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USB Safely Remove

Download USB Safely Remove Terbaru 2015 - Selamat siang sob kali ini admin Download Games dan Software akan membagikan sebuah Software yang sangat berguna bagi sobat semua. software ini menjaga agar Flashdisc atau USB dan semacamnya gak gampang rusak karena adal cabut, nama Software ini adalah USB Safely Remove.

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Mematikan 15 Lilin Sekaligus Dengan Teknik Hadouken

Motivation - Kali ini saya akan membagikan hal yang menarik lagi buat anda. Apakah itu? Yang berikut anda akan mempelajari teknik hadouken, sebagai salah satu contohnya, menggunakan teknik ini dapat mematikan 15 Lilin sekaligus. tak percaya? silahkan disimak artikel berikut.

Salah Seorang Pria China Ini sebagai salah satu contohnya yang berhasil mematikan barisan Lilin (ada 15 lilin) secara Berurutan dari lilin pertama sampai lilin ke-15 menggunakan Tehnik yang dinamakan Dinamakan Hadouken. Secara harfiah Gerakan Ini Berarti 'Gelombang Gerak Tinju'. Selama ini membaca atau memahami aliran tenaga dalam dari buku,film atau Video game.sekarang saatnya sahabat membuktikan bahwa tenaga dalam itu memang bisa dikeluarkan.


Tahukah Anda Bahwa Tenaga Dalam Itu Benar-Benar Ada?

Dikutip dari, Tenaga dalam dianggap suatu tenaga manusia yang mempunyai kekuatan luar biasa. Tenaga dalam dibedakan dari tenaga luar manusia (yang biasanya disebut secara ringkas sebagai "tenaga" saja) yang berbentuk tenaga fisik seperti kekuatan otot tangan mengangkat barang.

Pada dasarnya setiap orang memiliki apa yang disebut dengan tenaga dalam, hanya saja mereka tidak mengetahui bagaimana cara membangkitkan atau mengembangkannya. Tenaga dalam itu itu sudah ada sejak manusia dilahirkan. Tetapi tenaga itu masih pasif dan sewaktu-waktu akan bangkit bila orang tersebut dalam keadaan panik, tidur berjalan, terhipnotis atau ketakutan yang luar biasa.

Contoh : Seseorang yang takut kepada anjing akan memiliki kemampuan yang luar biasa dalam berlari menghindari kejaran anjing yang berlari cepat. Bila terdesak, orang tersebut dapat melompati tembok setinggi 2 m dengan sekali lompat. Rasa takut yang berlebihan tersebut dapat membangkitkan tenaga dalamnya yang sedang 'tidur'. Secara otomatis tenaga dalam tersebut bangkit dan tersalur pada kedua kakinya yang sedang dipergunakan untuk berlari, tetapi setelah berhasil menyelamatkan diri kekuatan itu reda dan energi itu 'tidur' kembali. Kemudian orang itu baru menyadari bahwa dirinya telah melakukan sesuatu yang luar biasa.

Bagaimana Cara Mengaktifkan Tenaga Dalam?

Mengaktifkan Tenaga Dalam secara sadar, dapat dilakukan dengan metode pelatihan pernafasan. Dengan beberapa teknik pernapasan diantaranya: pernapasan perut, pernapasan dada, pernapasan pundak maupun gabungan. Olah raga ini diajarkan oleh kelompok senam pernafasan dan kelompok olah raga beladiri. Seseorang menekuni tenaga dalam untuk beberapa tujuan, termasuk untuk olahraga, penyembuhan diri, meditasi, relaksasi, dan penunjang olah raga beladiri.


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Dead or Alive 5 PC trì hoãn ngày ra mắt

Dead or Alive 5: Last Round - phiên bản đầu tiên trong dòng game đối kháng nổi tiếng "bổ mắt" có mặt trên PC đáng tiếc đã bị trì hoãn khỏi ngày phát hành dự tính ban đầu 17/2. Cụ thể trò chơi sẽ ra mắt vào 30/3 thông qua Steam, không quá lâu nhưng cũng đủ khiến cho nhiều game thủ Việt không có game chơi trong dịp Tết Nguyên Đán này.
Dead or Alive 5 PC trì hoãn ngày ra mắt
Bên cạnh đó, Tecmo Koei cho biết chế độ multiplayer của trò chơi cũng không có mặt ngay khi game ra mắt mà sẽ được cập nhật sau thông qua bản patch. Hãng game Nhật Bản chưa tiết lộ thời điểm cụ thể nào nhưng có hứa hẹn rằng nó sẽ không quá thời hạn trong vòng 3 tháng kể từ tựa game chính thức phát hành.

Để đền bù cho người chơi vì sự chậm trễ này, Tecmo Koei dự định tặng một số bộ trang phục miễn phí cho người chơi, cụ thể là gói Halloween năm 2013 bao gồm 28 skin. Ngoài đồ họa nâng cấp lên độ phân giải cao, Dead or Alive 5: Last Round còn tích hợp nhiều hiệu ứng tiên tiến để làm màu da nhân vật trở nên thật hơn.
Dead or Alive 5 PC trì hoãn ngày ra mắt
So với phiên bản gốc, Dead or Alive 5: Last Round bổ sung thêm 2 nhân vật mới là Raidou - boss cuối của phiên bản Dead or Alive đầu tiên nay được hồi sinh dưới hình hài của một Cyborg và Honoka - nữ sinh 18 tuổi với ngoại hình trong sáng xếp hàng nhất nhì trong dàn nữ võ sĩ của series. Tổng cộng, Dead or Alive 5: Last Round bao gồm 36 nhân vật tất cả. Theo như các thông tin trên Steam, cấu hình tối thiểu của Dead or Alive 5: Last Round là:
Hệ điều hành: Windows 7 Professional 64bit Service Pack 1.
CPU: Intel Core i5.
RAM: 4 GB.
VGA: Chưa công bố
Hãy ủng hộ blog và động viên Admin bằng cách comment chân thành (đừng Spam nhé ^^).

Zion T & Crush Rilis Teaser Just

Kisah Romance – Kabar datang dari duo selebriti hip hop berbakat, yaitu Zion. T dan Crush, yang pada tanggal 2 Februari 2015 mendatang akan merilis proyek kolaborasi dengan album "Young".

Pada hari ini mereka telah resmi merilis video teaser dari lagu yang berjudul "Just". Pada tanggal 2-8 Maret 2015, mereka juga akan menggelar konser di Blue Square.

Jung Yong Hwa Rilis Video Klip Checkmate Bersama JJ Lin

Kisah Romance – Kabar terbaru datang dari Jung Yong Hwa CNBLUE pasalnya dia telah merilis video klip dari lagu terbarunya. Dalam video klip Checkmate bersama JJ Lin, dia mengenakan setelan jas dan siap untuk pergi bekerja.

Lagu Checkmate merupakan lagu ketiga dari album debut solo Yonghwa "One Fine Day", setelah Mileage dan One Fine Day yang telah dibuat vidklip-nya. Yonghwa dan penyanyi lagu

Sinopsis 'The King's Face' Episode 20 (Bagian 2)

Baca sebelumnya sinopsis 'The King's Face' episode 20 - bagian 1.

Sinopsis 'The King's Face' Episode 20 (Bagian 2)

Kisah Romance – Raja Seonjo mengajak Ga Hee jalan-jalan di sekitar istana. Dia mengungkapkan keinginannya untuk pergi liburan jauh dari istana bersama Ga Hee. Namun, Ga Hee mengatakan bahwa musim dingin belumlah berlalu dan mengajak pergi liburannya ketika musim semi datang

Game BioShock Infinite Full Version

Free Download Game BioShock Infinite Terbaru Full Version - Selamat pagi sob, pada kesempatan kali ini admin Download Games dan Software akan membagikan sebuah games PC terbaru buat kalian. Games ini telah dirilis pada tahun 2013 lalu dan tetap menjadi games terbaik di dunia para gamers hingga sekarang. games yang bergenre RPG, tembakan ini dikembangkan oleh 2KBoston dan 2KAustralia yang

Kim Kyu Jong Jadwalkan Fansmeeting Hari Valentine

Kisah Romance – Kabar datang dari Kim Kyu Jong yang akan menggelar jumpa fans pada Februari mendatang, tepatnya pada Hari Valentine.

Ini sesuai dengan pernyataan dari pihak agensi, 2BM Entertainment, yang mengatakan bahwa tanggal 14 Februari 2015, Kim Kyu Jong akan menggelar acara bertajuk “Romantic Kyu Day”, yang bertempat di Howon Art Hall, Gangnam. Para penggemar dapat membeli tiketnya

Baek Ji Young Rilis Because of Young - OST. Drama Korea 'Hyde, Jekyll, Me'

Kisah Romance – Sang ratu soundtrack, Baek Ji Young, dilaporkan telah merilis lagu balada sentimental baru untuk OST. drama Korea 'Hyde, Jekyll, Me'. Judul lagu yang dirilis adalah Because of You, yang diproduseri Vibe In Play.

Lagu bertempo lembut ini dipersiapkan untuk menambah kesan mendalam adegan emosional cinta antara Hyun Bin dan Han Ji Min.

Sinopsis 'The King's Face' Episode 20 (Bagian 1)

Baca sebelumnya sinopsis 'The King's Face' episode 19 - bagian 2.

Sinopsis 'The King's Face' Episode 20 (Bagian 1)

Kisah Romance – Gwanghee dan Ga Hee menyadari bila ada orang lain yang mengatur pertemuan mereka. Dia mengajak pergi Ga Hee sebelum ada yang melihat, dan mempersilakan Ga Hee pergi lebih dulu. Namun, sebelum Ga Hee pergi, Gwanghee menanyakan kondisi kesehatannya. Ga Hee

Through the Google lens: Search trends January 23-29

Between a spookily resilient cat, and a new bunch of ghostbusters, there was a lot of (paranormal) activity in search this week:

“It’s a great day for a ball game…”
People across the country are gearing up for this weekend’s Super Bowl, starting with the basics: “When is the Super Bowl?” They’re also researching some of the major characters of Sunday’s face-off—namely Seahawks running back Marshawn Lynch and Patriots coach Bill Belichick—and getting the jump on the ads on YouTube (you’ve already watched more than 100 million minutes’ worth!), including a controversial GoDaddy ad. Plus, no game day is complete without the food: top recipes searched this week include [easy chili], [fajitas], [baked chicken wings] and [barbacoa]. Don’t forget to tune in to @Google over the weekend for more trends!

With all the football hubbub, people still found time to search for other sports happenings. Last Friday, baseball fans mourned the death of Ernie Banks, a.k.a. Mr. Cub, a beloved shortstop and Hall of Famer. And that same night, Klay Thompson of the Golden State Warriors scored a record-breaking 37 points in one quarter.

Who you gonna call?
An all-female Ghostbusters, that’s who. Rumors about next year’s reboot of the 80’s classic have been looming over us like the Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man for a while now, but now it’s all but confirmed that the 2016 film will feature Kristen Wiig, Melissa McCarthy, Leslie Jones and Kate McKinnon. Searches for each of the actresses spiked faster than you could say “proton pack,” and Kate McKinnon was the #2 search overall on Tuesday. In other leading-lady casting news, Harry Potter alum Emma Watson announced that she’ll play Belle in Disney’s forthcoming live-action Beauty and the Beast.
Tempest in a teacup
Headed into this week, the weather was on everyone’s mind, at least on the East Coast. Searches for terms like [weather], [blizzard 2015], [juno], [National Weather Service] and [weather NYC] were all hot—or, cold, as the case may be. People were also looking for info on the [mta], [nj transit] and [school closings]. Though the storm in New York amounted to little more than an excuse for a snow day, it dumped up to three feet of snow in parts of New England. Definitely enough to merit all those pre-storm searches!

And moving from the blizzard to the desert, Michelle Obama made headlines when she appeared in Riyadh to mark the death of King Abdullah—without a veil or headscarf. Searches spiked as people tried to find out if the First Lady intended her attire as a political statement. Others noted that she’s certainly not the first to go bareheaded: Hillary Clinton, Angela Merkel, Laura Bush and Condoleezza Rice have, too.

One down, eight to go
File under “stranger than fiction”: [zombie cat] was trending in search this week after a 23-month old kitten in Florida seemingly came back from the dead. After being hit by a car and buried, Bart proved the old “nine lives” adage true when he reappeared in a neighbor’s yard five days later. We’d say that after his trials, Bart deserves a cozy new bed at home, like a Serenity Cat Pod from Skymall, but, well…

Tip of the week
Don’t show up empty-handed on Sunday: say “Ok Google, remind me to pick up guacamole when I’m at Safeway” and the Google app will help you be a good guest.

Through the Google lens: Search trends January 23-29

Between a spookily resilient cat, and a new bunch of ghostbusters, there was a lot of (paranormal) activity in search this week:

�It�s a great day for a ball game��
People across the country are gearing up for this weekend�s Super Bowl, starting with the basics: �When is the Super Bowl?� They�re also researching some of the major characters of Sunday�s face-off�namely Seahawks running back Marshawn Lynch and Patriots coach Bill Belichick�and getting the jump on the ads on YouTube (you�ve already watched more than 100 million minutes� worth!), including a controversial GoDaddy ad. Plus, no game day is complete without the food: top recipes searched this week include [easy chili], [fajitas], [baked chicken wings] and [barbacoa]. Don�t forget to tune in to @Google over the weekend for more trends!

With all the football hubbub, people still found time to search for other sports happenings. Last Friday, baseball fans mourned the death of Ernie Banks, a.k.a. Mr. Cub, a beloved shortstop and Hall of Famer. And that same night, Klay Thompson of the Golden State Warriors scored a record-breaking 37 points in one quarter.

Who you gonna call?
An all-female Ghostbusters, that�s who. Rumors about next year�s reboot of the 80�s classic have been looming over us like the Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man for a while now, but now it�s all but confirmed that the 2016 film will feature Kristen Wiig, Melissa McCarthy, Leslie Jones and Kate McKinnon. Searches for each of the actresses spiked faster than you could say �proton pack,� and Kate McKinnon was the #2 search overall on Tuesday. In other leading-lady casting news, Harry Potter alum Emma Watson announced that she�ll play Belle in Disney�s forthcoming live-action Beauty and the Beast.
Tempest in a teacup
Headed into this week, the weather was on everyone�s mind, at least on the East Coast. Searches for terms like [weather], [blizzard 2015], [juno], [National Weather Service] and [weather NYC] were all hot�or, cold, as the case may be. People were also looking for info on the [mta], [nj transit] and [school closings]. Though the storm in New York amounted to little more than an excuse for a snow day, it dumped up to three feet of snow in parts of New England. Definitely enough to merit all those pre-storm searches!

And moving from the blizzard to the desert, Michelle Obama made headlines when she appeared in Riyadh to mark the death of King Abdullah�without a veil or headscarf. Searches spiked as people tried to find out if the First Lady intended her attire as a political statement. Others noted that she�s certainly not the first to go bareheaded: Hillary Clinton, Angela Merkel, Laura Bush and Condoleezza Rice have, too.

One down, eight to go
File under �stranger than fiction�: [zombie cat] was trending in search this week after a 23-month old kitten in Florida seemingly came back from the dead. After being hit by a car and buried, Bart proved the old �nine lives� adage true when he reappeared in a neighbor�s yard five days later. We�d say that after his trials, Bart deserves a cozy new bed at home, like a Serenity Cat Pod from Skymall, but, well�

Tip of the week
Don�t show up empty-handed on Sunday: say �Ok Google, remind me to pick up guacamole when I�m at Safeway� and the Google app will help you be a good guest.

Security Reward Programs: Year in Review, Year in Preview

Since 2010, our Security Reward Programs have been a cornerstone of our relationship with the security research community. These programs have been successful because of two core beliefs:

  • Security researchers should be rewarded for helping us protect Google's users. 
  • Researchers help us understand how to make Google safer by discovering, disclosing, and helping fix vulnerabilities at a scale that’s difficult to replicate by any other means.

We’re grateful for the terrific work these researchers do to help keep users safe. And so, we wanted to take a look back at 2014 to celebrate their contributions to Google, and in turn, our contributions back to them.

Looking back on 2014

Our Security Reward Programs continue to grow at a rapid clip. We’ve now paid more than $4,000,000 in rewards to security researchers since 2010 across all of our reward programs, and we’re looking forward to more great years to come.

In 2014:
  • We paid researchers more than $1,500,000.
  • Our largest single reward was $150,000. The researcher then joined us for an internship.
  • We rewarded more than 200 different researchers. 
  • We rewarded more than 500 bugs. For Chrome, more than half of all rewarded reports for 2014 were in developer and beta versions. We were able to squash bugs before they could reach our main user population. 
The top three contributors to the VRP program in 2014 during a recent visit to Google Zurich: Adrian (Romania), Tomasz (Poland / UK), Nikolai (Ukraine)
What’s new for 2015

We are announcing two additions to our programs today.

First, researchers' efforts through these programs, combined with our own internal security work, make it increasingly difficult to find bugs. Of course, that's good news, but it can also be discouraging when researchers invest their time and struggle to find issues. With this in mind, today we're rolling out a new, experimental program: Vulnerability Research Grants. These are up-front awards that we will provide to researchers before they ever submit a bug.

Here’s how the program works:
  • We'll publish different types of vulnerabilities, products and services for which we want to support research beyond our normal vulnerability rewards. 
  • We'll award grants immediately before research begins, with no strings attached. Researchers then pursue the research they applied for, as usual.
  • There will be various tiers of grants, with a maximum of $3,133.70 USD.
  • On top of the grant, researchers are still eligible for regular rewards for the bugs they discover. 
To learn more about the current grants, and review your eligibility, have a look at our rules page.

Second, also starting today, all mobile applications officially developed by Google on Google Play and iTunes will now be within the scope of the Vulnerability Reward Program.

We’re looking forward to continuing our close partnership with the security community and rewarding them for their time and efforts in 2015!

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Crossy Road 1.0.2 APK

Crossy Road for Android was recently updated in the Google Play Store with a whole ton of unlockable Australian animals, and we’ve got the APK for you, as always.

If you're one of those who liked flappy bird or angry birds, then you'll love this. Crossy Road is an extremely addicting game with hints of the addictive property that made flappy bird so great. The game gives you a variety of character to unlock and buy, the funny thing about this game is that once you start playing you realize it passes the time so quick.

Crossy Road

An infinite version of the cult arcade classic Frogger, this is a game that grabs you by the brain and stays there. You play a cute little chicken and every few hours you get coins as gifts to use on the slot machine to get new characters. It's always fun to try to get one extra jump or coin. There are different characters you can get and how they affect the game really adds to the fun. You can also watch ads or collect the few that are peppered along the course. You can buy any specific character or just unlock them, there are a few upgrades.

Here's a full breakdown of what's new in Crossy Road update 1.0.2:
The Australian update has arrived!!
16 new characters:
- Australian animals
- 4x ???
Fixed bugs

Well, this game is like Frogger with a lot of cool characters to unlock and as addictive as Flappy Bird but not as frustrating, it is just the right amount of difficulty.

Will you be getting this Crossy Road update? Check out the game in the Play Store and let us know your thoughts on this latest content update. And if you can't get it in the Play Store you can download Crossy Road APK, at the link below.

Requires Android: 2.3+
Download File: 48MB (Crossy Road 1.0.2 APK)

Crossy Road APK

How to Install Movie Box - iOS . iPhone . iPad .iPod Touch

Movie Box - The Best XBMC - KODI Alternative - iOS 8 - iPhone 6 Plus 5S 5 4S iPad iPod Touch

Video Tutorial

Movie Box is a free app available for free in Cydia, which allows you to stream, or download a huge collection of movies and TV shows right onto your iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch!

Check out my other Android and iOS posts, you never know, you may find something of

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Download Koleksi Mp3 Lagu Scorpions Lengkap

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Scorpions are a German rock band formed in 1965. Since the band's inception, their musical style has ranged from hard rock to heavy metal. The band's only constant member is guitarist Rudolf Schenker, although Klaus Meine has been lead singer for all

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Profil Biodata Nama Pemain Gue Juga Islam SCTV

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Download Adobe Flash Player 2015 Offline Installer Free Download | Adobe Flash Player Offline Installer

Hello Friend today i m going to share the Adobe Flash Player offline Installer. Download the latest Flash Player Offline Installer for viewing the Youtube and Other Video playing Sites Videos.So below are the Links to Offline Download the Adobe Flash Player Full Setup.

Adobe Flash Player is a free software for watching multimedia like streaming movie and watching Audio,Videos on sites like YouTube, Metacafe,Dailymotion and is also Helpful in playing online flash games. If you want to Download Youtube Videos or any other Videos then you are require to have Flash Player to Play and Download. Flash Player can be downloaded for free and its plug-in version is available for recent versions of web browsers (such as Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Opera and Safari) on selected platforms. Google Chrome distribution comes bundled with the sandboxed Adobe Flash plug-in and will continue to support the plug-in in Windows 8 Metro mode.

 Flash Player is used internally by the Adobe Integrated Runtime (Adobe AIR), to be able to give a cross-platform runtime atmosphere for desktop programs and mobile programs. Adobe Air flow supports installable programs on Windows, Linux, Mac pc OS, plus some mobile operating systems such as for example iOS and Google android. 

Download Mirrors:
OS: Windows XP,Windows Vista,Windows 7,Windows 8, MAC,Linux,Solaris
Version: (28 January 2015)

Size: 18.2 MB 

Unik! Walaupun Air Namun Tidak Basah

Motivation - Seiring berkembangnya zaman, hal - hal baru pun berhasil diciptakan, salah satunya adalah air satu ini. Walaupun Air, namun jika di tuangkan ke benda-benda semisal Laptop atau alat elektronik lainnya, Benda tersebut tidak basah. Bagaimana? Cairan yang unik bukan?

Cairan ini namanya Novec 1230. Fungsinya untuk memadamkan kebakaran. Karena mempunyai sifat seperti cair yang bisa memadamkan api, tetapi tidak membuat tempat / benda yang diguyur Novec 1230 ini basah.

Novec 1230 adalah pengganti Halon ramah lingkungan untuk digunakan sebagai agen pencegah kebakaran gas. Hal ini umumnya digunakan dalam situasi di mana air dari sprinkler kebakaran akan merusak peralatan mahal atau dimana air berbasis proteksi kebakaran tidak praktis, seperti museum, bank, kamar yang bersih dan rumah sakit. Novec 1230 tidak menguras ozon (ODP 0).

Novec 1230 ini sama sekali tidak mengandung efek samping buruk untuk manusia, bahkan ramah lingkungan. So, kalo tiba - tiba meja kantor kebakaran, tapi diatas meja banyak peralatan elektronik (i.e PC, laptop, hp), tinggal siram saja dengan menggunakan Novec 1230 ini. Dijamin barang - barang elektronik tersebut aman


We Hope You Can Satisfied

Keindahan Gurun Pasir Diantara Gunung Salju

Motivation - Tak ada yang tidak mungkin jika Tuhan sudah berkehendak. Suhu yang begitu ekstrim pun bisa terjadi pada saat bersamaan. sama halnya dengan Pegunungan di Daerah Siberia, yang memiliki suhu dingin, namun uniknya, di dekat gunung ini terdapat gurun pasir dengan warna kuning emas yang melambangkan kekhasannya dan membuktikan bahwa daerah tersebut memiliki suhu yang panas.

Berjarak sekitar 40 km dari Gunung Kodar, kawasan Trans-Baikal, Pegunungan Siberia, Rusia, terdapat pemandangan tidak biasa. Gurun pasir seluas 37 km2 menjadi potret gambaran permukaan bumi yang sangat aneh. Di antara putihnya salju yang menutupi pegunungan sekitar, ternyata masih terdapat sebuah gurun pasir. Gurun Pasir Chara merupakan salah satu daya tarik yang cukup kuat bagi wisatawan internasional, khususnya pecinta travelling.

Banyak para pendaki gunung yang ingin melihat sendiri keanehan alam ini. Bukit pasir setinggi 15-30 meter membentang sepanjang sungai es yang terdapat di dasar pegunungan. Gurun pasir Chara terlihat mirip sekali dengan padang pasir yang ada di Mesir.

Anda bisa coba menjejakkan kaki di sini untuk merasakan sendiri bahwa padang ini benar-benar diisi pasir. Sejauh mata memandang, hanya warna coklat muda khas pasir yang akan terlihat. Sesaat Anda akan merasa sedang berada di Timur Tengah, minus gerombolan unta dan pohon-pohon kaktus.

Gurun pasir Chara ini diduga terbentuk sekitar 50 atau 100 tahun yang lalu, seperti dikutip dari Amusing Planet. Dataran segitiga yang ada di depan Gunung Sakukan terkikis oleh angin dan cuaca. Kikisan tersebut menghasilkan daerah perbukitan kecil dan juga padang pasir.

Gurun ini juga terkadang tertutup salju, terutama saat musim dingin. Namun, salju tersebut tidak pernah bertahan lama di sana. Selesai musim dingin, gurun pasir Chara kembali mempesona dengan menjadi sebuah daerah yang dipenuhi pasir diantara pegunungan salju dan siap memuaskan rasa penasaran para wisatawan Internasional.

We Hope You Can Satisfied

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Cheat Point Blank 30,31 Januari 2015 VIP [UPDATE 3 VERSI SPESIAL + DLL GRATIS]

Cheat Point Blank 30,31 Januari 2015 Gratis



Cheat Point Blank 30 Januari 2015 VIP [UPDATE 3 VERSI SPESIAL+DLL GRATIS]

Cheat Point Blank 30 Januari 2015 Versi PerX injector

Cara Download Cheat Klik Link Download (tanpa iklan)
Download Cheat Versi VIP Injector  : Download [ No Password ]
Download Cheat Versi FULL HACK Injector  : Download [ ]
Download Cheat Versi VIP PerX Injector + DLL : Download [ No Password ]

Jika di PC/Laptop Kalian Cheatnya Tidak Work/Error, Silahkan Download File Pendukung cheatnya

Fitur Cheat Publik : AKTIF

  Fitur Cheat :
      1 . Wallhack
      2 . No Smoke
      3 . No Fog
      4 . Crosshair
      5 . Esp Healt
      6 . Esp Bone
      7 . Esp Line
      8 . Aim Ammo
      9 . Aim Datar
      10.Aim Target
      12.Damage Weapon
      13.Quick Change
      14.Unlimited Ammo
      15.No Recoil
      16.Free Move
      17.Brust Piso
      18.Fast Reload
      19.Hidden Weapon
      20.Bug Datar
      21.Bug Unyu
      22.Wall Bug
      23.AWP Brutal <== New!!
      24.Flood Vote Kick <== New!!
      25.Jump Hack <== New!!
      26.Replace Weapon <== New!!
      27.Pangkat Hack <== New!!
      28.Plant Bomb <== New!! 
      29.Auto Suicide <== New!!
      30.Bullet Killer <== New!!
     Dan masih banyak fitur baru lain nya silahkan di cek sendiri saja fitur nya !!
 Tutorial Penggunaan Cheat Versi injector :
      1 . Buka file .exe nya
      2 . Klik Disini lalu Klik Update dan tunggu sampai finish
      3 . Start Point blank nya

          Happy Cheating ^_^

Tutorial Pengunaan Cheat Versi PerX injector :
  1. Buka PerX
  2. Setting Injector PerX jadi PointBlank.exe
  3. Ubah jadi manually 
  4. Ceklist quit when finished
  5. browse file .dll nya
  6. Buka Launcher PBnya
  7. Klik Start PBnya
  8. Pada saat Hackshield di pojok kanan bawah hilang langsung Tekan Inject pada Injector
Cheat Point Blank Injector

NB :
  • Jangan instal cheat Engine / Proses Hacker karena akan menyebabkan terdeteksi Hackshield oleh Game Point Blank.

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Instagram 6.14.0 APK

Let's close out update this week with Instagram. It's not a very important update, with only a few small bug fixes and some improvements. But hey, an update is an update and we’ve got the APK for you, as always. This update is great it goes faster than the old one and the APK is available below.

Instagram 6.14.0 APK

Instagram for Android lets you take your pictures, add a customized filter, and post it to Instagram’s community or through other social networks like Facebook, Twitter, Foursquare or Tumblr. Through the Instagram app, you can give “likes” and give or receive comments on your pictures.

A good app to be on your phone, spread to the world about your life and let the world know. Great way to connect with your friends, whether they're near or another country.

You can download the latest version of Instagram in the Google Play Store. Instagram has provided a quick change log of the Android update:
- Videos now automatically replay in feed. (This won't affect how much data the app uses).

And if you've been waiting to grab the latest APK file, now is the time to do. Download directly Instagram 6.14.0 APK at the link below and install it on your Android phone or tablet.

What do you think of this newly released update and do you like the changes Instagram has made videos automatically replay in feed?

Requires Android: 2.3.3+
Download File: 7.4MB (Instagram 6.14.0 APK)

Instagram APK

Download Twitter 5.43.3 APK Android Terbaru

Free Download Twitter 5.43.3 APK Android

Title :  Twitter 5.43.3

Size : 14 Mb

Description :

Twitter is a free app that lets you connect with people, express yourself, and discover more about all the things you love.

- Get breaking news. Stay informed with the local and global news that matters to you most, as it happens.

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Download Brave Frontier APK Android

Free Download Brave Frontier APK Android

Title :  Brave Frontier

Size : 47 Mb

Description :

DOWNLOAD FOR FREE the MOST ANTICIPATED classic style role-playing game for the Android! 

Venture forth into Grand Gaia, the world of the gods, and unleash your Summoner powers to save it by defeating the fallen god Maxwell in this immersive and addictive RPG!

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UFC.TV & UFC FIGHT PASS App For Android .2015

Watch UFC Pay-Per-View events and or subscribe to UFC FIGHT PASS for access to UFC Fight Nights", the UFC Fight Library and Replays of past pay-per-view events, TV shows, and original content. Live on your Android phone. Watch Press Conferences and Weigh-ins live and for free. View Fighter profiles of your favorite UFC fighters and get the latest News and TV Schedule. Perfect for the Ultimate

MINGGU DJ FREDY 2015 01 25 @Utuhsuduk

 Download Disini
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Credit Link : @Faqihasary
Cara Download? Klik => HERE

Artist : DJ FREDY
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 Tag : Dj agus , DJ fredy Terbaru Januari 2015

Featured: "Sapa Indonesia" Kompas TV

It's always a scary experience to be live on national TV hahaha..nevertheless, I had much fun sharing about my blog, my business, my book and my home interior tips on "Sapa Indonesia", Kompas TV. And I got to meet Merry Riana! Woohoo!

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Cheat Point Blank 29 30 Januari 2015 Special Try Out

Download < thank: lcoi

Fitur bisa dilihat saat bermain
di karenakan saya fokus beljar sudah kelas 3

Tolong Sebarkan blog ini kemna pun karena saya butuh bantuan kalian
Jika cheat kekurang file atau kurang jamu - click here to page
Apabila anda di banned ID bukan tanggung jawab kami. Gunakan dengan bijak



Kummaviki - Batu Unik Dan Ajaib Dari Finlandia

Motivation - Secara ilmu hukum dan kenyataan, tentu saja sesuatu akan terjatuh apabila tdak letakkan dalam bidang datar, artinya jika alas tersebut berbentuk bulat, makan jika kita akan menaruh sesuatu diatasnya, maka benda tersebut akan terjatuh. Namun beda dengan Batu dari Finlandia ini, entah apa karena bentuknya yang menyerupai batu yang tersusun dua, atau bukan. Batu ini terlihat seperti dapat menahan bebannya dan tak terjatuh, meski beralaskan batu kecil.

Batu Ini memiliki nama Kummakivi dan hanya ada di Finlandia dan dikenal dengan nama "Rock Strange". menurut informasi geologi, batu ini ditemukan di selatan Valtola Savonia Finlandia dan merupakan suatu keajaiban yang luar biasa. Batu ini terletak di tengah hutan, dan dikenal sebagai batu keseimbangan, dan diduga batu ini terbentuk pada akhir zaman es.


Lihat Beberapa gambar batu ini.

We Hope You Can Satisfied

Review Film Rock N Love 2015 Terbaru

Review Film Rock N Love 2015 Terbaru - Jadwal Bioskop Indonesia hari ini tgl 29 Januari 2015 akan tayang film Rock N Love (Film Drama Musical Indonesia) dipersembahlkan Appolo pictures  yang akan membawa cerita tentang drama remaja cinta persahabatan grup band KOTAK. Bagi para fans penggemar kerabat kotak jangan lupa ya untuk nonton nih film di bioskop pokoknya seru abiss, dan rugi kalo gak nonton, buktikan bahwa lo kerabat kotak.

Sinopsis Film Rock N Love :  Perjalanan dan rintangan KOTAK di mulai sejak mereka lolos selleksi dan terpilih ke panggung musik rock Jakarta Distortion Wave. DI level ini mereka mendapati Saingannya,  yaitu The Rebel Youth, yang berusaha menghalangi langkah mereka. Kotak berusaha menghindari konflik yang selalu dipercikkan oleh Rotor (Ganindra Bimo), motor The Rebel Youth.

Masalah kembali muncul, ada anggota Kotak yang punya masalah asmara. Cella patah hati karena hubungan cintanya dengan Nadira Alfie tidak disetujui orangtua Nadira. Tantri mengalami kebuntuan karena komunikasi yang tidak lancar dengan Robin (Vino G Bastian). Sedang Chua merasa terganggu karena Mas Bagus (Dicky Otoy), fans fanatik Kotak, terlalu agresif mendekatinya. Saksikan di bioskop sekarang juga.

InfoRock N Love
GenreDrama, Musical
Rilis29 Januari 2015
Tantri Kotak, Chua Kotak, Cella Kotak, Vino Bastian, Denny Sumargo, Ganindra Bimo, Erwin Moron, DJ Una, Reynold Hamzah, Spencer Jeremiah
Kualitas Gambar
Link DownloadDapatkan informasi link downloadnya segera di Fanspage Facebook berikut ini :

[Informasi Film Indonesia]
Tips dan Tutorial Download film-

Video Trailer :

Update Cheat pointblank free VIP
Download alternatif
Fitur Cheat

- Anti Banned ID Point Blank/ Char 100%
- Wallhack Mode
- Name Wallhack
- Unlimited Ammo All Weapon Reloaded
- Auto Skill mode
- Anti Spawn or No respawn
- Auto Quick Change Mode
- 1hit / Auto headShoot
- Auto Hp 
- Brust
- Aim Bullet
- Ghost
- Fast Reload
- Peluru Tembus
Cara aktifin cheat nya
"Gunakan dengan bijak ya gaaannn
Jika Cheat sudah tidak work silahkan download di post paling terbaru proPekalongan