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Please help me weeks to promote the blogger page to purchase a .com domain please click on the button below to donate to build a mini website thank you for your attention may god bless you. amen

Gila, Restauran Cina Akan Buat Sop dari Binatang Kucing ?

Para aktivis binatang di Shanghai telah menyelamatkan 300 kucing dari seorang pedagang yang membeli kucing-kucing yang diduga curian untuk dijual ke restoran-restoran di China selatan, menurut media negara.

Aktivis-aktivis yang bertindak berdasarkan informasi dari seorang pecinta kucing menemukan 22 kandang bambu penuh kucing di sebuah tempat langsiran kereta api barang. Rencananya, kucing-kucing itu akan dikapalkan ke Provinsi Guangdong, Shanghai Daily melaporkan, Senin (29/6).

Kebanyakan dari kucing-kucing itu telah dipulangkan kepada pemiliknya, tapi tiga kucing ditemukan mati dan beberapa patah kaki, kata laporan tersebut.

"Kucing-kucing itu tersiksa. Mereka melemparkan kandang-kandang itu ke atas sebuah trek, bukannya memuatnya dengan baik. Kucing-kucing yang masih hidup berakhir dalam sup di restoran-restoran," Lai Xiaoyu, seorang aktivis yang terlibat dalam penyelamatan, Jumat malam, mengatakan pada surat kabar tersebut.

Restoran-restoran membayar sekitar 50 yuan (7,31 dollar AS) untuk satu kucing, menurut laporan itu.

Polisi telah menahan penjual kucing itu, Yang Baoguo, setelah ia memerangi puluhan pencinta binatang yang turun ke tempat langsiran kereta api barang untuk merusak kandang-kandangnya, kata surat kabar itu.

Penjual itu dibebaskan setelah beberapa jam tanpa tuduhan karena undang-undang perlindungan binatang tidak ada di China, kata laporan tersebut. "Tidak ada undang-undang di China yang mengatakan kucing tidak dapat dimakan," kata pejabat polisi Ma Yong seperti dikutip mengatakan, "Kucing bukan binatang yang dilindungi."

Yang Baoguo telah berdagang kucing selama satu dasawarsa, membeli binatang tersebut dari para pemburu yang memerangkap kucing di daerah tempat tinggal pada waktu malam, kata laporan tersebut.

Polisi tidak dapat mendakwanya karena kepemilikan properti yang dicuri. Alasannya, tidak seperti anjing, lisensi tidak dibutuhkan untuk kepemilikan kucing di Shanghai, yang membuat kepemilikan tidak mungkin untuk membuktikan, kata laporan tersbut.

Makan daging kucing adalah tradisi di banyak bagian China, terutama di daerah selatan, tempat beberapa restoran khusus mempersiapkan hidangan itu, menurut laporan media China.

Media and citizens meet in the YouTube Reporters' Center

This is the first of a series of posts from YouTube's news and politics blog, Citizentube. -Ed.

YouTube is the biggest video news site on the Internet, and at no time in our site's history was that more apparent than in these last two weeks of the crisis unfolding in Iran. As hundreds of thousands of Iranian citizens took to the streets of Tehran to protest the national elections, the government kicked out foreign journalists, leaving citizens themselves as the only documentarians to the events unfolding there. We've been highlighting many of these videos and keeping track of the latest developments on our YouTube news and politics blog, Citizentube.

Though the circumstances in Iran are unique, this isn't the first time that citizens have played a crucial role in reporting on events around the world. Burmese citizens uploaded exclusive video footage to YouTube during the protests in Myanmar back in 2007; people in China's Sichuan province documented the devastating and historic 7.8-magnitude earthquake of 2008 in real-time; and eyewitnesses to the shooting of young Oscar Grant by Oakland police forces captured the event on their cell phone cameras and uploaded videos to YouTube for the world to see. Citizens are no longer merely bystanders to world events. Today, anyone can chronicle what they see and participate in the news-gathering process.

Though it's the phenomenon of citizen reporting that YouTube is probably best known for, we also have hundreds of news partners who upload thousands of videos straight to YouTube every day. You can see lots of these on our news page at Many of these organizations have used YouTube in unique ways, like asking the community to submit questions for government officials, providing a behind-the-scenes look at traveling with the Obama press corps and accepting video applications for a reporting assignment in West Africa. We believe the power of this new media landscape lies in the collaborative possibilities of amateurs and professionals working together.

And so today, we're launching a new resource on YouTube to help citizens learn more about how to report the news, straight from the experts. It's called the YouTube Reporters' Center, and it features some of the nation's top journalists sharing instructional videos with tips and advice for better reporting. Learn how to prepare for an interview; or how to be an investigative reporter from the legendary Washington Post journalist Bob Woodward; or how to report on a global humanitarian crisis from Nick Kristof of the New York Times. All of the videos are available on the YouTube Reporters' Center channel.


1. My best friend, Iko, just got married to Ulma yesterday! Congrats, newly weds! :)

2. Felt like getting myself a pair of Wondershoe shoes, but turns out their website is...under construction? I wonder what happened...anyway, I contacted the owner ( and she said that their new online shop will be up on July...did I heard...NEW? Oh my...sounds exciting!!

3. During the seminar, I really didn't take any pictures so sadly there's nothing I can share with you all...I did take a pic at the end of the day in front of the event poster, but the photo turned out to be very dark hohoho... lucky me, Puspita Sari who attended the seminar and is also a reader of mine (thank youuu!) took a picture of us together and sent it to me last night... thanks, dear! :)

4. Did a short interview with White Velvet...

5. What I wore to work today..oh it's been a loooooooong time since I posted a picture of my working attire heheh...

Gaudi blazer, shirt from Korea, Mango trouser, Accademia shoes, Balenciaga bag

That's all for now...good night, everyone! Gonna call my boyfriend hehehhe ;p

Extending Google services in Africa

At Google we seek to serve a broad base of people — not only those who can afford to access the Internet from the convenience of their workplace or with a computer at home. It's important to reach users wherever they are, with the information they need, in areas with the greatest information poverty. In many places around the world, people look to their phones, rather than their computers, to find information they need in their daily lives. This is especially true in Africa, which has the world’s highest mobile growth rate and where mobile phone penetration is six times Internet penetration. One-third of the population owns a mobile phone and many more have access to one.

Most mobile devices in Africa only have voice and SMS capabilities, and so we are focusing our technological efforts in that continent on SMS. Today, we are announcing Google SMS, a suite of mobile applications which will allow people to access information, via SMS, on a diverse number of topics including health and agriculture tips, news, local weather, sports, and more. The suite also includes Google Trader, a SMS-based “marketplace” application that helps buyers and sellers find each other. People can find, "sell" or "buy" any type of product or service, from used cars and mobile phones to crops, livestock and jobs.

We are particularly excited about Google SMS Tips, an SMS-based query-and-answer service that enables a mobile phone user to have a web search-like experience. You enter a free form text query, and Google's algorithms restructure the query to identify keywords, search a database to identify relevant answers, and return the most relevant answer.

Both Google SMS Tips and Google Trader represent the fruits of unique partnerships among Google, the Grameen Foundation, MTN Uganda and local organizations*. We worked closely together as part of Grameen Foundation's Application Laboratory to understand information needs and gaps, develop locally relevant and actionable content, rapidly test prototypes, and conduct multi-month pilots with the people who will eventually use the applications have truly been a global effort, and created with Ugandans, for Ugandans.

We're just beginning. We can do a lot more to improve search quality and the breadth — and depth — of content on Google SMS, especially on Tips and Trader. Google SMS is by no means a finished product, but that's what's both exciting and challenging about this endeavor.

Meanwhile, if you're curious about what Google is doing in Africa, learn more at the Google Africa Blog.

Update: Corrected link to YouTube video for "rapidly test prototypes".
*BROSDI, (Busoga Rural Open Source and Development Initiative), Straight Talk Foundation, Marie Stopes Uganda.

Posted by Joe Mucheru, Head of Google Sub-Saharan Africa, & Fiona Lee, Africa Project Manager

Wow, Bahan Granat Terbuat dari Cabai di India

Bom Atom Tangan

Ini baru ide brilian ketika dunia sedang dilanda krisis global. Sebenarnya ide ini sangat cocok diterapkan di Indonesia, negara dengan jumlah anggaran untuk pertahanannya tergolong kecil. Diberitakan BBC, setelah bosan menjadikan cabai hanya sebagai bumbu dapur, baru-baru ini India melontarkan gagasan baru menjadikan bumbu dapur yang berasa pedas itu sebagai bahan granat tangan.

Gagasan itu disampaikan ilmuwan Departemen Pertahanan India, Kamis lalu. Rencananya, mereka akan mengganti bahan peledak dalam granat tangan dengan bubuk cabai terpedas di dunia, yakni bhut jolokia.
“Proyek itu sedang kami kerjakan saat ini, yakni bagaimana menggunakan cabai terpedas dalam aplikasi berbeda untuk memperkuat pertahanan,” kata ilmuwan R.B. Srivastava.

Bubuk bhut jolokia, yang ditemukan di wilayah timur laut India, rencananya difungsikan sebagai bahan granat untuk mengatasi perusuh dan melumpuhkan para pembangkang tanpa harus membunuh mereka di negara itu.

Bhut jolokia dipilih karena cabai berwarna merah ini memiliki rasa yang sangat pedas, yakni seribu kali lebih pedas dibanding cabai biasanya yang digunakan di dapur. Berdasarkan hasil ukur dengan skala Scoville–skala yang digunakan untuk mengukur kadar panas dalam cabai–bhut jolokia menghasilkan sejuta unit panas. Dan panas yang tinggi ini bisa membuat lawan cepat terkejut.

Selain untuk granat, peneliti Departemen Pertahanan dan organisasi pembangunan India berencana menjadikan cabai ini sebagai food supplement untuk tentara yang bertugas di daerah dingin, guna meningkatkan suhu tubuh mereka.

Cabai ini juga akan dijadikan pelindung dari gangguan binatang, yakni dengan menyebarkan bubuk cabai pada pagar-pagar barak tentara. Bau pedas yang sangat menyengat akan membuat binatang enggan bertingkah.

Tips Mengubah Kebiasaan Pelupa Anda ?

Sering lupa meletakkan kunci atau dompet? Atau, apakah Anda sering ketinggalan membawa barang? Berarti Anda tergolong pelupa. Ingin mengubah kebiasaan pelupa Anda?

Menurut buku ‘Metode Jitu Meningkatkan Daya Ingat’ yang ditulis oleh Deasy Harianti, untuk meningkatkan daya ingat ada dua hal penting. Atensi dan Konsentrasi.

Atensi adalah kebiasaan memperhatikan barang sekecil apapun. Seperti, menaruh pulpen, meletakkan kacamata, atau kunci rumah. Misalnya, saat Anda mengambil kunci rumah, coba diingat-ingat, di mana Anda mengambil itu, kunci apa yang Anda ambil, berntuknya seperti apa, dan di mana biasa Anda meletakkan kunci itu. Hal-hal kecil itu akan memberikan informasi pada otak yang merupakan proses atensi atau perhatian.

Jika proses atensi tersebut dijadikan kebiasaan terus-menerus, maka akan meningkatkan konsentrasi. Konsentrasi inilah yang akan membuat kita lebih fokus dan lebih mudah memanggil kembali ingatan kita akan sesuatu.

Selain itu, biasakan diri untuk tidak tergantung orang lain. “Kalau bergantung pada orang lain untuk mengingatkan sesuatu, kita tidak melatih diri dan otak kita. Sel-sel otak kita jumlah 1 trilyun. Dan, rata-rata manusia menggunakannya hanya 5 %. Untuk itu optimalkan sel-sel otak dengan melatih atensi dan konsentrasi. Berarti tanpa bergantung dari orang lain,” kata Deasy pada Talkshow penerbit Demedia berjudul ‘Memory Power’ di ajang Pesta Buku Jakarta.

Dalam buku tersebut, ada beberapa teknik untuk lebih mudah mengingat, yaitu:

1. Teknik plesetan.

Caranya dengan melatih bahasa asing. Salah satunya, ‘tounge’ yang artinya lidah. Anda membuat kalimat dari kata itu. Misalnya, lidah dijepit dengan tang. Kalimat itu ekstrem. Biasanya kalimat ekstrem akan menempel di otak. Teknik tersebut bisa terapkan pada anak sejak usia 5 tahun – sampai manula.

2. Mengenali ciri fisik

Ketika pertama kali kenalan, jika langung lupa nama orang yang dikenalkan pada Anda, ada cara jitu untuk mengingatnya. Misalnya, ketika Anda dikenalkan oleh si A. Coba perhatikan ciri fisiknya, apakah berambut keriting, bertubuh gemuk, atau berkacamata. Dari sini Anda bisa mengingat namanya dengan lebih jelas.

Merci Beaucoup

Attended the seminar today wearing this...

Zara stripey shirt, Bloop lace top, unbranded belt, Endorse skirt, Topshop necklace, eBay leggings, Sembonia wedges, Aigner bag

The famous Raditya Dika...

Ended the day watching Transformer: Revenge of the Fallen...I like the first Transformer better!!

Btw, I'd like to say thank you to all of you readers who visit my blog from time to's such a great experience to be able to share with you all my thoughts and musings and feelings and everything else here through this blog...I apologize once again for not being able to reply to your comments and emails lately but I promise that I'll try my best to...good night!! :)

Hello, Urbie.

Oh yay! A new shop that carries various local brands, luckily located very close to my house heheheh..congrats, guys!! :)


Jl. Raya Jatiwaringin Kav. AU Blok A no.5
Jakarta Timur

Outpouring of searches for the late Michael Jackson

At Google, we are moved by the life and untimely passing of Michael Jackson. As word spread of his death, millions and millions of people from all over the world began searching for information about the pop icon. The following chart shows the meteoric rise in related searches around 3:00pm PDT:

Search volume began to increase around 2:00pm, skyrocketed by 3:00pm, and stabilized by about 8:00pm. As you can see in Google Hot Trends, many of the fastest rising search queries from yesterday and today have been about Michael Jackson's passing (others pertained to the death of another cultural icon, Farrah Fawcett). People who weren't near a computer yesterday turned to their mobile phones to check on breaking news. We saw one of the largest mobile search spikes we've ever seen, with 5 of the top 20 searches about the Moonwalker.

The spike in searches related to Michael Jackson was so big that Google News initially mistook it for an automated attack. As a result, for about 25 minutes yesterday, when some people searched Google News they saw a "We're sorry" page before finding the articles they were looking for.

Michael Jackson led an amazing and controversial life in the public eye. Many of us have a "Michael Jackson story." Mine is that he actually taught me how to moonwalk — thanks to many an hour I spent in front of the television trying to mimic his performances. Regardless of your story or personal opinions about this astounding performer, global interest in the King of Pop is undeniable.

We have a winner for the Google Photography Prize

Huge congratulations to Daniel Halasz from Hungary, who was awarded the Google Photography Prize this week. This was a global student competition to create themes for iGoogle. More than 3,600 students from across the world entered, and a couple of weeks ago we asked you to vote on the shortlist. The six finalists who got the most public votes were Amelia Ortúzar (Chile), Fahad AlDaajani (Saudi Arabia), Matjaz Tancic (U.K.), Mikhail Simin (U.S.) and Vesna Stojakovic (Serbia) — congratulations to all of them! From that group, a jury of respected art critics and artists chose Daniel as the winner. They also gave a special commendation prize to Aliyah Hussain from the U.K.

You can see the work Daniel and the other finalists submitted at the Saatchi Gallery in London until Sunday, June 28th. Come by if you're in town, or have a look at their photographs on, where you can also add them to your iGoogle homepage.


Will be a speaker for, basically a seminar about blogging and how it helps you to grow bigger...yay!!

It's kinda weird though for them to put me as a Go Girl! Contributor...

Tips Cermati Makan dan Minum yang Menggangu Tidur Nyenyak Anda !

Sulit untuk memejamkan mata tiap malam? Jangan-jangan Anda sudah terkena insomnia akut. Mulailah perhatikan setiap makanan yang Anda makan, siapa tahu makanan itu si pencuri tidur Anda!

Banyak orang yang mengalami kesulitan saat tidur. Di saat mata mulai mengantuk, ternyata jam weker telah berbunyi. Karena baru terlelap Anda tidak bisa langsung bangun, dan akan semakin buruk saat Anda benar-benar bangun Anda pasti terkejut betapa kacaunya wajah Anda.

"Kalau memang Anda bermasalah dengan tidur, coba deh sebaiknya Anda ingat-ingat apa yang Anda makan semalam. Makanan pedas seperti yang mengandung bawang putih, cabai, cayenne, dan jenis makanan lainnya memang sangat menggoda, tapi justru makanan tersebut dapat membuat Anda tetap terjaga karena rasa panas yang ditimbulkan hingga perasaan tidak nyaman," terang Elizabeth Somer, R.D penulis The Food & Mood Cookbook.

Ada baiknya Anda perhatikan beberapa hal berikut ini untuk mengurangi gangguan saat ingin tidur:

Makan Malam
Saat malam hari, sistem pencernaan mengambil beberapa jam untuk beristirahat, namun ada beberapa yang tidak berhenti bekerja. Ketika gangguan tidur menyerang, cobalah menambahkan sedikit porsi makan siang Anda, dan nikmati makan malam yang lebih ringan. Sehingga membuat sistem pencernaan dapat beristirahat dan membuat Anda tidur lebih cepat.

Perbanyak Sayuran
Makanlah makanan yang lebih sehat tapi sedikit lebih mengandung 'gas' seperti kacang-kacangan, brokoli, cauliflower, brusselsprout. Jika tubuh terlalu banyak gas dapat menyebabkan kesulitan tidur.

Cara Mengunyah
Dalam mengunyah makanan, sebaiknya jangan terlalu cepat. Perlahan dan nikmati makanan yang disajikan untuk megnurangi udara yang masuk yang menyebabkan masalah lambung saat tengah malam.

Minuman Beralkohol
Alcohol memang membuat Anda mengantuk pada awalnya, tapi ini tak akan berlangsung lama. Anda akan merasa terus terjaga sehingga mengurangi waktu istirahat Anda. Empat gelas wine saat makan malam memang tidak akan mengganggu, selama rentang waktunya lebih dari dua jam dari waktu And atidur.

Kopi Setelah Sarapan
Kafein pada kopi akanbertahan di dalam tubuh kurang lebih selama 12 jam setelah dminum. Jadi, jika Anda sering masih terjaga sampai waktu tidur tiba, pastikan Anda sudah bebas kafein setidaknya 12 jam sebelumnya. Masih menonton televisi pada pukul 2 dini hari? Cobalah untuk tidak mengkonsumsi kafein selama 2 minggu, jika masalah tidur Anda menjadi lebih baik, mulai lah mengatakan 'TIDAK' pada kafein.

"Jika sudah membaik, coba minum secangkir kopi atau teh di pagi hari dan perhatikan apa yang terjadi. Apabila masalah tidur menganggu Anda lagi, sebaiknya Anda benar-benar menghindari yang namanya kafein." terang Somer.

Dapatkan kualitas tidur yang baik, yaitu 6 hingga 8 jam setiap hari. Selain membuat And asegar saat pagi hari, kulit, dan pikiran Anda akan merasa lebih baik. Tidak hanya itu, Anda akan merasa jauh lebih muda 3 tahun dari umur Anda sebenarnya.

Google Voice invites on their way

A couple of months ago we announced Google Voice, a service that gives you one phone number to link all your phones and makes voicemail as easy as email. We are happy to share that Google Voice is beginning to open up beyond former GrandCentral users. If you requested an invitation on the Google Voice site or previously on GrandCentral, keep your eye out for an invite email.

Once you receive your invitation, just click on the link and follow the instructions to setup your new Voice account. To help you find a Google number that is personalized to you, we've added a number picker that lets you search by area code and text. See if you can find a number that contains your name, a specific word or a number combination.

To learn more about Google Voice, check out the video below. If you haven't signed up for a Google Voice invite, make sure to get on the list by leaving us your email address at

Boxy and Cropped


I wore the cropped shirt today while out for lunch with mom...yay!!

Quote of the Day

"I have had dreams and I have had nightmares, but I have conquered my nightmares because of my dreams."

- Dr. Jonas Salk -

Inilah 10 Makanan Paling Pedas di Dunia

Sebagai orang Indonesia, kita tentunya bangga dengan makanan kita yang kaya akan rasa dan memiliki ciri unik yang tidak dimiliki oleh makanan dari kebanyakan negara lain, iya, pedas! Walaupun makanan pedas hampir selalu diasosiasikan dengan negara seperti Thailand, ternyata makanan Indonesia masuk ke dalam daftar 10 makanan paling pedas menurut lidah orang bule.

Apa aja sih makanan pedas menurut mereka ini? Yuk kita lihat satu persatu

10. Tom Yum - Thailand.


Tom Yum (c) panix
Sup asam pedas dari Thailand ini memang sangat menggoda, aroma yang memikat dan menjanjikan pedas yang menyengat. Variasi dari Tom Yum ini banyak, antara lain adalah Tom Yum Gai (ayam) atau Tom Yum Pla (seafood), rasa pedas yang ada berasal dari cabe yang disebut Thai Bird's Eye Chilis, air jeruk nipis dan daun jeruk purut. Kombinasi ini, ternyata cukup membakar rongga mulut orang bule!

9. Shrimp Creole - Amerika.

xxxxxxxShrimp Creole (c) cookipedia

Masakan ini berasal dari Amerika Serikat bagian Selatan, dan merupakan comfort food buat mereka yang menyenangi rongga mulut terasa terbakar. Bumbu dan bahan makanan ini sederhana, seperti cabe, tomat, udang dan ayam, dan rasa pedas makanan ini didapat dari cabe segar dan cayenne pepper

8. Papa a la Huancaina - Peru

xxxxxxxPapa a la Huancaina (c) travelb

Makanan ringan seperti salad kentang, yang berisi kentang rebus dingin, dan disajikan dengan saus Huancaina. Penyajian lengkap makanan ini selalu melibatkan daun selada, buah zaitun hitam, biji jagung, dan potongan telur rebus. Saus Huancaina inilah yang membuatnya ekstra pedas, karena selain terbuat dari keju, susu kental, garam, salah satu bahannya adalah cabe yang disebut Amarillo chili, yang lumayan pedas!

7. Lobak dengan Lada Sichuan - China


Lobak dengan Lada Sichuan (c) typepad

Pada umumnya salad disajikan segar dengan sedikit rasa masam, tapi salad yang ini sangat berbeda. Lobak dengan Lada Sichuan (utuh) dan potongan cabe merah. Jadi dalam makanan ini Anda akan menemukan rasa manis, pedas, dan renyah. Memang makanan yang disajikan dengan brilian.. dan membakar.. Cabe yang digunakan? Bird's Eye Chilis. Jika cabe ini masih kurang, ingat, ada Lada Sichuan utuh. Rasanya, digambarkan dengan menarik, asam-asam pedas, atau buat orang bule, cukup mengatakan: seperti mengunyah ranjau!

6. Bibimbap dengan Kimchi - Korea


Bibimbap dengan Kimchi (c) graciocafe

Bibimbap? Kimchi? Asing ya.. coba kita lihat satu persatu. Kimchi adalah acar kubis, yang dibumbui bawang putih, bawang merah, cabe, dan jahe! Pedas? Sudah pasti, panas pula! Masa fermentasi acar kubis ini beberapa bulan, jadi bisa dibayangkan, rasa pedas bawang dan cabe serta jahe yang sudah pasti menyengat!

Bibimbap adalah makanan klasik khas korea, yang terdiri dari nasi, sayuran tumis, daging, telur goreng dan.. sambal...:) Selamat menikmati! :)

5. Sayap Ayam Suicide - Amerika


Chicken Wing (c) forbestraveler

Entah kenapa orang Amerika suka banget sayap ayam yang digoreng kering dan gurih, kemudian diberi bumbu panas-pedas yang menurut mereka 'bisa membakar perut', yang pastinya masih tidak terasa apa-apa di lidah kita. Bumbu yang ada selalu berupa campuran Saus Tabasco, potongan cabe kering, dan cabe segar cincang (yang sayangnya - atau untungnya - semua biji cabe yang ada dibuang terlebih dahulu)

4. Jerk Chicken - Karibia


Jerk Chicken (c) jamaicawriting

Tidak hanya ganas, tapi makanan ini juga nikmat dan sangat menyenangkan. Berbagai bumbu yang ada adalah bumbu khas daerah Asia dan Afrika, yang hangat dan beraroma nikmat. Allspice, cengkeh, kayu manis, daun bawang, pala, thyme dan bawang putih, semuanya menyumbangkan rasa hangat, yang diperkuat oleh cabe Scotch Bonnet yang dikatakan mampu membuat orang kebingungan setelah menelan, saking pedasnya.

3. Wot - Ethiopia


Wot (c) jamericanmuslimah

Mungkin orang banyak yang tidak berpikir bahwa Afrika mampu menyumbangkan makanan pedas, jangan salah, Ethiopia terkenal akan Wot (tumisan). Wot yang paling nikmat seringkali berbumbu satu kilo bawang merah dan bawang putih, beberapa ons jahe, dan barbere (campuran bumbu kering dan cabe kering) yang luar biasa pedas dalam jumlah yang tidak kalah mengerikan.

Makanan luar biasa menantang ini dibuat dari kaldu ayam, yang diberi bumbu seperti di atas, dan direbus selama beberapa jam, sampai semua rasa yang ada tercampur rata, dan panas dari cabe dan bumbu yang ada juga tidak tertinggal sedikitpun. Setelah matang, makanan ini disajikan di atas piring injera (semacam roti) dan diberi bonus telur rebus utuh!

2. Vindaloo - India


Vindaloo (c) heavenlybite

Jelas salah satu saingan kita dalam masakan pedas, bayangkan, bumbu seperti biji mostar, cabe kering, ketumbar, jahe, adas, semuanya selalu ada.

Nah.. Vindaloo ini pedas, karena daging yang digunakan dalam masakan ini direndam dalam cuka, yang ditambah bumbu pedas tadi, yang semuanya akan bekerja sama membuat daging yang ada semakin menusuk dan menggigit!

Nah.. mana makanan Indonesia yang masuk dalam daftar? Ya! Tebakan Anda tepat sekali, makanan kita masuk sebagai makanan paling pedas nomor 1 di dunia!

1. Sambal Ulek - Indonesia


Sambel ulek (c) wikipedia

Memang bukan makanan utuh sih, lebih ke 'condiment' atau makanan pendamping, tapi semua bentuk cabe bisa dipakai, dan termasuk cabe lokal kita yang ternyata 10 kali lebih pedas daripada Thai Bird's Eye Chili.

Menurut lidah orang bule, sambal ulek kita ini ultra pedas, dan satu-satunya cara untuk menahan rasa pedasnya, adalah makan makanan lain sebanyak mungkin. Komentar orang bule setelah makan sambal ulek kita biasanya adalah mereka merasa kehilangan bibir... :)

Akhirnya kekayaan kuliner kita diakui juga oleh orang bule, sayangnya mereka baru melihat makanan pedas saja. Padahal jika ada serial dokumentasi makanan Indonesia dari Sabang sampai Merauke, bisa butuh setahun lebih acara tersebut berlangsung, biar juga tayang setiap hari.
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Announcing the AdSense for Mobile Applications beta

You don't have to be a mobile expert to see how smartphones are revolutionizing our daily lives. Lower prices, faster network speeds and unlimited data plans mean that people often reach for their cell phone rather than their computer when they are seeking information. As a result, mobile applications have become more and more popular, helping people find music, make restaurant reservations or check bank balances — all on their phone.

We want to contribute to the growth of these mobile applications, which is why we're happy to announce our beta launch of AdSense for Mobile Applications. After all, advertisers are looking for ways to reach potential customers when they are engaged with mobile content, and application developers are looking for ways to show the best ads to their users. We have already had a successful trial of this service with a small number of partners, and are excited that we can now offer this solution to a broader group.

AdSense for Mobile Applications allows developers to earn revenue by displaying text and image ads in their iPhone and Android applications. For our beta launch, we've created a site where developers can learn more about the AdSense for Mobile Applications program, see answers to frequently asked questions and sign up to participate in our beta. Advertisers can also learn about the benefits of advertising in mobile applications.

We're excited to open up this beta to more developers, and look forward to offering new features for our mobile advertisers and publishers in upcoming releases. We also want to say a big thank you to the partners who worked with us on the trial stages of this project including Backgrounds, Sega, Shazam, Urbanspoon and more.

Check out this short video of Howard Steinberg, Director of Business Development at Urbanspoon, discussing his experience with AdSense for Mobile Applications.

The Day in the Cloud Challenge has begun

Today, we invite you to take part in the Day in the Cloud Challenge, an online scavenger hunt that's being played simultaneously on the ground and in the air aboard Virgin America flights across the U.S. The Day in the Cloud demonstrates how people can use Google Apps to stay connected with friends, family and co-workers when they're away from their homes — even at 35,000 feet in the air.

The online game will be available until 11:59pm PDT today, so find a quiet spot, do some finger stretches, and take the challenge.

Currently Listening to Semisonic

Late night shopping, the perfect stress release myself a blazer and heart pin from Gaudi...happyyyyy! I just realized that Gaudi sells a lot of good yet very affordable stuff...;p

Also, I received a gift from Utty of Fashion Collages...yay!! Thank you so much, dear...:)

Gonna sleep now..good night, all!! :)

Let's make the web faster

From building data centers in different parts of the world to designing highly efficient user interfaces, we at Google always strive to make our services faster. We focus on speed as a key requirement in product and infrastructure development, because our research indicates that people prefer faster, more responsive apps. Over the years, through continuous experimentation, we've identified some performance best practices that we'd like to share with the web community on, a new site for web developers, with tutorials, tips and performance tools.

We are excited to discuss what we've learned about web performance with the Internet community. However, to optimize the speed of web applications and make browsing the web as fast as turning the pages of a magazine, we need to work together as a community, to tackle some larger challenges that keep the web slow and prevent it from delivering its full potential:
  • Many protocols that power the Internet and the web were developed when broadband and rich interactive web apps were in their infancy. Networks have become much faster in the past 20 years, and by collaborating to update protocols such as HTML and TCP/IP we can create a better web experience for everyone. A great example of the community working together is HTML5. With HTML5 features such as AppCache, developers are now able to write JavaScript-heavy web apps that run instantly and work and feel like desktop applications.
  • In the last decade, we have seen close to a 100x improvement in JavaScript speed. Browser developers and the communities around them need to maintain this recent focus on performance improvement in order for the browser to become the platform of choice for more feature-rich and computationally-complex applications.
  • Many websites can become faster with little effort, and collective attention to performance can speed up the entire web. Tools such as Yahoo!'s YSlow and our own recently launched Page Speed help web developers create faster, more responsive web apps. As a community, we need to invest further in developing a new generation of tools for performance measurement, diagnostics, and optimization that work at the click of a button.
  • While there are now more than 400 million broadband subscribers worldwide, broadband penetration is still relatively low in many areas of the world. Steps have been taken to bring the benefits of broadband to more people, such as the FCC's decision to open up the white spaces spectrum, for which the Internet community, including Google, was a strong champion. Bringing the benefits of cheap reliable broadband access around the world should be one of the primary goals of our industry.
To find out what Googlers think about making the web faster, see the video below. If you have ideas on how to speed up the web, please share them with the rest of the community. Let's all work together to make the web faster!


Someone on Yahoo Messenger has somehow pretended to be me, and a girl has even emailed me thanking me for the chat we had. That was not me, and clearly someone is trying to use my identity. Please ignore, people. I am only reachable through my email address or twitter account attached on the left and right sidebar of this blog, respectively. Thanks.

-kinda pissed-

All for Good: Bringing search, scale and openness to community service

While many organizations are doing great work to enable community service locally, it's not simple to search across opportunities from a variety of places to find what's right for you. We have some experience finding relevant information from among many scattered sources, and when we learned that President Obama and the First Lady were making community service a top priority even before taking office, we thought we could help make a difference.

With our mission in mind, a group of "20%" engineers, designers, and program managers from Google and other tech companies began work on All for Good, a new service to help you find volunteer events in your community, and share those events with your friends.

All for Good provides a single search interface for volunteer activities across many major volunteering sites and organizations like United Way, VolunteerMatch, HandsOn Network and Reach Out and Read. By building on top of the amazing efforts of existing volunteer organizations like these, we hope to amplify their efforts.

And in the spirit of open data, All for Good has a data API that anyone can use to search the same data displayed on the All for Good site. All for Good was developed entirely using App Engine and Google Base, with the full code repository hosted on Google Code Hosting. We'll be inviting developers to contribute to the open source application soon, so stay tuned.

Just as releasing the Maps API led to an surge of independent and creative uses of geographic information, we've built All for Good as a platform to encourage innovation in volunteerism, as much as an end product in itself. We hope software developers will use the API or code to build their own volunteering applications, some even better than the All for Good site!

And if you want to volunteer your video-creating skills to make a difference, check out YouTube Video Volunteers, a new platform designed to make connections between non-profits with video needs and skilled video makers who can help broadcast their causes through video.

All for Good is a new kind of collaboration between the private, public and nonprofits sectors to build free and open technology to empower citizens. Similar to the Open Social Foundation, we helped create a new organization called Our Good Works to make sure that the API, the platform, and social innovation that they inspire are supported for the long term. The leadership includes Reid Hoffman, Chris DiBona, Arianna Huffington and Craig Newmark on the board, and the organization aims to build support volunteerism services like All for Good.

Today the First Lady is in San Francisco calling on Americans to improve our communities by rolling up our sleeves and putting our time and talent towards doing good. You can learn more at, where we're proud to power search.

A new landmark in computer vision

Science fiction books and movies have long imagined that computers will someday be able to see and interpret the world. At Google, we think computer vision has tremendous potential benefits for consumers, which is why we're dedicated to research in this area. And today, a Google team is presenting a paper on landmark recognition (think: Statue of Liberty, Eiffel Tower) at the Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) conference in Miami, Florida. In the paper, we present a new technology that enables computers to quickly and efficiently identify images of more than 50,000 landmarks from all over the world with 80% accuracy.

To be clear up front, this is a research paper, not a new Google product, but we still think it's cool. For our demonstration, we begin with an unnamed, untagged picture of a landmark, enter its web address into the recognition engine, and poof — the computer identifies and names it: "Recognized Landmark: Acropolis, Athens, Greece." Thanks computer.

How did we do it? It wasn't easy. For starters, where do you find a good list of thousands of landmarks? Even if you have that list, where do you get the pictures to develop visual representations of the locations? And how do you pull that source material together in a coherent model that actually works, is fast, and can process an enormous corpus of data? Think about all the different photographs of the Golden Gate Bridge you've seen — the different perspectives, lighting conditions and image qualities. Recognizing a landmark can be difficult for a human, let alone a computer.

Our research builds on the vast number of images on the web, the ability to search those images, and advances in object recognition and clustering techniques. First, we generated a list of landmarks relying on two sources: 40 million GPS-tagged photos (from Picasa and Panoramio) and online tour guide webpages. Next, we found candidate images for each landmark using these sources and Google Image Search, which we then "pruned" using efficient image matching and unsupervised clustering techniques. Finally, we developed a highly efficient indexing system for fast image recognition. The following image provides a visual representation of the resulting clustered recognition model:

In the above image, related views of the Acropolis are "clustered" together, allowing for a more efficient image matching system.

While we've gone a long way towards unlocking the information stored in text on the web, there's still much work to be done unlocking the information stored in pixels. This research demonstrates the feasibility of efficient computer vision techniques based on large, noisy datasets. We expect the insights we've gained will lay a useful foundation for future research in computer vision.

If you're interested to learn more about this research, check out the paper.

Gila, Guru Perkosa Siswi SMP Sampai Hamil 1,5 Bulan

Melati (14), sebut saja demikian. Seorang siswi SMPN di kawasan Jakarta Barat terancam putus sekolah karena tengah hamil 1,5 bulan. Ironisnya, kehamilan Melati itu akibat diperkosa oleh gurunya sendiri yang berinisial BPS.

Kepala Satuan Remaja, Anak dan Wanita (Renakta) Direktorat Reserse Kriminal Umum (Ditreskrimum) Polda Metro Jaya saat dikonfirmasi membenarkan peristiwa tersebut.

“Pemeriksaan sedang berlangsung, diharapkan dalam waktu dekat, berkasnya segera dilimpahkan ke jaksa penuntut umum,” kata Agustinus ketika dikonfirmasi, Minggu (21/6/2009).

BPS, pengajar mata pelajaran Agama itu melakukan tindakan asusilanya pertama kali di sebuah tempat pemancingan di kawasan Ancol, Jakarta Utara. Pelaku memperdaya Melati dengan mengajaknya rekreasi ke tempat tersebut.

Tidak pernah terlintas sedikitpun dalam benak Melati bahwa gurunya akan setega itu memperkosanya. Melati pun tidak menaruh curiga saat pelaku menawarinya minum.

Namun, tanpa disadari, minuman yang disuguhkan terhadap Melati adalah minuman yang telah dicampur dengan obat penenang. Beberapa saat setelah menenggak minuman tersebut, Melati pun jatuh pingsan.

Dalam kondisi tak sadarkan diri itu, pelaku kemudian menggagahinya. Setelah siuman, Melati baru menyadari bahwa dirinya telah menjadi korban pemerkosaan. Setelah diperkosa, Melati tidak pernah menceritakan aib itu kepada kedua orangtuanya. Hingga akhirnya Melati hamil dan kehamilannya itu tidak dapat disembunyikan lagi.

Awalnya Melati enggan menceritakan hal tersebut kepada orangtuanya karena takut akan ancaman BPS. Namun, karena orangtuanya terus-menerus mendesak Melati, Melati pun akhirnya bicara.

Orangtua Melati kemudian membawa Melati ke kakaknya yang berprofesi sebagai dokter di sebuah rumah sakit di Bekasi. Dari hasil pemeriksaan, Melati diketahui tengah mengandung janin 1,5 bulan.

Orangtua Melati marah besar ketika mengetahui perbuatan tersebut dilakukan oleh gurunya sendiri. Mereka pun akhirnya melaporkan perbuatan tercela yang dilakukan oleh BPS itu ke Polda Metro Jaya.

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Backpack is the New Tote Bag

Zara t-shirt and pants, Naf Naf skull scarf, Mango sunnies, Jansport backpack, eBay studded crystal sandals

17 Again

Zara shirt, mom's belt, tailor-made skirt, Topshop tights and socks, Balenciaga bag, Fratelli Rossetti shoes

Dropped by at office today and met my colleague there...

Him: What kind of look is that?
Me: What look?
Him: Your look...your outfit
Me: Err...colorful?
Him: Colorful is not a look
Me: Mmm...well...
Him: Anyway, it's hurting my eyes...