork, the film will give people from all corners of the world a glimpse of our planet like never before and visually demonstrate the urgency for preservation efforts. In addition to its Internet premiere, "Home" will be shown in movie theaters and outdoors on big screens at key locations around the globe. It will also air on TV stations around the world. Using this unique distribution model, one with a massive online and offline effort, the film creators are able to reach the widest audience possible. So whether you'd prefer to head to the theaters, watch it under the stars, or just stay put on the couch — the way you view "Home" is up to you.

And starting today, YouTube channels in English, French, Spanish and German will feature behind-the-scenes looks from the making of the film, as well as interviews, and extras. To add even more dimension, Google Maps is featuring specially created layers that shed more light on some of the material covered in the movie. You can also use Maps to find a theater location near you.

To get a preview of what you can expect on June 5, check out some of the spectacular footage in the Home YouTube channel, like the video below of the Arctic world and its wild terrain that's essential to preserve. Or this one of Los Angeles exclusively seen from the sky, giving us a new perspective of the cityscape at night. And please respond and react to the film via video responses, comments, and ratings and share links via email with your friends.

Heels Kill

My Steve Madden shoes finally arrived...the moment I tried them on, I literally felt like throwing them away...there's just something wrong with the sole pattern that makes it very uncomfortable for the feet especially when walking in them. It's nice to see though. Grrrr.

PS top worn as dress, unbranded silk cardigan, Topshop bandage skirt, Forever 21 studded belt, unbranded sheer tights, D-I-Y necklace

So I guess these shoes will only come out on occasions where I'll just sit most of the time...:)

Monday Release

My dreams keep on changing, but I do realize that they tend to grow bigger. I am an optimist, a believer that us humans can achieve almost anything in this world, and make change for a better world. But in order to make real dreams said, I need a companion. A partner who supports me, and hugs me for every failure and success I attain. I am tired of fighting alone, mapping out my bright future which day by day seems more surreal than real. When all my visions alter every certain day, one remains the same. I want to be with near him.


It's like punching the sands of the beach. You have this huge rage inside, but no matter how hard you punch, it doesn't hurt. And that hurts even more.

Anyway, yesterday's purchase:

Miss Selfridge dress...
vintage sunglasses, unbranded socks and gladiator sandals

(X)SML skirt...
Zara tights, unbranded t-shirt and gloves, Bruno Magli shoes

Honestly, I haven't been in a very good shape lately, physically and emotionally. I need a break from all my everyday scene, really.

The Structural Way

5 Tips Anda Biar Tak Mudah Capek atau Lelah !

Sekitar 2,2 juta warga Amerika mengeluhkan kondisi tubuhnya yang cepat capai atau lelah. Sebagian orang menilai hal itu diakibatkan kerja ekstra. Tetapi, sebenarnya hal itu dilatarbelakangi kebiasaan seseorang sehari-hari.

Berikut lima tips yang dikutip VIVAnews dari WebMD, Sabtu 25 April 2009 agar kondisi tubuh Anda tidak mudah capai atau lelah.

1. Lapar atau tidak, sarapanlah.
Tidak semua orang terbiasa menyantap sarapan setiap paginya. Mungkin Anda yang merasa mudah lelah merupakan salah satu yang tak terbiasa sarapan. Sebuah studi oleh periset Cardiff University memaparkan bahwa orang-orang yang menyantap sarapan pagi merasa lebih baik secara mental maupun fisik dibandingkan mereka yang tidak sarapan.

2. Makan setiap 3-4 jam.

Mengonsumsi sepotong daging dan dua makanan ringan sudah cukup untuk menjaga kadar gula darah dan level energi di dalam tubuh tetap stabil sepanjang hari.

"Sepotong daging kecil yang Anda konsumsi mengandung campuran karbohidrat yang dipakai tubuh untuk energi, protein yang menjadi cadangan energi bila dibutuhkan, dan zat-zat sehat seperti yang terkandung di dalam ikan, kacang, dan zaitun," kata Roberta Anding, jurubicara American Dietetic Association (ADA).

3. Seringlah minum air putih.
Air dapat meningkatkan kadar darah merah dan cairan di dalam tubuh. Kekurangan air menyebabkan darah manusia menjadi kental. Akibatnya, jantung bekerja ekstra untuk mendistribusikan darah ke organ penting dan seluruh bagian tubuh manusia.

Untuk mengetahui apakah Anda sedang kekurangan air atau dehidrasi, Anda bisa memantaunya melalui warna urin. Air yang bening mengindikasikan Anda mempunyai kadar air yang cukup atau tidak dehidrasi. Sementara warna kuning menandakan Anda dehidrasi.

"Alangkah lebih baik lagi bila air putih diselingi dengan yogurt, brokoli, wortel, dan jus buah-buahan seperti jeruk, melon, atau anggur," kata Nancy Clark, penulis buku 'Nancy Clark's Sports Nutrition Guidebook'.

4. Konsumsi serat lebih banyak setiap hari.
Serat diperlukan tubuh manusia untuk memperlancar peredaran darah dan menjaga kadar energi. Bila Anda mengonsumsi sepotong daging kecil, rata-rata kadar serat mencapai 25 sampai 30 gram.

Ada beberapa pilihan makanan berserat yang disarankan Roberta Anding untuk dikonsumsi setiap hari, yakni semangkuk raisin (kadar serat 5 gram), buncis hitam (7,5 gr per mangkuk), tortilla (5 gr), popcorn (3,6 gr per tiga mangkuk), buah apel beserta kulitnya (3,3 gr), dan spaghetti (6,3 gr).

5. Isi otak dengan Omega-3.
Anda bisa memperolehnya dari ikan-ikan besar, seperti tuna atau salmon, kenari, dan minyak canola (canola oil). Esensi Omega-3 pada sejumlah makanan tersebut berperan penting dalam menjaga sel otak agar tetap sehat dan membuat mental Anda siaga.

From Morning to Morning

Just reached gonna sleep...adios! :)

(X)SML dress, Forever 21 studded belt, Topshop bag, Urban Original gladiator sandals

Engineering a healthier diet

Back in 2007, the cafes at our Mountain View campus started color-coding menu items according to healthfulness. The healthiest items are colored green ("go ahead, pile it on!"), foods you should portion-control are yellow, and foods you should eat sparingly -- in the words of my favorite recently reformed blue monster, "sometimes foods" -- are red.

While the whole point of the color-coding was to encourage healthy eating, and Google certainly makes it very easy for one to do that, I quickly realized that all of my favorite food items were colored red on the menus. Since all of the cafe menus are posted to separate pages of our intranet, it took too long to look through them to find the one or two items that would hook me into eating at a particular cafe for the day. So I decided to write a script that scans all the pages and creates a single unified menu of just the "heart-stoppingly good" food in all of the Mountain View cafes. (The nutritionist at Google at the time called them "least healthy" rather than "heart-stoppingly good.")

It took only a few minutes to write the script for the menus as they existed on the first day I ran it, but there were complications as each following day's menus started rolling in. Not all the chefs were using the same programs to create HTML menus, so the colors were all marked up differently in each. Every morning, I found I needed to add special cases to handle the various HTML variations to the original awk script that I'd started with. Every chef had a different idea of which color should be used for red items, green items and yellow items (the favored color for "yellow" text on white background is actually orange), so I ended up having to write a formula to perceptually classify the colors (by hue angle). Plus, I started to learn how hard things must be for someone who is blind or colorblind when reading web pages. To solve that problem, I had the program generate well-structured HTML with CSS classes applied to each menu item to handle things in a consistent way that was easy to filter by XPath.

After I finished the script, I sent a link to the new web page to an internal food discussion mailing list, and soon enough I was receiving fan mail. What I'd intended to be a tool for my own personal use proved so popular that, early this year, the chefs at Google asked if I could expand the tool to include support for historical statistics. They wanted to keep track of which cafes had the greenest menus over time. The result is a tool that tracks the healthiness of all menu items at Google cafes around the world. You can see every color menu item in a single menu and toggle colors on and off as desired, depending on how you want to browse the menus. So I can look only at red items if I'm in the mood for pepperoni pizza or roasted garlic mashed potatoes. And if I want leafy greens, I can limit the menu to show only the healthiest dishes. It has other uses, too: a cafe in Switzerland, for example, could use the stats page (filled with graphs generated using the Google Chart API) to compete with a cafe in Mountain View for the title of "healthiest cafe." In fact, all the Google cafes worldwide are now in a heated competition now for this very title.

If you suspect I've gone "green," and if my mom is reading this: I have. I'm eating healthier, I've had my cholesterol checked, and I walk at least three miles every day. For everyone else, don't worry -- after I produced the healthiest cafe statistics page, I also made another set of graphs that ranks by red items. If you see me eating red items at Google, please don't tell my mom.

Project Spectrum: recognizing the talents of children with autism

A couple of years ago, the Google SketchUp team began hearing from a new group of users -- people on the autism spectrum. After consulting with some experts, we learned the connection between autism and SketchUp isn't particularly surprising. Many people on the autism spectrum have visual and spatial strengths, and 3D design software plays to them. With this in mind, we started a program called Project Spectrum.

As part of Autism Awareness Month in April, we've launched a new webpage showcasing some great SketchUp artists (Rachel, Jeremy, JP and others). We've also created a Getting Started with Google SketchUp video for anyone who wants to learn the basic tools to start modeling. More of the Project Spectrum models can be seen in the Google 3D Warehouse collection. Watch the video below to hear the story behind Project Spectrum and meet some of the kids involved:

Googlers around the world are working with the autism community to introduce kids, teachers, parents and adults to SketchUp, and we've been inspired by the results. We hope you take the time to look at Project Spectrum and share it with others in your community. For more detail, check out the Google SketchUp blog.

Try out new features in Google Toolbar Labs

One of the best things about working on the Google Toolbar team is that when someone says "Wouldn't it be great if Toolbar could...," our answer is usually "Yes! Let's build it!" And then it's just a question of when. To test these ideas more easily, today we're introducing Google Toolbar Labs. Just as Google Labs and Gmail Labs are playgrounds for new ideas, Toolbar Labs was built to get ideas out there quickly to see how you like them.

And now we're ready to roll out our first two Labs versions of Toolbar. Drum roll, please...

Google Toolbar with My Location

Back in September, the Mobile team launched Mobile Search with My Location. Looking at this, we wanted to figure our how we could bring the same convenience of typing fewer words to computer users. With Toolbar with My Location, both Google Maps and the included Maps gadget automatically center on your current location. Similarly, you can just do a search like [thai food], and you will receive a list of nearby restaurants and more local Google search results. This feature is similar to IP-based local search results announced earlier this month, except Google Toolbar with My Location can determine a more accurate location by using nearby Wi-Fi access points. This is done without associating location information with a user's Google Account. Google Toolbar with My Location is only available in the U.S.

Google Simplified Chinese Toolbar

We recognize that due to differences in local language structures, users who speak other languages may have specific needs for browsing the web. To address this, our team in China developed a slightly different Toolbar concept called the Google Simplified Chinese Toolbar (Google工具栏简体中文版). We updated the user interface to use the space more effectively, and users will be able to translate pages with a single click and manage bookmarks with a new sidebar. This toolbar is only available in Simplified Chinese.

A few things to keep in mind as you check out Toolbar Labs: It's a forum to test out new ideas, so some of these ideas will make it into the standard Toolbar, but others may not. Also, Labs versions are not as well-tested as beta versions, so they may be slightly more unstable. And Toolbar Labs is currently available for Internet Explorer only.

We hope to bring you the next batch soon. Meanwhile, we look forward to hearing your feedback on these two new toolbars!

Bogor, Kota Petir Terbesar di Dunia !

Selama ini kita mengenal kota Bogor dengan sebutan kota hujan, namun siapa sangka kota Bogor selain dijuluki sebagai kota hujan ternyata mendapat julukan baru sebagai kota petir, karena dalam sehari mendapat sambaran petir hingga 322 kali yang normalnya hanya 80 kali, ini tercatat dalam Guinness book of world record.

Indonesia yang terletak pada khatulistiwa mempunyai hari-guruh sangat tinggi dengan aktivitas 100 sampai 200 hari-guruh per tahun. Hal ini menyebabkan karakteristik petir di Indonesia berbeda dengan karakteristik petir di luar negeri yang dijadikan standar oleh Badan Standarisasi dunia pada umumnya. Setiap sambaran dapat membangkitkan sampai dengan 100 juta volt listrik dan arus mengalir sampai dengan 200 ribu ampere, Suhu kanal petir sampai dengan 10.000 derajat celcius, lebih panas dari panas permukaan matahari

Demikian hasil paparan yang di sampaikan oleh DR. Reynaldo Zoro yang sekarang menjabat sebagai Head of Laboratory for High Voltage and High Current Engineering of SEEI – ITB, dihadapan para pejabat TNI AU pada Coffee Morning di Auditorium Mabesau Cilangkap. Jakarta Timur, Rabu(22/4)

Dengan adanya feneomena ini, DR. Reynaldo Zoro mengingatkan kembali betapa pentingnya penangkal petir digunakan dalam sebuah bangunan atau gedung untuk melindungi semua perangkat teknologi yang ada. Karena dalam sambaran petir yang mengenai suatu bangunan atau obyek sambaran dapat merusak hingga radius dua kilometer dari pusat sambaran petir. Sambaran langsung dan tidak langsung petir pada peralatan dan instalasi akan menimbulkan tegangan lebih yang dapat merusak, menuakan atau merubah fungsi

Angkatan Udara sebagai Institusi yang sebagian besar menggunakan Alutsista dengan berbasis teknologi dalam setiap lingkup kerjanya seperti pesawat, Radar, Rudal dan berbagai peralatan komputer lainnya.sangat rentan terhadap efek yang ditimbulkan oleh petir

Hadir dalam kesempatan tersebut Kepala Staf Angkatan Udara Marsekal TNI Subandrio, Wakasau Marsdya TNI Warjoko, para Asisten Kasau, Pati dan Kolonel jajaran TNI AU se-Jakarta.

Wow, Patung Budha Terkecil dari Emas Masuk MURI

Patung buddha terkecil dari emas karya Cipto Purnomo (26), pematung yang tergabung dalam Komunitas Seniman Borobudur Indonesia (KSBI), mendapat sertifikat Museum Rekor Dunia Indonesia (MURI).

Penyerahan sertifikat itu dilakukan Manajer MURI Paulus Pangka kepada Cipto, di halaman Galeri Seni dan Unik Borobudur Indonesia (Gusbi), di Borobudur, Kamis.

Hadir pada kesempatan itu, antara lain, Pimpinan Wihara Mendut Biksu Sri Pannyavaro Mahathera, Pelindung KSBI I Nyoman Ali Mustofa, Kepala Unit Taman Wisata Candi Borobudur Pujo Suwarno, Kepala Balai Konservasi Peninggalan Borobudur Marsis Sutopo, dan Wakil Direktur PT Jamu Jago Griyo Suryono.

Menurut catatan MURI, patung buddha itu tingginya delapan milimeter, panjang lima milimeter, dan lebar empat milimeter. Patung dari bahan emas seberat 1,13 gram itu tercatat dalam urutan ke 3.661 penghargaan MURI.

"Idenya dari Candi Borobudur, teknik pengerjaan dengan ’cukit’, menggunakan jarum yang dibuat menjadi tatah. Butuh waktu satu bulan untuk mengerjakan dengan dana sekitar satu juta rupiah," kata Cipto yang juga pematung di kawasan Pabelan, Kecamatan Mungkid, Kabupaten Magelang, itu.

Patung itu berujud Sang Buddha dengan posisi tangan semadi, seperti halnya patung-patung buddha yang ada di Candi Borobudur.

Patung itu diserahkan Cipto kepada Pimpinan Gusbi Siswantoro Hadi untuk menambah koleksi tempat wisata penyokong Candi Borobudur yang terletak di kaki Bukit Dagi, sekitar 100 meter sebelah barat Candi Borobudur.

Penyerahan penghargaan juga ditandai dengan prosesi pengusungan karya itu oleh belasan seniman KSBI dari pelataran Zona I Candi Borobudur menuju halaman Gusbi.

Para seniman dengan lumuran tanah liat di tubuhnya melakukan prosesi yang terkesan takzim. Empat seniman lainnya yang mengenakan pakaian adat Jawa motif lurik dengan ikat kepala, "iket", menabuh gong, kendang, jimbe, dan meniup seruling mengiringi prosesi.

Mereka membawa dupa mengiringi langkah Cipto, yang mengenakan selempang kain warna putih dengan kepala bermahkota rangkaian daun.

Patung buddha terkecil dari emas itu dilekatkan di atas batuan berundak mirip dasar candi yang ditutup dengan kaca berbentuk stupa. Patung itu diusung dengan tandu ukuran kecil oleh dua seniman.

Setelah patung itu diletakkan di atas meja panggung utama, selama beberapa kali terlihat Biksu Pannyavaro dan Nyoman Ali Mustofa, yang juga pematung besar di kawasan Borobudur itu, bergantian menyimak patung itu secara rinci dengan menggunakan lensa pembesar.

"Hari ini Cipto membuat karya besar, tetapi harapannya tentu akan lahir karya-karya besar lainnya pada masa mendatang dari seniman Indonesia. Karya ini memberikan spirit untuk melahirkan karya-karya besar lainnya," kata Nyoman Ali.

Pannyavaro juga menyatakan penghargaannya terhadap karya patung tersebut.

Karya itu, katanya, bukti nyata bahwa generasi muda masih tergugah untuk melestarikan dan mengembangkan budaya luhur bangsa. "Saya ikut memberikan penghargaan," kata tokoh spiritual bagi umat buddha itu.

Menurut Paulus, MURI pernah memberikan penghargaan untuk patung buddha yang terbuat dari bahan korek api, batu candi, dan fiber.

"Kini Cipto telah menciptakan rekor baru," katanya.

Congratulations to NSF CLuE Grant awardees

(Cross-posted from the Google Research Blog)

The first goal of the Academic Cluster Computing Initiative was to familiarize the academic community with the methods necessary to run very large datasets on massive distributed computer networks. By expanding that program to include research grants through the National Science Foundation's Cluster Exploratory (CLuE) program, we're also hoping to enable new and better approaches to data-intensive research across a range of disciplines.

Now that the NSF has announced the 2009 CLuE grants in addition to some previous Small Grant for Exploratory Research (SGER) grants, we're excited to congratulate the recipient researchers and wish them the best as they bring new projects online and continue to run existing SGER projects on the Google/IBM cluster.

The NSF selected projects based on their potential to advance computer science as well as to benefit society as a whole, and researchers at 14 institutions are tackling ambitious problems in everything from computer science to bioinformatics. The institutions receiving CLuE grants are Purdue, UC Santa Barbara, University of Washington, University of Massachussetts-Amherst, UC San Diego, University of Virginia, Yale, MIT, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Carnegie-Mellon, University of Maryland- College Park, University of Utah and UC Irvine. Florida International University, Carnegie-Mellon and University of Maryland will continue other projects with exiting SGER grants. These grantees will run their projects on a Google/IBM-provided cluster running an open source implementation of Google's MapReduce and File System.

We're excited to help foster new approaches to difficult, data-intensive problems across a range of fields, and we can't wait to see more students and researchers come up with creative applications for massive, highly distributed computing.

Smarter shopping on smartphones

This weekend my wife and I went shopping for a birthday present for our 5-year-old nephew, and as usual we were looking for a gift at the last minute. We found ourselves in the toy aisle of a local store, unsure what to buy or how much these toys should cost. It could have been a stressful experience, but luckily I was able to reach into my pocket and use Google Product Search on my G1 to quickly see that the price of a building set was reasonable and that the reviews for a DVD were generally positive.

I'm happy to announce that as of today, when you type a product query on in your iPhone or Android browser, you'll get Google Product Search results nicely formatted for your phone. You can see online ratings, reviews, prices, and product details if you're out and about, or just do some mobile web surfing from your couch. Whether you're trying to decide between two digital cameras while you're in a store or checking out prices for a new product that you've just seen on TV, we hope Google Product Search for mobile helps you to make better-informed shopping choices.

Below, you can see Rob, one of our engineers, go on a shopping adventure at our Mountain View headquarters.


Visit the Google Mobile Blog or Help Center to learn more. Or try it out by going to on your Android or iPhone device, type in a shopping query and then select the 'Shopping results' link. (Note that the experience is enabled for U.S. and U.K. users only.)

Happy Earth Day, Earthlings

Googlers around the world are celebrating Earth Day today by participating in events from green-themed film screenings in Singapore and Hyderabad, to a local food event in Kirkland, WA and Bike to Work Day in London. At our Mountain View campus, we're holding an environmental fair and hosting talks all week long as part of our Green@Google speaker series.

We're also giving employees in most of our offices around the world next-generation, super-efficient LED light bulbs to encourage energy efficiency. (LEDs use up to 90% less energy than incandescent bulbs and 50% less energy than a CFL.) In the average U.S. home, lighting accounts for about 20% of the electricity bill. If every Googler changes out one incandescent light bulb for one of these LEDs, the combined impact would be the equivalent of taking over 4,000 cars off the road for one year!

Of course, installing efficient light bulbs is just one way to cut down on energy consumption and costs. Just in time for Earth Day, the Climate Savers Computing Initiative's Power Down for the Planet pledge campaign aimed at colleges and universities wrapped up last week. More than 17,000 students took the pledge to support more efficient computing. The University of Maine at Farmington won the challenge, beating out 18 other schools with more than 24% of their campus community taking the pledge. You too can help save energy by enabling power management on your computer and buying more efficient computers.

As you take a moment today to think about how you can make our lovely patch of blue and green a little more healthy, we encourage you to explore a special gallery of Google Earth layers we compiled to inspire awareness and appreciation for the Earth's environment. With the power of Google Earth, we have the ability to visualize geo-spatial information and help us better understand the true impact humankind has on the planet. For example, you can visualize the changes in glaciers over the years, rising sea levels and climatic change and rising temperature from the feature KMLs in our Gallery.

Like others have said before us, we like to think that every day is Earth Day. But on this 39th anniversary of the official Earth Day, we're showing Mother Earth a little extra love and care, and hope that you'll be doing the same.

Skirt Remedy

Surprises come when you least expect them. Look what Galuh from Garage Store sent me! Yay!!!

The layering of floral cotton and tulle is just beautiful! Thank you soooooo much, Galuh. It's perfect...:)

Topman t-shirt, Dorothy Perkins flower brooch, unbranded belt as scarf, Belle shoes

Forever 21 lace dress, vintage floral scarf , Raiment Shop necklace, Charles & Keith shoes

Check out her store here! :)

Fenomena TKW Suka Mabuk-Mabukan di Hongkong

Inilah fenomena TKW di Hongkong ? sungguh memprihatinkan yahhhhh !

Sungguh Ironi Menjabat Urusan Trafficking, Belum Paham Tentang Trafficking ?

SEBENARNYA di Provinsi Sulut sudah ada Badan Perlindungan Perempuan dan Anak (BPPA) yang perannya sangat strategis untuk memberantas trafficking. Tapi, rasanya sulit berharap kepada badan tersebut. Mengapa?

Pertama, masalahnya terletak pada sumber daya di badan tersebut. Ketika Jawa Pos mewawancarai Elvie Wongkaren, Kabid Perlindungan Perempuan BPPA, hasilnya cukup mencengangkan. Boro-boro bicara tentang program, Elvie sendiri mengaku kurang paham apa itu trafficking.

''Ya, saya masih kurang memahami apa itu trafficking. Saya baru saja menjabat di sini,'' kilahnya saat diwawancarai akhir Maret lalu. Untuk itu, Elvie mengaku masih melakukan koordinasi dengan sejumlah pihak dulu. Wawancara dengan Elvie dilakukan Jawa Pos setelah tiga kali usaha wawancara dengan Kepala BPPA Sulut Verra Logor gagal. Kebetulan Verra selalu ada acara di luar kota terus ketika didatangi Jawa Pos.

Selama wawancara itu, jawaban Elvie sangat standar. ''Sekarang ini kami masih melakukan sosialisasi mengenai trafficking ke masyarakat,'' jawab Elvie. Ketika ditanya lebih lanjut, sosialisasi semacam apa yang dilakukan dengan sasaran apa, Elvie mengatakan, pihaknya masih melakukan pendataan. ''Kami masih mendata jumlah korban,'' urainya.

Dia lantas menjelaskan, pada trisemester pertama pihaknya masih melakukan pendataan. Apa yang didata? ''Semuanya, baik permasalahan maupun korban-korbannya,'' tuturnya. Ketika ditanya apa yang akan dilakukan BPPA untuk memberantas trafficking, Elvie mengaku belum tahu. Sebab, dia memang belum tahu terlalu banyak.

Ini cukup ironis. Apalagi, anggaran untuk belanja langsung BPPA setiap tahun Rp 1,2 miliar.

Dari daftar belanja itu, masih banyak belanja yang tak terkait langsung dengan pemberantasan trafficking ataupun pemberdayaan wanita. Misalnya, hampir Rp 350 juta di antaranya habis untuk "membenahi" internal BPPA. Yang paling banyak, Rp 237,7 juta untuk program pelayanan administrasi perkantoran.

Yang langsung berkaitan dengan pemberdayaan perempuan adalah program peningkatan kualitas hidup dan perlindungan perempuan. Untuk program yang satu ini, BPPA menganggarkan Rp 129.862.500. Jumlahnya masih kalah dengan program pelayanan administrasi perkantoran.

Lagi-lagi ini cukup ironis, karena peran BPPA sebenarnya sangat penting untuk memberantas trafficking sejak awal. Salah satu kata kunci paling penting untuk mengurangi angka trafficking adalah "pemberdayaan". ''Sangat penting bagi para perempuan muda Minahasa maupun perempuan yang baru saja menjadi korban trafficking,'' kata Debby Momongan, salah satu aktivis yang berperan penting mengenai lahirnya perda antitrafficking tersebut.

Menurut wanita yang juga pemimpin di Gereja Masehi Injili di Minahasa (GMIM), what's next adalah pertanyaan yang selalu diajukan para perempuan, baik yang akan atau yang sudah menjadi korban trafficking. ''Kasarannya, setelah dipulangkan, terus mau apa? Tentu tak bisa hanya dipulangkan begitu saja, kan,'' kata Debby.

Debby mengatakan, bila tak ada kesempatan, harus ada upaya menguatkan mental para korban trafficking tersebut. Misalnya, pelatihan atau lebih baik jika diberi pekerjaan.

Ini memang beralasan. Sering terjadi di Sulut, dulu adalah korban trafficking, lalu keenakan (karena bisa mendapat uang dengan sangat cepat, Red) dan berbalik menjadi pelaku trafficking. ''Dalam hal ini adalah soal mental,'' tuturnya.

Debby mencontohkan kisah Ana (nama samaran), salah seorang korban trafficking yang pernah dia selamatkan. Pulang ke daerahnya di Minahasa Selatan, Ana sama sekali tak tahu apa yang harus dikerjakan. Dengan usia yang sudah 20 tahun, Ana malu kalau hanya menganggur. Padahal, keinginan mempunyai baju bagus, ponsel keluaran terbaru, dan bergaya masih kuat.

Bisa ditebak, Ana kemudian mencari sendiri sindikat trafficking. Untung saja, sindikat tersebut dibekuk polisi pada 2005. Untuk kali kedua Ana "terselamatkan". Untuk kali kedua ini, Ana bertemu Debby, yang kemudian dengan sangat pelan terus mendorong dirinya untuk "memberdayakan diri sendiri". Kini Ana sudah hidup berkecukupan, membuka salon, dan mempunyai suami dan dua anak.

Porsi-porsi seperti inilah yang harus diambil pemerintah daerah, khususnya BPPA. Namun, mengingat kinerja BPPA sendiri -yang hingga akhir Maret lalu masih mendata, sosialiasi, dan tak tahu apa yang harus dilakukan- tampaknya memberantas trafficking di Sulawesi Utara masih membutuhkan waktu lama.

Search for "me" on Google

It's no secret that from time to time many of us have searched on Google for our name or someone else's. When searching for yourself to see what others would find, results can be varied and aren't always what you want people to see — whether it's someone else with your name, or the finishing time from that 5K you ran back in 2002. We want to make that better and give you more of a voice.

To give you greater control over what people find when they search for your name, we've begun to show Google profile results at the bottom of U.S. name-query search pages. These results offer abbreviated information from user-created Google profiles and a link to the full profiles. We've also added links so it's easy to search for the same name on MySpace, Facebook, Classmates and LinkedIn.

Don't have a Google profile? Just search for [me] and follow the instructions at the top of the page to create one. In just a few minutes, you can create a public profile that represents you and that appears when people search for your name on Google. Check out to learn more.

GSA contest results are in

Back in February we announced a contest to discover how "findable" the Google Search Appliance (GSA) is in offices across the U.S. The GSA gives businesses of all shapes and sizes the power of universal search. In order to discover exactly how the GSA is helping businesses, we asked our customers to submit photos of their shiny yellow box with an explanation of how enterprise search has made their job easier.

The results are in and we have chosen two grand prize winners who will attend an all-expenses paid trip to the Google IO Conference in May. Check out one of the winning photos below from WellStar Health Systems, one of the largest not-for-profit health care systems in the Southeast, based in the Atlanta area. You can read their story and more on the Enterprise Blog.

Keeping "operations" running smoothly

Those Colors To Die For

Oh how I love this vintage color-block blazer...but Indie Cult Vintage selling it for $149 is just waaaay too expensive (for me).

I think I'm gonna have something like this tailor-made instead. Yay.

PS: I don't sound happy, do I? ;p

Tagged by the Ribbon Girl

What is your current obsession?
caesar salad with lots of cheese

What is your weirdest obsession?
my friend told me that being obsessed to salads is weird

What are you wearing today?
black blazer, grey shirt, bib necklace, pink sarong

What’s for dinner today?
would love that caesar salad please

Why is today special?
because it’s Kartini’s Day, the day of emancipation for us Indonesian women

What would you like to learn to do?

What’s the last thing you bought?
acid wash scarf from Cotton Ink

What are you listening to right now?
some guy talking on Honda’s TV commercial

What is your favorite weather?
a cold summer. That happens when I’m in an air-conditioned room, during summer :D

What is your most challenging goal right now?
that's a secret I'll never tell

What do you think about the person who tagged you?
ultra great taste of fashion…and did I say, uber cute too? :)

If you could have a house totally paid for, fully furnished anywhere in the world, where would you like it to be?
somewhere near the beach

What would you like to have in your hands right now?
a knuckle ring and a spoon of caesar salad hahahha

What would you like to get rid of?
some meeting I have to attend. Get rid does not mean skipping it, instead, go through it quickly so I can head home soon hehehe.

Wf you could go anywhere in the world for the next hour, where would you go?
New York or London

Which language do you want to learn?

What do you look for in a friend?

Who do you want to meet in person?
Sharjeel, please?

What’s your favorite type of music?
rock, whatever kind.

What’s the favorite piece of clothing in your own closet?
my black mini skirt. I wear it too often though

What is your dream job?
marketing expert

Any favorite models?

If you had £100 now what would you spend it on?
shoes :D

Favorite designer?
I hate this question.

Fashion pet peeve?
leggings as pants. Yuck.

Do you admire anyone’s style?
I admire lots of people's style! I admire those who have the guts to boldly wear things that people never think of. Too many to mention.

Describe your personal style
Sometimes colorful, sometimes not. Wear skirt and tights very often. I need to go the toilet so I’m typing this in a hurry. sorryyyy

The rules:
1. respond and rework: answer the questions on your blog, replace one question that you dislike with a question of your own invention, add one more question of your own. (disclaimer: i don't do this, because i don't know how to aswer my own question, and can't even think of one right now).
2. tag eight other people.

I pass this on to:
1. Bebelicious
2. Dreamecho
3. Lala the Art Geek
4. The creme de la crop
5. Fashion Maverick
6. I Need More Drama
7. Nice and Shiny
8. That's Chic

Hard at play in Google Labs with Similar Images and Google News Timeline

At Google, we are constantly researching, designing, and brainstorming about the next big idea, and when we think we've found something compelling, we often use our "20-percent time" to build a working version. Back in 2002, we created Google Labs to give these budding experiments a home where users could try them and share their thoughts with us. Some of our most popular products began this way, including Google Maps, iGoogle, and Google News.

In keeping with our long-standing tradition of bringing new ideas to our users early in the development process, we're proud to welcome two new innovations to Google Labs: Similar Images and Google News Timeline.

Similar Images

Image Search is a tool you can use to find just about any kind of image, but it can sometimes be difficult to find the right image if you can't describe it in words. The new Similar Images feature was developed with just this in mind. Using it you can now find images that look like an existing result simply by clicking on a link. Using visual similarity, you don't have to refine the text of your search, instead, you can just click on the link of an image you like. For example, if you search for [jaguar], you can use the "Similar images" link to quickly narrow your search.

Image Search results will vary for the query [jaguar]:

With one click, we can help you find more pictures of the [cat]:

Or more pictures of the brand of [car]:

You might try exploring the pyramids of Egypt or discovering the Forbidden City. Or you might go shopping for an elegant evening gown or that perfect pair of shoes. So if you see an image you like, but you're stumped on how to describe it, just click the "Similar images" link to see more like it.

Interested in learning more? Check out this video tour.

Google News Timeline

Google News Timeline organizes information chronologically by presenting results from Google News and other data sources on a zoomable, graphical timeline. You can navigate through time by dragging the timeline, setting the time scale to days, weeks, months, years, or decades, or just including a time period in your query (i.e., "1977"). To see this in action, check out the results viewed by month in the summer of 2006.

Google News Timeline can present results from lots of different sources, including both recent and archival news, scanned newspapers and magazines, blog posts, and sports scores and media like music and movies. You can view multiple sources simultaneously, allowing each source to lend context to the others. Try out some of our favorite queries like [jack nicholson movies], [barack obama quotes], and [baseball news photos]. To read more, check out our post on the Google News Blog.

Google Labs reloaded

These are just two examples of Google's innovation at play, with plenty more to come. In order to keep up with our engineers, we decided it was time to remodel Google Labs to make room for more — you guessed it — innovation! We started with the foundation: we rebuilt the service from scratch using Google App Engine, and we moved it to a new home at We also redesigned the website to make it easy and fun to discover new experiments as they arrive and to follow them as they evolve. We even added an RSS feed and an iGoogle gadget to make it easier to stay up to date.

When you visit the site, you can also hear from the innovators themselves and share your thoughts, helping us shape your favorite experiments into future Google products. So come early and come often and bring your adventurous spirit — after all, we're building these experimental products and features for you!

Featured: Media Indonesia

Masya Allah....I'm left speechless. I've been featured in today's Media Indonesia!! Yay!!!!

Oh yes girls and boys, Hot Chocolate and Mint has made it to the newspapers hehehhe...thank you sooooo's really, really an honor...:)

Many thanks to all of you too! I never thought my blog would ever go this far... really...:')

To read the newspaper online, click here

Lastly, my gratitude to Farah Mauludynna for the opportunity... <3