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Explore historic sites with the World Wonders Project

I’ve always been fascinated by famous historic and cultural sites from around the world. When I was a child, flipping through encyclopedias while researching for school projects, the thought of exploring these sites was a distant dream. With the new Google World Wonders Project, that dream is now a little closer for students and others around the globe.

The World Wonders Project enables you to discover 132 historic sites from 18 countries, including Stonehenge, the archaeological areas of Pompeii and the ancient Kyoto temples. In addition to man-made sites, you can explore natural places: wander the sandy dunes of Australia’s Shark Bay or gaze up at the rock domes of Yosemite National Park in California.

World Wonders uses Street View technology to take you on a virtual trip to each iconic site. Most could not be filmed by car, so we used camera-carrying trikes to pedal our way close enough. The site also includes 3D models and YouTube videos of the historical places, so you can dig in and get more information and a broader view of each site. We also partnered with several prestigious organizations, including UNESCO, the World Monuments Fund, Getty Images and Ourplace, who provided official information and photographs for many of the sites.

We hope World Wonders will prove to be a valuable educational resource for students and scholars. A selection of educational packages are available to download for classroom use; you can also share the site content with friends.

World Wonders is part of our commitment to preserving culture online and making it accessible to everyone. Under the auspices of the Google Cultural Institute, we’re publishing high resolution images of the Dead Sea Scrolls, digitizing the archives of famous figures such as Nelson Mandela and presenting thousands of artworks through the Art Project.

Find out more about the project on the World Wonders YouTube channel, and start exploring at

Explore historic sites with the World Wonders Project

I�ve always been fascinated by famous historic and cultural sites from around the world. When I was a child, flipping through encyclopedias while researching for school projects, the thought of exploring these sites was a distant dream. With the new Google World Wonders Project, that dream is now a little closer for students and others around the globe.

The World Wonders Project enables you to discover 132 historic sites from 18 countries, including Stonehenge, the archaeological areas of Pompeii and the ancient Kyoto temples. In addition to man-made sites, you can explore natural places: wander the sandy dunes of Australia�s Shark Bay or gaze up at the rock domes of Yosemite National Park in California.

World Wonders uses Street View technology to take you on a virtual trip to each iconic site. Most could not be filmed by car, so we used camera-carrying trikes to pedal our way close enough. The site also includes 3D models and YouTube videos of the historical places, so you can dig in and get more information and a broader view of each site. We also partnered with several prestigious organizations, including UNESCO, the World Monuments Fund, Getty Images and Ourplace, who provided official information and photographs for many of the sites.

We hope World Wonders will prove to be a valuable educational resource for students and scholars. A selection of educational packages are available to download for classroom use; you can also share the site content with friends.

World Wonders is part of our commitment to preserving culture online and making it accessible to everyone. Under the auspices of the Google Cultural Institute, we�re publishing high resolution images of the Dead Sea Scrolls, digitizing the archives of famous figures such as Nelson Mandela and presenting thousands of artworks through the Art Project.

Find out more about the project on the World Wonders YouTube channel, and start exploring at

Inilah Jawara Indonesian Movie Awards 2012

Acara tahunan Indonesian Movie Awards kali ini digelar di Tennis Indoor Senayan pada Rabu (30/5/2012) malam. Para bintang layar lebar Indonesia pun bersaing menjadi jawara. Ini dia daftarnya.

Aktor Donny Damara berkesempatan mendapatkan piala Pemeran Utama Pria Terbaik lewat film 'Lovely Man'. Ia berhasil menyingkirkan nama-nama besar seperti Deddy Mizwar dan Tio Pakusadewo. Oka Antara dan Tora Sudiro juga ikut bergabung dalam nominasi tersebut.

Sementara dari Pemeran Utama Wanita Terbaik dikantongi Raihaanun. Adinia Wirasti, Cut Mini, Nani Wijaya serta Wulan Guritno ia singkirkan dalam nominasi tersebut.

Pemeran Pendukung Pria Terbaik dan Pemeran Pendukung Wanita Terbaik didapat dari film 'Sang Penari'. Keduanya adalah Hendro Djarot dan Dewi Irawan. Reza Rahadian dan Adinia Wirasti menjadi Pasangan Terbaik lewat film 'Jakarta Magrib'.

Tahun ini, dewan juri IMA 2012 terdiri dari Didi Petet sebagai ketua dewan juri, dengan anggota Leila Salikha Chudori, Salman Aristo, Alex Komang dan Aditya Gumay. Sebanyak 45 judul film Indonesia bergabung dalam ajang tersebut. Film-film tersebut adalah film produksi Indonesia yang dirilis baik di dalam maupun luar negeri dengan periode mulai 1 Maret 2011 sampai 28 Februari 2012.

Daftar Pemenang Kategori Terbaik

* Pemeran Utama Pria Terbaik : Donny Damara - 'Lovely Man'
* Pemeran Utama Wanita Terbaik : Raihaanun - 'Lovely Man'
* Pemeran Pendukung Pria Terbaik : Hendro Djarot - 'Sang Penari'
* Pemeran Pendukung Wanita Terbaik : Dewi Irawan - 'Sang Penari'
* Pendatang Baru Pria Terbaik : Yosie Kristanto - 'Tendangan Dari Langit'.
* Pendatang Baru Wanita Terbaik : Prisia Nasution - 'Sang Penari'
* Pasangan Terbaik : Reza Rahadian & Adinia Wirasti - 'Jakarta Magrib'.
* Pemeran Anak-anak Terbaik : Yudi Miftahudin - 'Serdadu Kumbang'.

Daftar Pemenang Kategori Terfavorit

* Pemeran Utama Pria Favorit : Tio Pakusadewo - 'Dilema'.
* Pemeran Utama Wanita Favorit : Wulan Guritno - 'Dilema'.
* Pendatang Baru Pria Favorit : Baim Wong - 'Dilema'
* Pendatang Baru Wanita Favorit : Dinda Hauw - 'Surat Kecil Untuk Tuhan'.
* Soundtrack Favorit : Kotak - 'Tendangan Dari Langit'.
* Film Favorit : 'Garuda Di Dadaku 2'.

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Inilah Bahaya Minum Air Berlebihan Bagi Kesehatan

Minum 8 gelas air putih atau sekitar 1 liter per hari sangat dianjurkan. Untuk mencegah dehidrasi dan menjaga tubuh tetap sehat. Namun, sebuah penelitian baru menunjukkan bahwa terlalu banyak minum air juga tidak baik untuk kesehatan.

Air adalah obat alami untuk kesehatan. Selain dapat diminum langsung, air sering dijadikan campuran untuk membuat jus. Air banyak dijual dalam kemasan galon ataupun botol. Jika dikonsumsi sesuai anjuran tidak berbahaya. Namun sebaliknya jika terlalu banyak minum air bisa berakibat buruk untuk tubuh.

Saat haus tidak dianjurkan untuk minum berlebihan. Banyak minum air juga akan meningkatkan tekanan darah yang mengalir ke ginjal. Sistem peredaran darah juga akan rusak karena terlalu banyak menyaring air yang keluar.

Kelebihan konsumsi air atau overhydration bisa menimbulkan kematian. Cairan tubuh akan mengencer dan mengakibatkan jumlah natrium dalam tubuh menjadi berkurang, dan sel-sel dalam tubuh akan membengkak. Termasuk sel-sel otak yang dapat menyebabkan hilangnya kesadaran, kejang bahkan dapat menjadi koma dan meninggal.

Meskipun demikian, dehidrasi juga harus dicegah. Berkeringat akan mengeluarkan banyak cairan tubuh. Untuk membantu agar cairan tubuh tidak berkurang bisa minum air mineral sesuai dari yang dianjurkan.

Seperti atlet pelari maraton yang banyak mengeluarkan keringat dianjurkan untuk tidak berlebihan minum air. Sebanyak 1600 kasus yang tercatat di seluruh dunia, saat merasa dehidrasi, bisa saja mereka akan minum air secara berlebihan yang berakibat buruk untuk tubuh mereka.

The International Marathon Medical Directors Association, mendukung aksi ini, saat haus jangan minum berlebihan. Konsumsi air yang dianjurkan sekitar 0,03 liter per kg berat badan, jadi untuk orang yang bobot tubuhnya sekitar 100 kg maksimal minum air sekitar 3 liter perhari.

Meskipun demikian anjuran minum air putih sebanyak satu liter perhari atau sekitar 8 gelas harus dilakukan, untuk mencegah terjadinya dehidrasi yang berlebihan.

Inilah Daftar Twitter Selebritis Indonesia Paling Populer

Jejaring sosial, twitter, dunia maya semakin hangat untuk dikuti. Apalagi, banyak para artis di negeri ini, hingga selebriti dunia menyenangi twitter. Pakar Telematika Abimanyu Wachjoewidajat mencoba memantau aktifitas twitter selama sebulan terakhir.

“Kemudian saya membuat statistic para selebritis Indonesia yang paling populer di ranah twitter dilihat dari jumlah followernya,” kata Abimanyu, kepada JPNN, Rabu (30/5).

Hasilnya, dipaparkan Abimanyu. Twitter account Arief Muhammad (@poconggg) memiliki followed sebanyak 2013707. Indeks account tersebut adalah 100.00. Urutan kedua ada twitter account Agnes Monica (@agnezmo). Statisticnya following 363, followed 4.537. 733 dan indeks 12.50.

Berikutnya, twitter account Sule Prikitiw (@sule_prikitiw), dengan following 276, followed 3.266.689 dan indeks 11.84. Kemudian, twitter account Sherina Munaf (@sherinamunaf) following 344 followed 3.960.590 dengahn indeks 11.51.

Lalu ada twitter account Vidi Aldiano (@vidialdiano) dengan following 419, followed 3038655 serta indeks 7.25. Menyusul, twitter account Afgansyah Reza (@afgansyah_reza) dengan following 531 dan jumlah followed 2794938 serta indeks 5.26.

Ada juga twitter account Olla Ramlan (@olla_ramlan) dengan following 454, followed 2024467 serta indeks 4.46. Twitter account Shireen Sungkar (@shireensungkar) di posisi berikutnya dengan following 550, followed 2416862 serta indeks 4.39.

Selanjutnya ada twitter account Raditya Dika (@radityadika), dengan statistic following 709, followed 2797514 serta indeks 3.95. Bahkan, ada twitter account Luna Maya (@lunamaya26), dengan following 2078, followed 2599435 serta indeks 1.25.

“Konsep dengan sistem indeks ini perlu saya lakukan sebagai penyeimbang antara followed dan following. Jadi, pengindeksan dilakukan secara fair yakni (follower / following) / 1000. Semakin perbandingan antara following dan followed semakin jauh maka itu semakin baik,” ujar Abimanyu.

Ia menambahkan, pola pengindeksan seperti ini perlu karena di twitter seseorang mungkin saja mendapat follower karena dia melakukan follback (follow back) dimana dalam fungsi microblogging hal itu bukan suatu yang istimewa dalam suatu iconizing atau peng-idola-an.

Menurutnya, bila dibandingkan antar para selebritis maka jelas Agnes Monica adalah yang tertinggi secara umum (dari jumlah follower tanpa indeks), dan tertinggi untuk seleb wanita. “Suatu hal yang cukup mengejutkan adalah Sherina Munaf dimana dalam aktifitas di televisi saat ini dia kurang begitu aktif akan tetapi followernya sangat tinggi,” ujarnya.

Sedangkan Sule menjadi seleb pria yang tertinggi. Hal yang unik ada di Raditya Dika dan Luna Maya dimana ID tersebut perlu “bekerja keras” memfollow orang2 juga.

Suatu hal yang luar biasa dialami oleh Arief Muhammad yang bukan seorang seleb tetapi dikenal sebagai aktivis twitter dengan kicauan seputar “dunia seram” ternyata diminati banyak orang tanpa perlu memfollow satu orangpun. “Sehingga untuk membuat indeksnya agar tidak “error result” angka pembagi khusus untuk dia adalah 1 (bukan 0),” kata Abimanyu.

Perlu diketahui bahwa follower para seleb tersebut banyak sekali mengalahkan seleb kelas dunia yang sedang top sekalipun. “Listnya tidak dapat saya tampilkan satu per satu disini karena terlalu panjang. Bagi yang ingin tahu daftar lengkapnya silakan cek ke saya,” katanya.

Namun, menurut Abimanyu, tidak dapat dipungkiri bahwa Lady Gaga dan Justin Biebers ada pada rank teratas. “Dengan list ini kita masih bisa berbangga diri bahwa seleb-seleb kita juga sangat terkenal di dunia maya,” kata Abimanyu.

Lebih jauh dia mengatakan, untuk jumlah follower yang dipaparkan di atas bukan dibuat pas pada hari ini, tetapi sekitar beberapa minggu terakhir. “Cara tersebut cukup fair dalam suatu statistic karena informasinya tetap uptodate,” pungas Abimanyu.

Twitter Account Following Followed Index
Arief Muhammad (@poconggg) 0 2013707 100.00
Agnes Monica (@agnezmo) 363 4537733 12.50
Sule Prikitiw (@sule_prikitiw) 276 3266689 11.84
Sherina Munaf (@sherinamunaf) 344 3960590 11.51
Vidi Aldiano (@vidialdiano) 419 3038655 7.25
Afgansyah Reza (@afgansyah_reza) 531 2794938 5.26
Olla Ramlan (@olla_ramlan) 454 2024467 4.46
Shireen Sungkar (@shireensungkar) 550 2416862 4.39
Raditya Dika (@radityadika) 709 2797514 3.95
Luna Maya (@lunamaya26) 2078 2599435 1.25 Fixer Portable Fixer Portable Fixer Portable | 3.06MB Fixer is a utility that works to clean and optimize your registry is damaged so that it will make your computer run more stable without any serious problems.

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Fairy Tail Blogger Template

Apa kabar sobat?akhirnya saya posting juga yang gambar'a cowo,masa gadis trus?wkwkwk
template kali ini tema'a anime fairy tail,tapi design'a saya buat simple dan bersih tidak menggunakan shadow.pada template ini saya menambahkan fitur Slideshow jmpress dengan Jquery yang saya temukan dari codrops.tapi sudah saya edit dan modifikasi jquery,css dan HTML'a.kalau aslinya ukuran slide besar,dan text dengan gambar terpisah.

Di template ini sudah saya buat background full dan text ada diatas gambar,sehingga mempunyai style yang sama dengan posting.kenapa saya menggunakan fitur ini?karena menurut saya effect transisi'a menarik dan pergerakan'a halus.sebenar'a saya jg sudah menemukan yang versi 100% css,tapi karena masih kaku dan agak berat,jd saya pikir pakai jquery saja~

lalu untuk menubar'a sendiri saya buat 2 bagian yang ada diatas slide dan dibawah slide.kenapa saya buat begitu?supaya design'a beda dari pada yang lain.aneh bukan?itulah saya~xD


Untuk pengaturan menu: Buka blogger=>templates=>Edit HTML lalu cari HTML seperti dibawah ini,lalu ganti tanda pagar '#' dengan URL link yang kamu inginkan.

Pengaturan Menu 1

<div id='nav'>
<ul><!--menu1 -->
<li><a href='#'>Home</a></li>
<li><a href='#'>About</a></li>
<li><a href='#'>Contact</a></li>
<li><a href='#'>Guestbook</a></li>

Pengaturan Menu 2
<div id='nav'>
<ul><!--menu2 -->
<li><a href='#'>Exchange link</a></li>
<li><a href='#'>Sitemap</a></li>
<li><a href='#'>Download</a></li>
<li><a href='#'>Email</a></li>

Pengaturan Slide

Untuk pengaturan slide,kamu bisa mengganti judul deskripsi dan gambar background

perhatikan kode HTML dibawah ini

<section class='jms-slideshow' id='jms-slideshow'>

<div class='step' data-color='color-2'>
<div class='jms-content'>
<h3>Fairy tail.</h3><!--judul -->
<p>From fairest creatures we desire increase, that thereby beauty&#39;s rose might never die</p><!--deskripsi -->
</div><img src=''/><!--background -->

<div class='step' data-color='color-3' data-rotate-x='80' data-y='900'>
<div class='jms-content'>
<h3>Lucy</h3><!--judul -->
<p>But as the riper should by time decease, his tender heir might bear his memory</p><!--deskripsi -->
<img src=''/>
</div><!--background -->

<div class='step' data-color='color-4' data-rotate='170' data-x='-100' data-z='1500'>
<div class='jms-content'>
<h3>Natsu</h3><!--judul -->
<p>Within thine own bud buriest thy content and, tender churl, makest waste in niggarding</p><!--deskripsi -->
<img src=''/>
</div><!--background -->

<div class='step' data-color='color-5' data-x='3000'>
<div class='jms-content'>
<h3>Erza Scarlet</h3><!--judul -->
<p>Making a famine where abundance lies, thyself thy foe, to thy sweet self too cruel</p><!--deskripsi -->
<img src=''/>
</div><!--background -->

<div class='step' data-color='color-1' data-rotate-y='45' data-x='4500' data-z='1000'>
<div class='jms-content'>
<h3>Happy</h3><!--judul -->
<p>Thou that art now the world&#39;s fresh ornament and only herald to the gaudy spring</p><!--deskripsi -->
<img src=''/>
</div><!--background -->


saya sudah menandai tiap html'a sperti
<!--judul -->  warna merah
<!--Deskripsi --> warna orange
<!--background --> warna biru

kamu tinggal mengganti judul dan deskripsi slide'a.
Untuk background'a sendiri,kamu tinggal mengganti url gambar seperti yang ada diatas dengan gambar yang kamu inginkan.
Ukuran gambar tepat'a 602 × 262

Simple bukan?bila tertarik silakan dicoba~
Arigatou gozaimasu minna-san~
Selamat mencoba,semoga bermanfaat :)

Flame, Virus Komputer Super Canggih dan Berbahaya Serang Iran

Perusahaan security Kaspersky Lab, tengah melakukan investigasi dengan sebuah virus komputer baru yang disebut-sebut paling canggih di dunia. Virus yang dijuluki "Flame" ini ditujukan untuk menyerang Iran dan beberapa negara di Timur Tengah.

"Kami tengah melacak siapa di balik virus ini, sejak ditemukan akhir bulan lalu," kata Eugene Kaspersky, pendiri Kaspersky Lab seperti dikutip Telegraph, Selasa (29/5).

Pihak Kaspersky menduga, virus ini dibuat pemerintah sebuah negara. Begitu rumitnya hingga Kapsersky sendiri membutuhkan bantuan untuk memahami virus ini.

Dilaporkan, kode virus baru tersebut 20 kali lipat dibandingkan ukuran kebanyakan software program jahat umumnya termasuk Stuxnet. Parahnya, virus baru ini dicurigai sudah beredar sejak lima tahun lalalu dan menginfeksi komputer di Iran, Israel, Sudan, Syria, dan serta Mesir.

Iran sendiri berulangkali menuduh negara barat dan Israel membuat program jahat untuk menyerang mereka. Selain Stuxnet, program jahat lain yang pernah menerjang Iran adalah Duqu.

Beberapa kemampuan virus ini seperti mengumpulkan data rahasia, merubah setting komputer secara remote, menghidupkan mikrofon komputer untuk merekam pembicaraan, mengambil screenshot dan mengkopi pembicaraan di instant messaging. Israel dituding berada dibalik virus ini setelah Kaspersky mendeteksi infeksi di beberapa negara Timur Tengah. Hal ini diperkuat pernyataan seorang pengamat Israel di Amerika yang menyatakan Flame merupakan bagian dari aksi perang cyber negara Yahudi tersebut.

Bexxa - Lihat Aku

Artis : Bexxa
Judul : Lihat Aku
Album : Single (2012)
Download mp3 Bexxa - Lihat Aku Download Lagu Bexxa - Lihat Aku ini hanya untuk review lagu. Belilah original cassette/CD dari album Band, atau gunakan NSP / RBT / i-Ring Bexxa - Lihat Aku

Bexxa - Lihat Aku

Download Bexxa - Lihat Aku
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source : Bexxa - Lihat Aku

Judika - Kereta Apiku

Artis : Judika
Judul : Kereta Apiku
Album : Single (2012)
Download mp3 Judika - Kereta Apiku Download Lagu Judika - Kereta Apiku ini hanya untuk review lagu. Belilah original cassette/CD dari album Band, atau gunakan NSP / RBT / i-Ring Judika - Kereta Apiku

Judika - Kereta Apiku

Download Judika - Kereta Apiku
4shared | sharebeast

source : Judika - Kereta Apiku

Cokelat - Mendaki Gunung

Artis : Cokelat
Judul : Mendaki Gunung
Album : Single (2012)
Download mp3 Cokelat - Mendaki Gunung Download Lagu Cokelat - Mendaki Gunung ini hanya untuk review lagu. Belilah original cassette/CD dari album Band, atau gunakan NSP / RBT / i-Ring Cokelat - Mendaki Gunung

Cokelat - Mendaki Gunung

Download Cokelat - Mendaki Gunung
4shared | sharebeast

source : Cokelat - Mendaki Gunung

Local—now with a dash of Zagat and a sprinkle of Google+

Finding the best places to go is an essential part of our lives, as are the people and resources that help us make those decisions. In fact, the opinions of friends, family or other trusted sources are often the first we seek when looking for the perfect restaurant for date night or the cafe that makes the best latte ever.

Today, we’re rolling out Google+ Local, a simple way to discover and share local information featuring Zagat scores and recommendations from people you trust in Google+. Google+ Local helps people like my husband turn a craving—“Wow, I need brunch”—into an afternoon outing: “Perfect, there’s a dim sum place with great reviews just two blocks from here. Let’s go.” It’s integrated into Search, Maps and mobile and available as a new tab in Google+—creating one simple experience across Google.

Local information integrated across Google
From the new “Local” tab on the left-hand side of Google+, you can search for specific places or browse for ones that fit your mood. If you click on a restaurant, or a museum (or whatever), you’ll be taken to a local Google+ page that includes photos, Zagat scores and summaries, reviews from people you know, and other useful information like address and opening hours.

Google+ Local is also integrated across other products you already use every day. If you’re looking for a place on Search or Maps, you get the same great local information there too. You can also take it on the go with Google Maps for mobile on your Android device, and soon on iOS devices.

A search on Google Maps

Google+ Local on an Android phone

Better decisions with Zagat
Since Zagat joined the Google family last fall, our teams have been working together to improve the way you find great local information. Zagat has offered high-quality reviews, based on user-written submissions and surveys, of tens of thousands of places for more than three decades. All of Zagat’s accurate scores and summaries are now highlighted on local Google+ pages.

Each place you see in Google+ Local will now be scored using Zagat’s 30-point scale, which tells you all about the various aspects of a place so you can make the best decisions. For example, a restaurant that has great food but not great decor might be 4 stars, but with Zagat you’d see a 26 in Food and an 8 in Decor, and know that it might not be the best place for date night.

Recommendations and reviews from people you know and trust
Your friends know what you like, and they probably like the same things you do. That’s why the opinions of people in your circles are front and center. If you search for [tacos] on Google+ Local, your results might include a friend’s rave review of the Baja-style taco stand in your neighborhood.  And if you’re searching on Google or Google Maps for a great place to buy a gift for that same friend, your results might include a review from her about a boutique she shops at all the time.

You can also share your opinions and upload photos. These reviews and photos will help your friends when they’re checking out a place, and are also integrated into the aggregate score that other people see. The more you contribute, the more helpful Google+ Local will be for your friends, family and everyone else.

Whether it’s a block you’ve lived on for years or a city you’ve never been to before, we hope Google+ Local helps you discover new gems.

Today is just the first step, and you’ll see more updates in the coming months. If you’re a business owner, you can continue to manage your local listing information via Google Places for Business. Soon we’ll make it even easier for business owners to manage their listings on Google and to take full advantage of the social features provided by local Google+ pages. Get more information on our Google and Your Business Blog.

(Cross-posted on the Zagat and Lat Long Blogs)

Local�now with a dash of Zagat and a sprinkle of Google+

Finding the best places to go is an essential part of our lives, as are the people and resources that help us make those decisions. In fact, the opinions of friends, family or other trusted sources are often the first we seek when looking for the perfect restaurant for date night or the cafe that makes the best latte ever.

Today, we�re rolling out Google+ Local, a simple way to discover and share local information featuring Zagat scores and recommendations from people you trust in Google+. Google+ Local helps people like my husband turn a craving��Wow, I need brunch��into an afternoon outing: �Perfect, there�s a dim sum place with great reviews just two blocks from here. Let�s go.� It�s integrated into Search, Maps and mobile and available as a new tab in Google+�creating one simple experience across Google.

Local information integrated across Google
From the new �Local� tab on the left-hand side of Google+, you can search for specific places or browse for ones that fit your mood. If you click on a restaurant, or a museum (or whatever), you�ll be taken to a local Google+ page that includes photos, Zagat scores and summaries, reviews from people you know, and other useful information like address and opening hours.

Google+ Local is also integrated across other products you already use every day. If you�re looking for a place on Search or Maps, you get the same great local information there too. You can also take it on the go with Google Maps for mobile on your Android device, and soon on iOS devices.

A search on Google Maps

Google+ Local on an Android phone

Better decisions with Zagat
Since Zagat joined the Google family last fall, our teams have been working together to improve the way you find great local information. Zagat has offered high-quality reviews, based on user-written submissions and surveys, of tens of thousands of places for more than three decades. All of Zagat�s accurate scores and summaries are now highlighted on local Google+ pages.

Each place you see in Google+ Local will now be scored using Zagat�s 30-point scale, which tells you all about the various aspects of a place so you can make the best decisions. For example, a restaurant that has great food but not great decor might be 4 stars, but with Zagat you�d see a 26 in Food and an 8 in Decor, and know that it might not be the best place for date night.

Recommendations and reviews from people you know and trust
Your friends know what you like, and they probably like the same things you do. That�s why the opinions of people in your circles are front and center. If you search for [tacos] on Google+ Local, your results might include a friend�s rave review of the Baja-style taco stand in your neighborhood.  And if you�re searching on Google or Google Maps for a great place to buy a gift for that same friend, your results might include a review from her about a boutique she shops at all the time.

You can also share your opinions and upload photos. These reviews and photos will help your friends when they�re checking out a place, and are also integrated into the aggregate score that other people see. The more you contribute, the more helpful Google+ Local will be for your friends, family and everyone else.

Whether it�s a block you�ve lived on for years or a city you�ve never been to before, we hope Google+ Local helps you discover new gems.

Today is just the first step, and you�ll see more updates in the coming months. If you�re a business owner, you can continue to manage your local listing information via Google Places for Business. Soon we�ll make it even easier for business owners to manage their listings on Google and to take full advantage of the social features provided by local Google+ pages. Get more information on our Google and Your Business Blog.

(Cross-posted on the Zagat and Lat Long Blogs)

Inilah Daftar Skuad Timnas Prancis di Piala Eropa 2012

Pelatih timnas Prancis, Laurent Blanc, mengumumkan 23 nama pemain yang akan tampil di Piala Eropa 2012. Dari nama-nama tersebut Blanc mendepak gelandang Olympique Lyon, Yoann Gourcuff serta bek Montpellier, Mapou Yanga-Mbiwa.

Blanc awalnya telah memilih 27 nama pemain yang akan mengikuti praseleksi. Namun belakangan, nama-nama tersebut menciut menjadi 25 menyusul cederanya Loic Remy serta Younes Kaboul.

Dan kini skuad Les Blues telah lengkap menjadi 23 pemain, setelah Gourcuff serta Yanga-Mbiwa terbuang dari tim. Keputusan dicoretnya Gourcuff dari skuad timnas Prancis tak lepas dari performa buruk yang diperlihatkannya bersama Lyon.

Selain itu, mantan pemain AC Milan tersebut juga gagal meyakinkan Blanc saat Prancis meraih kemenangan 3-2 atas Islandia, akhir pekan lalu. Sementara Yanga-Mbiwa, yang sukses mengantarkan Montpellier menjadi kampuin Ligue 1 musim ini tak mampu menembus skuad Prancis akibat minimnya pengalaman berlaga bersama timnas.

Prancis sendiri akan melakoni laga persahabatan menghadapi Serbia, 31 Mei serta Estonia pada 5 Juni 2012 sebagai ajang pemanasan sebelum berlaga di turnamen sepakbola tertinggi benua Biru tersebut.

Pada Piala Eropa 2012, Franck Ribery dkk akan tergabung di Grup D bersama Ukraina, Swedia dan Inggris. Mereka akan menjalani laga perdana saat menghadapi Inggris di Donbass Arena, Donetsk pada 11 Juni 2012.

Skuad Timnas Prancis di Piala Eropa 2012:

Kiper: Hugo Lloris (Lyon), Steve Mandanda (Marseille), Cedric Carrasso (Bordeaux).

Bek: Gael Clichy (Manchester City), Mathieu Debuchy (Lille), Patrice Evra (Manchester United), Laurent Koscielny (Arsenal), Philippe Mexes (AC Milan), Adil Rami (Valencia), Anthony Reveillere (Lyon).

Gelandang: Hatem Ben Arfa (Newcastle), Yohan Cabaye (Newcastle), Alou Diarra (Marseille), Yann M'Vila (Rennes), Marvin Martin (Sochaux), Florent Malouda (Chelsea), Blaise Matuidi (PSG), Samir Nasri (Manchester City), Franck Ribery (Bayern Munich).

Karim Benzema (Real Madrid), Olivier Giroud (Montpellier), Jeremy Menez (PSG), Mathieu Valbuena (Marseille).


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4th 056 hull emerges

As Guangzhou HuangPu's Type 056 getting ready to launch, the silhouette a 056 hull under construction emerges.   This marks four known 056 hulls thus far.

As for the speculation on how many 056s the China navy will eventually procure, it it anyone's guess at this point.

Photo of the 3rd hull (left) taken on May 19th at Shanghai Hudong Shipyard together with the pre-launched 1st hull (right)

Next step in the Chrome OS journey

Last year we announced
a new kind of computer
This is the next step

All of you haiku fans (like many of us on the Chrome team) can stop here; the rest can read on for more details.

A year ago we introduced a new model of computing with the launch of Chromebooks. We’ve heard from many of you who’ve enjoyed the speed, simplicity and security of your Chromebooks at home, at school or at work. (Thanks for all the wonderful feedback and stories!) Today, we wanted to share some developments with you—new hardware, a major software update and many more robust apps—as we continue on our journey to make computers much better.

Next-generation devices
Our partner Samsung has just announced a new Chromebook and the industry’s first Chromebox. Like its predecessor, the newest Chromebook is a fast and portable laptop for everyday users. The Chromebox is a compact, powerful and versatile desktop perfect for the home or office.

Speed is integral to the Chrome experience. The new Chromebook and Chromebox, based on Intel Core processors, are nearly three times as fast as the first-generation Chromebooks. And support for hardware-accelerated graphics, a built-from-scratch multi-touch trackpad and an open-source firmware stack provide a much faster and more responsive computing experience. The new Chromebook boots in less than seven seconds and resumes instantly. With the Chromebox, you can be on a video conference while continuing to play your favorite role-playing game on the side.

An app-centric user interface
With the new user interface you can easily find and launch apps, and use them alongside your browser or other apps. You can pin commonly-used apps for quick access, display multiple windows side-by-side or experience your favorite apps in full-screen mode without any distractions.

Be much more productive...or not
  • Get more stuff done, online or offline: With the built-in ability to view Microsoft Office files and dozens of the most common file formats, you can access all your content without the hassle of installing additional software. Google Drive makes it easy to create, store and share with just one click. Drive will be seamlessly integrated with the File Manager and support offline access with the next release of Chrome OS in six weeks. With Google Docs offline support (rolling out over the next few weeks), you can keep working on your documents even when offline and seamlessly sync back up when you re-connect. In addition, there are hundreds of offline-capable web apps in the Chrome Web Store.
  • Have more fun: The revamped media player and a built-in photo editor and uploader enable you to easily play and manage your personal media collections. Through the Chrome Web Store, you can access entertainment apps such as Google Play, Netflix, Kindle Cloud Reader and Pandora, and thousands of games including popular games like Angry Birds and console titles such as Bastion.
  • Carry your other computers...inside your Chromebook: With Chrome Remote Desktop Beta, you can now securely connect to your PC or Mac from your Chromebook or Chromebox. With the underlying VP8 technology, it’s almost like you’re in front of your other computers in real time.
The (always) new computer
We’ve released eight stable updates over the past year, adding a number of major features and hundreds of improvements to all Chromebooks through our seamless auto-update mechanism. There’s a lot more on the way, so all you need to do is sit back and enjoy the benefits of the (always) new computer.

For those who want to try the Chromebook and Chromebox first-hand, we’re expanding the Chrome Zone experience centers. In the U.S., Chromebooks will be available to try out in select Best Buy stores in the coming weeks. In the U.K., they’re now available in a growing list of PC World and Currys stores.

Starting today, you can get the new Chromebook and Chromebox from our online retail partners in the U.S. and U.K., and in other select countries over the coming weeks.

(Cross-posted from the Chrome Blog)

Next step in the Chrome OS journey

Last year we announced
a new kind of computer
This is the next step

All of you haiku fans (like many of us on the Chrome team) can stop here; the rest can read on for more details.

A year ago we introduced a new model of computing with the launch of Chromebooks. We�ve heard from many of you who�ve enjoyed the speed, simplicity and security of your Chromebooks at home, at school or at work. (Thanks for all the wonderful feedback and stories!) Today, we wanted to share some developments with you�new hardware, a major software update and many more robust apps�as we continue on our journey to make computers much better.

Next-generation devices
Our partner Samsung has just announced a new Chromebook and the industry�s first Chromebox. Like its predecessor, the newest Chromebook is a fast and portable laptop for everyday users. The Chromebox is a compact, powerful and versatile desktop perfect for the home or office.

Speed is integral to the Chrome experience. The new Chromebook and Chromebox, based on Intel Core processors, are nearly three times as fast as the first-generation Chromebooks. And support for hardware-accelerated graphics, a built-from-scratch multi-touch trackpad and an open-source firmware stack provide a much faster and more responsive computing experience. The new Chromebook boots in less than seven seconds and resumes instantly. With the Chromebox, you can be on a video conference while continuing to play your favorite role-playing game on the side.

An app-centric user interface
With the new user interface you can easily find and launch apps, and use them alongside your browser or other apps. You can pin commonly-used apps for quick access, display multiple windows side-by-side or experience your favorite apps in full-screen mode without any distractions.

Be much more productive...or not
  • Get more stuff done, online or offline: With the built-in ability to view Microsoft Office files and dozens of the most common file formats, you can access all your content without the hassle of installing additional software. Google Drive makes it easy to create, store and share with just one click. Drive will be seamlessly integrated with the File Manager and support offline access with the next release of Chrome OS in six weeks. With Google Docs offline support (rolling out over the next few weeks), you can keep working on your documents even when offline and seamlessly sync back up when you re-connect. In addition, there are hundreds of offline-capable web apps in the Chrome Web Store.
  • Have more fun: The revamped media player and a built-in photo editor and uploader enable you to easily play and manage your personal media collections. Through the Chrome Web Store, you can access entertainment apps such as Google Play, Netflix, Kindle Cloud Reader and Pandora, and thousands of games including popular games like Angry Birds and console titles such as Bastion.
  • Carry your other computers...inside your Chromebook: With Chrome Remote Desktop Beta, you can now securely connect to your PC or Mac from your Chromebook or Chromebox. With the underlying VP8 technology, it�s almost like you�re in front of your other computers in real time.
The (always) new computer
We�ve released eight stable updates over the past year, adding a number of major features and hundreds of improvements to all Chromebooks through our seamless auto-update mechanism. There�s a lot more on the way, so all you need to do is sit back and enjoy the benefits of the (always) new computer.

For those who want to try the Chromebook and Chromebox first-hand, we�re expanding the Chrome Zone experience centers. In the U.S., Chromebooks will be available to try out in select Best Buy stores in the coming weeks. In the U.K., they�re now available in a growing list of PC World and Currys stores.

Starting today, you can get the new Chromebook and Chromebox from our online retail partners in the U.S. and U.K., and in other select countries over the coming weeks.

(Cross-posted from the Chrome Blog)

Numata - Amelia

Artis : Numata
Judul : Amelia
Album : Single (2012)
Download mp3 Numata - Amelia Download Lagu Numata - Amelia ini hanya untuk review lagu. Belilah original cassette/CD dari album Band, atau gunakan NSP / RBT / i-Ring Numata - Amelia

Numata - Amelia

Download Numata - Amelia
4shared | sharebeast

source : Numata - Amelia

Astrid - Bintang Kejora

Artis : Astrid
Judul : Bintang Kejora
Album : Single (2012)
Download mp3 Astrid - Bintang Kejora Download Lagu Astrid - Bintang Kejora ini hanya untuk review lagu. Belilah original cassette/CD dari album Band, atau gunakan NSP / RBT / i-Ring Astrid - Bintang Kejora

Astrid - Bintang Kejora

Download Astrid - Bintang Kejora
4shared | sharebeast

source : Astrid - Bintang Kejora

Cambodian, Chinese defense ministers ink military cooperation pact

PHNOM PENH, May 28 (Xinhua) -- Cambodian Deputy Prime
Minister and Defense Minister Tea Banh and Chinese Defense Minister
Liang Guanglie on Monday signed a military cooperation agreement in
Phnom Penh.

Under the deal, signed after a one-hour meeting between the two
ministers, China will continue receiving Cambodian military personnel
for training in China, Tea Banh told reporters

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Satu Standar SI Sangat Lengkap

Kali ini blog pelajaran-lengkap akan merelakan lagi materi pelajaran yang paling lengkap se-Indonesia. Postingan ini dapat kamu jumpai di blog saya yang satu lagi. Sebelumnya saya telah merelakan materi Lembaga Negara Lengkap

Tahukah engkau? Besaran pokok yaitu suatu besaran yang dapat  berdiri sendiri dan tidak
tergantung dari besaran lain. Pada konferensi umum mengenai Berat dan Ukuran ke-14 pada tahun 1971, komite internasional telahmenetapkan 7 besaran pokok berdimensi yang merupakan besaran pokok yaitu Panjang, Massa, Waktu, Suhu, Intensitas cahaya, Kuat arus listrik, dan Jumlah zat.
Sedangkan  2 besaran pokok tidak berdimensi (besaran pelengkap) yaitu Sudut Datar dan Sudut Ruang. Loh kenapa sih tak memiliki dimensi????? Karena penggunaan besaran tersebut terbatas Seperti Sudut datar pada Besaran kecepatan sudut (rad/s) dan Sudut ruang pada Intensitas Radian (W/sr) .

Tahukah engkau?? Bahwa akan ada besaran baru lagi, yaitu Jumlah memori/kapasitas penyimpanan data yang memiliki satuan Kilobyte.

Besaran-besaran pokok yang ditetapkan di dalam Sistem International (SI) Tersebut beserta definisinya adalah sebagai berikut!

Panjang                                Satu meter standar adalah 1/10 juta jarak dari garis khatulistiwa ke kutub utara bumi yang melewati kota paris, perancis.

Satu meter standar adalah Jarak antara dua goresan pada meter standar                  (Batang yang terbuat dari campuran platina-iridium) pada suhu  0  derajat celcius

Satu meter standar adalah 1650763,73 kali panjang gelombang radiasi oranye merah dalam vakum yang dipancarkan oleh isotop Krypton Kr86 dalam peristiwa lucutan listrik yang secara spektroskopi dinyatakan dengan 2p10-5d5

Satu meter standar adalah Jarak yang ditempuh oleh cahaya dalam ruang hampa dalam waktu 1/299.792.458 detik
Waktu                                   Satu sekon standar adalah 1/86.400 hari rata-rata gerak semu matahari mengelilingi Bumi
Satu sekon standar adalah selang waktu yang diperlukan oleh atom sesium-133 untuk melakukan vibrasi sebanyak 9 192 631 770 kali dalam transisi antara dua tingkat energi di tingkat energi dasarnya
Massa                          Satu kilogram standar adalah massa atom C12 yang berdasarkan perjanjian internasional diberikan harga, tepat dan perdefinisi, sebesar 12 satuan massaatom terpadu

Satu kilogram standar adalah massayang dimiliki 1 liter air murni pada suhu 4 derajat celcius

Satu kilogram standar adalah massasebuah silinder platina-iridium yang disimpan di International Bureau of weights and measures di sevres dekat paris, Perancis

Kuat arus listrik                Satu ampere standar adalah Besar arus listrik yang dibutuhkan untuk mengendapkan 1,118 miligram perak dari suatu larutan perak nitrat dalam waktu satu sekon
Satu ampere standar adalah Besar arus listrik tetap yang mengalir dari kutub positif ke kutub negative lewat dua kawat yang berdampingan sejajar yang terpisah sejauh 1 meter dalam kondisi ruang hampa udara yang menghasilkan gaya sebesar 2  X 10 -7 newton per meter diantara dua penghantar tersebut
Suhu                                      Satu Kelvin standar adalah suhu yang dimiliki air yang memiliki komposisi isotop didefinisikan dengan tepat oleh jumlah  rasio  substansi  berikut:  0.000 155 76 mol per, mol2H 1H,  0,000 379 9 mol 17O permol 16O,  dan 0,002 005 2 mol 18O permol 16O. 
Satu Kelvin standar adalah fraksi 1/273,16 dari suhu termodinamik air pada titik kesetimbangan sempurna ( titik tripel air )
Jumlah molekul              Satu mol standar adalah berat atom hidrogen, berat atom oksigen, dan  massaatom relatif oksigen-16

                                               Satu mol standar adalah bilangan Avogadro (sekitar 6.022 x 10 pangkat23) partikel dari zat apapun (atom, ion, molekul atau satuan rumus)

Satu mol adalah jumlah dari suatu zat yang mengandung jumlah satuan dasar (atom, molekul, ion) yang sama dengan atom-atom dalam 12 gisotop 12C.
Satu mol standar adalah Jumlah satuan elementer suatu benda dibandingkan dengan kuantitas atom di dalam 0,012 kg unsur karbon-12

Intensitas Cahaya            Satu candela standar adalah sekitar sembilan-persepuluh besar intensitas suatu cahaya  yang dipancarkan oleh  lilin  internasional yang terbuat dari filamen karbon
                                                Satu candela standar adalah Intensitas sebuah sumber cahaya dalam arah tegak lurus dengan permukaaan benda hitam sluas 1/600 000 meter persegi pada temperature beku platinum dalam tekanan 101 325 newton per meter persegi (1 atm)
Satu candela standar adalah Intensitas suatu sumber cahaya yang memancarkan radiasi monokromatik  dengan arah tertentu yang berfrekuensi 520 X 1012 Hz yang menghasilkan daya 1/683 watt per steradian dalam arah tersebut
Sudut Datar                       Satu radian standar  adalah besarnya sudut datar antara jari – jari suau lingkaran yang memotong keliling lingkaran sehingga busur yang terbentuk panjangnya sama dengan jari – jari lingkaran
Sudut Ruang                      Satu steradian standar adalah sudut padat yang memiliki puncak sudut di pusat lingkaram, yang memotong luas permukaan lingkaran sehingga luasnya sama dengan luas persegi panjang dengan sisi yang panjangnya sama dengan jari – jari lingkaran
Lengkap kan??? Lebih lengkap dari pada yang lain. Kalo mau Copy paste harap izin kepada sumbernya atau cantumkan sumbernya