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Choco Numero Uno

Unbranded top, Mango trousers & sunglasses, Up wedges

Highlight of the week: Sandiaga Uno? Really? Yaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy...


7 Air Terjun Tertinggi Di Indonesia

1. Air Terjun Grojogan Sewu (81 meter)Terletak di kaki Gunung Lawu (2632 mdpl), 27 km dari Kab. Karang anyar, Jawa Tengah. Air terjun ini merupakan salah satu dari program wisata yang disebut "INTANPARI" (Industri Pertanian dan Pariwisata), air terjun ini memiliki ketinggian 81 meter diukur dari bawah ke atas.2. Air Terjun Curug Cimahi (85 meter)Terletak di Desa Cisarua, sekitar 10 kilometer dari

7 Hotel Terunik Yang Menakjubkan Di Dunia

Inilah hotel terunik yang mungkin belum pernah teman-teman saksikan. Hotel ini menyajikan keunikan yang membuat decak kagum bagi orang yang melihatnya. Inilah 7 hotel terunik di dunia yang wajib kita ketahui :1. Magic Mountain Hotel di ChiliLokasi hotel ini berada di cagar alam di Huilo Huilo. Terdapat air terjun yang berasal dari puncak bangunan. Hotel ini seperti dongeng saja karena bentuk

7 Penemuan Terbesar Dalam Peradaban Manusia

Banyak sekali penemuan-penemuan yang terjadi sepanjang masa hidup manusia di Bumi,ratusan bahkan mungkin ribuan penemuan.Namun tanpa 7 penemuan ini, niscaya kita masih hidup dalam peradaban yang tidak semaju sekarang. Berikut 7 Penemuan Terbesar Dalam Peradaban Manusia, yaitu :1. APIManusia purba hidup secara primitive dan belum mengenal api.Beberapa peneliti menuturkan bahwa manusia purba

7 Negara Terkecil di Dunia, Luasnya Rata-rata Hanya Setengah Jakarta

Tidak banyak yang tahu kalau di dunia ini ternyata banyak Negara yang luasnya tidak lebih dari 200 square miles atau sekitar 300-an km2. Jumlah penduduknya pun hanya ratusan ribu jiwa, malah ada yang hanya berpenduduk 14.014 jiwa. Wahh..rasanya aneh ya, Bandingkan saja dengan kota Jakarta, luas daratan 661,52 km2 dan lautan seluas 6.977,5 km2, jumlah penduduk mencapai 8,5 juta jiwa

7 Tips Menghilangkan Bau Tidak Sedap Sepatu

Ini tips ringan yang mungkin berguna bagi para orang-orang yang mempunyai bau kaki yang mengerikan. Ini bukan berati melecehkan tetapi benar karena ada orang yang memang mempunyai bau sepatu yang mengerikan. Dan banyak orang yang terganggu dengan bau sepatu tersebut, kadang kita pun menjadi tidak percaya diri dengan bau sepatu tersebut ketika harus melepasnya didepan umum. Karena jika melepas

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7 Terowongan Terunik Di Dunia

1. Terowongan LaerdalLokasi: Sogn og Fjordane, NorwegiaLatar Belakang: Sekitar 5.000 ledakan berbeda dilakukan selama fase konstruksi Terowongan Laerdal, yang membentang di bawah pegunungan Norwegia dan fjord sepanjang 15 mil, dan ini merupakan terowongan yang dibangun dengan waktu terlama di dunia.Mengapa Unik : Berkendara melalui terowongan selama 20 menit bisa sangat monoton, sehingga tim

7 Pajak Yang Paling Aneh Yang Pernah Dibuat

1. Pajak JenggotMungkin anda tidak akan lagi menemukan pajak ini lagi, tapi pajak satu ini pernah beneran ada. Peter the Great dari Rusia menerapkan pajak ini hanya karena dia tidak suka dengan adanya jenggot ataupun rambut apapun yang ada di wajah (termasuk kumis). Sehingga, jika ada orang yang nekat mengenakan hiasan alami kaum pria ini, harus berhadapan dengan pajak besar dan lumayan berat.2.

China's Aircraft Carrier: Smoke Means Progress!

Previous photos of China's first aircraft carrier, the refitted ex-Soviet "Varyag", have shown the deck cleared, repainted, and the lights on.

Now we see copious amounts of smoke pouring from the funnel.  In the recent past, naysayers have described China's carrier as an engineless white elephant that might perhaps be used as a towed training vessel.  Now we have definitive proof that there is

SQLyog Ultimate v9.2.0.2

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SQLyog Ultimate v9.2.0.2
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Just a bunch J-10 Photos

 Standard AA armament layout,  PL8+PL11 5th J-10B (1035) Prototype powered by WS-10A

 Land Based, Navalized, J-10AH

Wali - Abatasa

Artis : Wali
Judul : Abatasa
Album : Abatasa (2011)
Download mp3 Wali - Abatasa Download Lagu Wali - Abatasa ini hanya untuk review lagu. Beli dong original cassette/CD dari album Wali - Abatasa, atau gunakan NSP / RBT / i-Ring Wali - Abatasa

Wali - Abatasa

Download Wali - Abatasa
4shared | sharebeast

source : Wali - Abatasa

Drive Feat Rizki The Titans - Indonesia

Artis : Drive Feat Rizki The Titans
Judul : Indonesia
Album : Single (2011)
Download mp3 Drive Feat Rizki The Titans - Indonesia Download Lagu Drive Feat Rizki The Titans - Indonesia ini hanya untuk review lagu. Beli dong original cassette/CD dari album Band, atau gunakan NSP / RBT / i-Ring Drive Feat Rizki The Titans - Indonesia

Drive Feat Rizki The Titans - Indonesia
Download Drive Feat Rizki The Titans - Indonesia
4shared | sharebeast

source : Drive Feat Rizki The Titans - Indonesia

OMS - Ampunan-Mu

Artis : O.M.S Band
Judul : Ampunan-Mu
Album : Single Religi Ramadhan (2011)

Download mp3 OMS - Ampunan-Mu Download Lagu OMS - Ampunan-Mu ini hanya untuk review lagu. Beli dong original cassette/CD dari album Band, atau gunakan NSP / RBT / i-Ring OMS - Ampunan-Mu

OMS - Ampunan-Mu
Download OMS - Ampunan-Mu
4shared | sharebeast

source : OMS - Ampunan-Mu

Beads To The Beat

Gasping. This Haus of Price shoe is just awesome awesome awesome.


And today was shopping day with S...yayyyyyy! :)

Mango t-shirt, Velvet dress, Zara belt, Topshop necklace, Antyk Butyk necklace, unbranded tights & straw hat, Kulkith shoes

Communist propaganda of the day: aircraft carrier program for scientific research

It is almost as bad as the Japanese uses "scientific research" to justify whaling.

With or without aircraft carrier, China pursues peaceful development

(Source: Xinhua) 2011-07-28

The undated photo shows the imported aircraft carrier body is refitted. China's Defense Ministry said on Wednesday that the country is making use of an imported aircraft carrier body for refitting to be used

ZBL-09 Assault gun variant unveiled.

Perhaps this latest unveiling would add more credence to the rumor of PLA's own Stryker Brigade, perhaps not. At any rate, it is no secret that the PLA high command is a huge fan of FM 3-0 and don't be surprise to see a more "full spectrum" focused than pure firepower approach to war fighting down the road  

SAT-Comm variant

Sunday, May 15, 2011
PLA's ZBL09 IFV (VN1 Export) 8x8

7 Catatan Sejarah Paling Kelam Dari Dunia Tinju Professional

Tinju Profesional dikenal sebagai "Sweet Science", tetapi dengan adanya korupsi, kolusi, kecurangan, ancaman kekerasan yang melatar belakanginya, dan lahirnya badan baru MMA, telah mengancam eksistensi olahraga tinju professional dunia.Pertandingan Besar masih menghasilkan keuntungan yang besar, kadang jumlahnya sangat mencolok perbedaannya dan Berikut inilah 7 Catatan Sejarah Paling Kelam Dari

7 Pembayaran Transfer Pemain Bola Yang Paling Aneh

1. Hugh McLenahan (1927)Transfer: Freezer Plus Es KrimKetika Stockport mengadakan bazar (pasar murah) demi menambah penghasilan klub, Manchester United datang menawarkan sebuah freezer plus es krim. Kebetulan asisten manajer United saat itu adalah seorang pengusaha es krim. Dengan terpaksa, Stockport akhirnya menerima tawaran freezer beserta isinya itu untuk ditukar dengan Hugh McLenahan.2. John

7 Jenis Mahluk Vampir Yang Ada Di Sekitar Kita

Konsumsi darah secara ilmiah dikenal sebagai haematophagy, dan organisme yang mengkonsumsi sebagian atau secara eksklusif pada darah disebut haematophagous. Sebagai omnivora non-parasit, mudah bagi kita untuk menjelekkan gaya hidup yang tampaknya asing, tapi mempertimbangkan fakta bahwa makhluk lain, termasuk diri kita sendiri, terus dipaksa untuk membunuh untuk bertahan hidup.Hewan-hewan yang

7 Superhero Yang Tidak Mempunyai Kekuatan Super

Superhero atau pahlawan super, dari namanya saja pasti banyak orang yg membayangkan mereka punya kekuatan luar biasa. Sanggup terbang, merobohkan tembok dengan pukulan, sinar mata laser, atau kebal terhadap peluru. Istilah superhero sendiri dipopulerkan di AMRIK. Karena memang dari sanalah kebanyakan komik-komik tentang Superhero berasal. Sebut saja Superman,Hulk,Fantastic4,Spiderman,hingga

7 Gadget Yang Tergusur Karena Keberadaan Ponsel

Telepon selular sepertinya kini menjadi barang "wajib" yang melekat pada diri kita setiap hari. Tapi, sadarkah Anda, perangkat mobile ini telah mengambil alih fungsi berbagai barang yang dulu sering digunakan.Apa saja barang yang tergilas kecanggihan ponsel? Mengutip situs teknologi PC World, berikut adalah 7 Gadget Yang Tergusur Karena Keberadaan Ponsel, yaitu :1. MP3 PlayerKapan terakhir kali

7 Ilmuwan Penemu Alat Kesehatan

Jaman sekarang kita sering jumpai berbagai alat keselamatan yang kita gunakan secara tanpa sadar, seperti kalau kita memakai baju atau celana. Tahukah anda siapa penemu alat-alat yang membantu meningkatkan keselamatan hidup kita? Berikut 7 Ilmuwan Penemu dengan 7 Alat Kesehatan Temuan mereka, yaitu :1. Airbag (Kantong Udara)Airbag pertama kali ditemukan tahun 1951 oleh Walter Linderer berdasarkan

7 Cara Bunuh Diri Paling Populer Di Masyarakat

Harakiri, Cara bunuh diri khas jepang ini, mungkin adalah cara bunuh diri paling populer. Tapi hal ini tentu tidak berlaku di Indonesia. Orang Indonesia kan tidak ada yang bawa-bawa samurai. Paling-paling golok, keris, atau bambu runcing. Nah, yang jadi pertanyaan adalah, kalau harakiri itu cara bunuh diri khas Jepang, terus kalau harakanan apa yah..? (pertanyaan yang tidak perlu dijawab)Oke,

7 Kisah Orang Yang Paling Misterius

1. Green Children Of WoolpitGreen Children of Woolpit (2 anak hijau dari Woolpit) adalah dua orang anak yang secara misterius muncul di desa Woolpit di Suffolk, Inggris pada abad ke-12. Kedua anak tersebut bersaudara, dan mempunyai kulit yang berwarna hijau (Hulk ???). Selain kulitnya yang hijau, kedua anak tersebut mempunyai penampilan yang normal seperti manusia kebanyakan. Mereka berbicara

7 Kasus Kehilangan Yang Paling Misterius

1. Virgina Dare, 1587Virginia Dare hanyalah salah satu dari banyak orang (87 laki-laki, 17 perempuan dan 11 anak-anak, tepatnya) dari pulau Roanoke, salah satu koloni Inggris di Amerika yang menghilang tanpa jejak. Apa yang menonjol tentang Virginia, adalah bahwa dia adalah anak pertama dari orangtua Inggris yang dilahirkan di Amerika. Bahkan, faktanya, kakek Virginia, John White, adalah orang

Scooby Scuba Dooby Diving

After weeks of planning and delays, S and I finally went for our very first scuba diving lesson today...soooo muuuucchhh fuuuun! Venue was good, instructor was very professional, and the whole experience was somehow very refreshing...yay!

I actually came to know about this scuba diving lesson from Di Kota Kita...they have interesting offers, you know? I also bought my go-karting vouchers from Di Kota Kita...:)


And here you from today..:)


The key to scuba diving is to just stay calm & breathe properly...never, ever panic...:)

Gone fishin’—piloting community supported fisheries at Google

(Cross-posted on the Google Green Blog)

I've always loved the ocean—I was born in Shanghai, which means "upon the sea.” And as a chef, I'm always drawn to food that claims a spirit of place. After moving to California, near Half Moon Bay, I began visiting the docks to buy seafood, and got to know the fishermen.

Over time, it became evident to me that this part of our food supply is broken: many consumers purchase stale, unsustainably-raised fish from chain grocers. Meanwhile, fishermen often sell their diminishing catch to wholesalers at a very low profit, meaning their livelihoods are no longer sustained by their catch. There’s also the environmental factor to consider: Overfishing and illegal practices cause worldwide decline in ocean wildlife populations and wreak havoc on underwater habitats—not to mention the carbon footprint of transporting seafood far from its origin.

Google’s chefs have long been committed to sourcing food for our cafes as locally, seasonally and organically as possible. And in our Mountain View headquarters, many employees cook with the same ingredients at home thanks to on-site Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) programs. When I joined the team as an executive chef in Mountain View, I wanted to make a difference in our purchasing program for seafood. For the five years leading up to then, I wrote a column for the San Francisco Chronicle called “Seafood by the Season,” and I knew it could be done. In early 2010, we began a push to apply the most rigorous standards to our seafood-buying practices, and respond to the in-the-moment fluctuations of the catch from small, independent fishermen.

Things took off from there. My colleague Quentin Topping dreamed of providing the same high-quality seafood we serve in our cafes for Googlers to take home to their families. That idea became the Google Community Supported Fishery (CSF), which we launched in May 2011. In this program, Googlers sign up to purchase a weekly supply of local, sustainable seafood, supplied through a partnership with the Half Moon Bay (HMB) Fisherman’s Association.

The Google Culinary team on a visit with fishermen in Half Moon Bay, Calif.—Quentin and I are the second and third from the left, in black.

We tend to think on a massive scale at Google—whether it’s how to deliver instant search results around the globe or help thousands of small businesses get online—but when it comes to feeding our employees at work and at home, it really comes down to a local touch. Knowing where our seafood, meat and produce come from, as well as knowing how they’re raised, farmed or harvested, makes all the difference in the on-the-ground work of sustainability. We see many bright spots ahead for our Community Supported Agriculture and Fishery programs, such as expansion to other offices and adding a grass-fed beef and pasture-raised poultry program. It’s exciting to work someplace where we can think big and local.

We know of two CSFs in the Bay Area. The Half Moon Bay Fishermen’s Association supplies only Google at the moment, but will soon add public drop-off sites—keep posted by visiting The other is CSea out of Bodega Bay. If you live elsewhere, we hope you’ll consider stepping up to create one in your area.

And even if you don’t live near the ocean or have direct access to fresh-caught seafood, the choices you make about what fish to purchase or order in restaurants can make a real difference. You may want to consider following the guidelines that we used for our Google Green Seafood policy: Whenever possible, purchase species caught locally and in-season, by small, independent fisher-families, using environmentally-responsible methods. We think it’s important to be responsive to the fluctuations of catch too, and source from fisheries that enforce catch limits or are guided by ecosystem-based management programs. As for us, we’ll continue to research and source responsibly managed farmed seafood, and always keep transparency and Googler health at the center of our program.

Gone fishin��piloting community supported fisheries at Google

(Cross-posted on the Google Green Blog)

I've always loved the ocean�I was born in Shanghai, which means "upon the sea.� And as a chef, I'm always drawn to food that claims a spirit of place. After moving to California, near Half Moon Bay, I began visiting the docks to buy seafood, and got to know the fishermen.

Over time, it became evident to me that this part of our food supply is broken: many consumers purchase stale, unsustainably-raised fish from chain grocers. Meanwhile, fishermen often sell their diminishing catch to wholesalers at a very low profit, meaning their livelihoods are no longer sustained by their catch. There�s also the environmental factor to consider: Overfishing and illegal practices cause worldwide decline in ocean wildlife populations and wreak havoc on underwater habitats�not to mention the carbon footprint of transporting seafood far from its origin.

Google�s chefs have long been committed to sourcing food for our cafes as locally, seasonally and organically as possible. And in our Mountain View headquarters, many employees cook with the same ingredients at home thanks to on-site Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) programs. When I joined the team as an executive chef in Mountain View, I wanted to make a difference in our purchasing program for seafood. For the five years leading up to then, I wrote a column for the San Francisco Chronicle called �Seafood by the Season,� and I knew it could be done. In early 2010, we began a push to apply the most rigorous standards to our seafood-buying practices, and respond to the in-the-moment fluctuations of the catch from small, independent fishermen.

Things took off from there. My colleague Quentin Topping dreamed of providing the same high-quality seafood we serve in our cafes for Googlers to take home to their families. That idea became the Google Community Supported Fishery (CSF), which we launched in May 2011. In this program, Googlers sign up to purchase a weekly supply of local, sustainable seafood, supplied through a partnership with the Half Moon Bay (HMB) Fisherman�s Association.

The Google Culinary team on a visit with fishermen in Half Moon Bay, Calif.�Quentin and I are the second and third from the left, in black.

We tend to think on a massive scale at Google�whether it�s how to deliver instant search results around the globe or help thousands of small businesses get online�but when it comes to feeding our employees at work and at home, it really comes down to a local touch. Knowing where our seafood, meat and produce come from, as well as knowing how they�re raised, farmed or harvested, makes all the difference in the on-the-ground work of sustainability. We see many bright spots ahead for our Community Supported Agriculture and Fishery programs, such as expansion to other offices and adding a grass-fed beef and pasture-raised poultry program. It�s exciting to work someplace where we can think big and local.

We know of two CSFs in the Bay Area. The Half Moon Bay Fishermen�s Association supplies only Google at the moment, but will soon add public drop-off sites�keep posted by visiting The other is CSea out of Bodega Bay. If you live elsewhere, we hope you�ll consider stepping up to create one in your area.

And even if you don�t live near the ocean or have direct access to fresh-caught seafood, the choices you make about what fish to purchase or order in restaurants can make a real difference. You may want to consider following the guidelines that we used for our Google Green Seafood policy: Whenever possible, purchase species caught locally and in-season, by small, independent fisher-families, using environmentally-responsible methods. We think it�s important to be responsive to the fluctuations of catch too, and source from fisheries that enforce catch limits or are guided by ecosystem-based management programs. As for us, we�ll continue to research and source responsibly managed farmed seafood, and always keep transparency and Googler health at the center of our program.

T2 - Hello Baby

Artis : T2
Judul : Hello Baby
Album : Cinta Aku Gila (2011)

T2 - Hello Baby

Download mp3 T2 - Hello Baby Download Lagu T2 - Hello Baby ini hanya untuk review lagu. Beli dong original cassette/CD dari album Band, atau gunakan NSP / RBT / i-Ring T2 - Hello Baby

T2 - Hello Baby

Ari Lasso Feat Ariel Tatum - Karena Aku T'lah Denganmu

Artis : Ari Lasso Feat Ariel Tatum
Judul : Karena Aku T'lah Denganmu
Album : Single (2011)

Ari Lasso Feat Ariel Tatum - Karena Aku T'lah Denganmu

Download mp3 Ari Lasso Feat Ariel Tatum - Karena Aku T'lah Denganmu Download Lagu Ari Lasso Feat Ariel Tatum - Karena Aku T'lah Denganmu ini hanya untuk review lagu. Beli dong original cassette/CD dari album Band, atau gunakan NSP / RBT / i-Ring Ari Lasso Feat Ariel Tatum - Karena Aku T'lah Denganmu

Ari Lasso Feat Ariel Tatum - Karena Aku T'lah Denganmu

Rizka - Aku Bisa (Cover Flanella)

Artis : Rizka
Judul : Aku Bisa
Album : Single (2011)

Rizka - Aku Bisa (Cover Flanella)

Download mp3 Rizka - Aku Bisa (Cover Flanella) Download Lagu Rizka - Aku Bisa (Cover Flanella) ini hanya untuk review lagu. Beli dong original cassette/CD dari album Band, atau gunakan NSP / RBT / i-Ring Rizka - Aku Bisa (Cover Flanella)

Rizka - Aku Bisa (Cover Flanella)

Cheat Magnet + Auto HS + Instant Kill + No Respon + Pasang Bom 0 Detik + Defuse 0 Detik Updates 29 July 2011

Download Cheat : 

-Cheat Magnet On : INSERT
-Cheat Magnet OFF: DELETE

-INSTANT Kill    : F12
-No Respon       : F12
-Defuse 0 dtk    : F12
-Psang 0 Drk     : F12

-Auto HS          : Auto On

Cara Pakai :
-Download Cheat Ini Dari pekalongan Community
-lalu Simpan file Downloadnya ke dalam Flahsdisk
-Extract File nya
-Buka PB Launcher
-Buka Cheat ya
-Start Pb nya
-Tekan Inject Cheat
-Masukan password

NB : 
Work All Windows
-Gak Usah Copot/Lepas Flahsdisk  , Yang penting Cuma Letakan Cheat di dalam Flahsdiskkamu...

Credit : 
-Andrie_DK feat Vj Hamim

Special Thanks To : 
-Andi For SC nya

Lights on for China's first aircraft carrier.

In another sign of progress, the lights are on China's first aircraft carrier, formerly the Soviet "Varyag".  Also notable in this sequence of photos, most of the clutter on deck has been cleared.  It's still anybody's guess when exactly we will see fixed wing aircraft operating on this carrier.  Slowly but surely, we will see it happen.

Wallhack + Recoil 29 July 2011 Work ALL Windows

Download Cheat : 

PASSWORD : MamanGanteng

-Wallhack KACA
-Recoil <Agar titik Shot Tembakan Mengarah ke atas terus>
            <membuat kita mudah HS>
-Numpad 2 = WH On/Off
-Numpad 1 = Recoil

Cara Pakai : 
-Buka PB Lo
-Buka Cheat
-Masukin Password nya...
-Start PB nya
-Nunggu HSMuncul
-tekan inject
-Masuka passwordnya(Sama kayak tdi)
-Tekan ENTER

Nb : 
-Numpad /Numlockterletak pada bagian kanan keyboard
-Gak Usah bnyak On/Off ntar malah BT
-Tested Windows Xp 2 Selama 2 Jam N Bt
-Tested Windows 7 baru 20 mnit saja...

Credit : 
Andrie_DK feat Amoy

Eye Love Hot Chocolate

I loooove this eye cropped top from L& best new item of the week! :)

L&K cropped top, Coloriot shorts, Mango short tights, Allura flower piece, unbranded straw hat, Up wedges

Btw, do you know how to make your very own homemade hot chocolate drink that can beat Starbucks's and Coffee Bean's?


Here's how:


Just add a sachet of Milo 3in1 powder plus 2 blocks of Van Houten chocolate plus very hot water to ensure the chocolate blocks melt. PERFECTO.

Lastly, a new sleeping animal-mate in my bed the owl, courtesy of Ideku it! :)


7 Pelarian Dari Penjara Terhebat Di Dunia

1. Gerard’s Tower Of London EscapeYohanes Gerard adalah seorang imam Yesuit abad keenam belas yang dikenang sebagai satu-satunya orang yang pernah melarikan diri dari Menara London terkenal. Gerard diletakkan di Menara untuk melaksanakan misi keagamaan selama waktu ketika Gereja Katolik berada di bawah penindasan Elizabeth di Inggris. Dia sering mengalami interogasi, dan meskipun tidak pernah

7 Hal Aneh Tentang Albert Einstein

Pastinya anda sudah tahu Einstein kan? Dia adalah ilmuwan terbesar pada jamannya, lebih tepatnya pada abad 20 tersebut. Atau lebih jelasnya anda bisa membaca artikel tentang Profil Albert Einstein. Dia memberi kita teori fisika yang sangat fenomenal yaitu teori relativitas atau kenisbian. Tapi apakah anda tahu ketika Einstein dilahirkan ia mempunyai kepala yang besar, hingga ibunya menyangka

7 Penyakit Mental Artis Hollywood

1. Self InjurySelf injury (menyakiti/melukai diri sendiri) dapat didefinisikan sebagai tindakan mutilasi (mencacati) pada tubuh atau bagian tubuh dengan sengaja, tidak dengan tujuan bunuh diri tetapi sebagai suatu cara untuk melampiaskan emosi-emosi yang terlalu menyakitkan untuk diekspresikan dengan kata-kata.Self injury dapat berupa mengiris, menggores kulit atau membakarnya, atau mememarkan

7 Kesalahan Fatal Yang Mengubah Sejarah

Semua orang pasti pernah berbuat salah, entah itu hal-hal kecil, atau bahkan kesalahan besar-besaran. Untungnya sebagian besar kesalahan yang kita lakukan tidak sampai mengubah sejarah dunia. Tapi tidak semua orang seberuntung itu. Berikut ini daftar 7 kesalahan terparah sepanjang masa, yaitu :1. Sumber Kekuatan BayamPopeye the Sailor Man: kalian pasti menyukainya, minimal pernah menonton

7 Fakta Tentang Kematian

1. Praktek menguburkan orang mati mungkin dimulai 350.000 tahun lalu, sebagaimana dibuktikan oleh sebuah lubang sepanjang 45 kaki di Atapuerca, Spanyol, yang dipenuhi dengan fosil 27 hominid dari spesies Homo heidelbergensis, kemungkinan moyang Neanderthal dan manusia modern.2. Jangan pernah berputus asa: Ada sedikitnya 200 eufemisme untuk mati, termasuk “berada di dada Abraham,” dan”tidur dengan

7 Mega Proyek Pembangunan Dalam Air

1.Underwater CityThe 'Underwater Kota' di Bulgaria adalah kota revolusioner yang sama bahwa tingkat air adalah 'dibangun di tengah danau, bukan di sebuah pulau, namun sebenarnya di bawah'. Padahal, kota ini tidak sepenuhnya di bawah air, bendungan besar (berdiameter 1.377 kaki dan 65 di ketinggian) di sekitar kota,kesana dapat diakses melalui transportasi air.2.AerohotelFloating Aerohotel oleh

7 Spesies Hewan Yang Paling Sulit Ditemukan Di Bumi

Makhluk-makhluk ini berada di tempat-tempat tersembunyi seperti kedalaman laut atau gua yang sangat dalam. Hewan-hewan berikut ini mungkin bukan yang paling indah, tetapi mereka adalah jenis hewan yang paling sulit ditemukan di bumi. Berikut 7 Spesies Hewan Yang Paling Sulit Ditemukan Di Bumi, yaitu :1. SolenodonSolendon adalah mamalia kecil yang berasal dari Kuba dan Hispanola. Makhluk ini

7 Fakta Unik Istana Buckingham

1. Istana ini tidak menetapkan dress code secara resmi, tetapi tidak ada satu orang pun yang mengunjungi dengan jeans lusuh juga. Kebanyakan orang yang diundang ke Istana Buckingham di siang hari akan mengenakan seragam kerja ataupun jas. Sedangkan di malam hari, tergantung dari tingkat formalitas, para pengunjung pria akan mengenakan dasi hitam atau putih. Jika para pria mengenakan dasi putih,

Gigi - Pemimpin Dari Sorga

Artis : Gigi
Judul : Pemimpin Dari Sorga
Album : OST Para Pencari Tuhan 5 (Single Religi 2011)

Gigi - Pemimpin Dari Sorga

Download mp3 Gigi - Pemimpin Dari Sorga Download Lagu Gigi - Pemimpin Dari Sorga ini hanya untuk review lagu. Beli dong original cassette/CD dari album Band, atau gunakan NSP / RBT / i-Ring Gigi - Pemimpin Dari Sorga

Gigi - Pemimpin Dari Sorga

Wonder Boys - Ayo Sholat Ayo Taubat

Artis : Wonder Boys
Judul : Ayo Sholat Ayo Taubat
Album : Single Religi Ramadhan (2011)

Wonder Boys - Ayo Sholat Ayo Taubat

Download mp3 Wonder Boys - Ayo Sholat Ayo Taubat Download Lagu Wonder Boys - Ayo Sholat Ayo Taubat ini hanya untuk review lagu. Beli dong original cassette/CD dari album Band, atau gunakan NSP / RBT / i-Ring Wonder Boys - Ayo Sholat Ayo Taubat

2-step verification: stay safe around the world in 40 languages

(Cross-posted from the Official Google Blog)

Earlier this year, we introduced a security feature called 2-step verification that helps protect your Google Account from threats like password compromise and identity theft. By entering a one-time verification code from your phone after you type your password, you can make it much tougher for an unauthorized person to gain access to your account.

People have told us how much they like the feature, which is why we're thrilled to offer 2-step verification in 40 languages and in more than 150 countries. There’s never been a better time to set it up: Examples in the news of password theft and data breaches constantly remind us to stay on our toes and take advantage of tools to properly secure our valuable online information. Email, social networking and other online accounts still get compromised today, but 2-step verification cuts those risks significantly.

We recommend investing some time in keeping your information safe by watching our 2-step verification video to learn how to quickly increase your Google Account’s resistance to common problems like reused passwords and malware and phishing scams. Wherever you are in the world, sign up for 2-step verification and help keep yourself one step ahead of the bad guys.

To learn more about online safety tips and resources, visit our ongoing security blog series, and review a couple of simple tips and tricks for online security. Also, watch our video about five easy ways to help you stay safe and secure as you browse.

Update on 12/1/11: We recently made 2-step verification available for users in even more places, including Iran, Japan, Liberia, Myanmar (Burma), Sudan and Syria. This enhanced security feature for Google Accounts is now available in more than 175 countries.

2-step verification: stay safe around the world in 40 languages

(Cross-posted on the Online Security Blog)

Earlier this year, we introduced a security feature called 2-step verification that helps protect your Google Account from threats like password compromise and identity theft. By entering a one-time verification code from your phone after you type your password, you can make it much tougher for an unauthorized person to gain access to your account.

People have told us how much they like the feature, which is why we're thrilled to offer 2-step verification in 40 languages and in more than 150 countries. There’s never been a better time to set it up: Examples in the news of password theft and data breaches constantly remind us to stay on our toes and take advantage of tools to properly secure our valuable online information. Email, social networking and other online accounts still get compromised today, but 2-step verification cuts those risks significantly.

We recommend investing some time in keeping your information safe by watching our 2-step verification video to learn how to quickly increase your Google Account’s resistance to common problems like reused passwords and malware and phishing scams. Wherever you are in the world, sign up for 2-step verification and help keep yourself one step ahead of the bad guys.

To learn more about online safety tips and resources, visit our ongoing security blog series, and review a couple of simple tips and tricks for online security. Also, watch our video about five easy ways to help you stay safe and secure as you browse.

Update on 12/1/11: We recently made 2-step verification available for users in even more places, including Iran, Japan, Liberia, Myanmar (Burma), Sudan and Syria. This enhanced security feature for Google Accounts is now available in more than 175 countries.

2-step verification: stay safe around the world in 40 languages

(Cross-posted on the Online Security Blog)

Earlier this year, we introduced a security feature called 2-step verification that helps protect your Google Account from threats like password compromise and identity theft. By entering a one-time verification code from your phone after you type your password, you can make it much tougher for an unauthorized person to gain access to your account.

People have told us how much they like the feature, which is why we're thrilled to offer 2-step verification in 40 languages and in more than 150 countries. There�s never been a better time to set it up: Examples in the news of password theft and data breaches constantly remind us to stay on our toes and take advantage of tools to properly secure our valuable online information. Email, social networking and other online accounts still get compromised today, but 2-step verification cuts those risks significantly.

We recommend investing some time in keeping your information safe by watching our 2-step verification video to learn how to quickly increase your Google Account�s resistance to common problems like reused passwords and malware and phishing scams. Wherever you are in the world, sign up for 2-step verification and help keep yourself one step ahead of the bad guys.

To learn more about online safety tips and resources, visit our ongoing security blog series, and review a couple of simple tips and tricks for online security. Also, watch our video about five easy ways to help you stay safe and secure as you browse.

Update on 12/1/11: We recently made 2-step verification available for users in even more places, including Iran, Japan, Liberia, Myanmar (Burma), Sudan and Syria. This enhanced security feature for Google Accounts is now available in more than 175 countries.

Catch the London Underground with Google Maps

(Cross-posted on the Lat Long Blog)

Starting today, you can get public transport directions for London within Google Maps. One of Europe’s largest metropolitan areas, London is a major destination for both business travelers and tourists. More than 1 billion passengers are serviced by Transport for London (TfL) every year across over 18,000 bus stops and over 250 Underground stations.

Let’s say you’re at Trafalgar Square, and you want to visit Madame Tussauds. With a simple directions search, you’ll see all the possible public transport connections. In Maps, click “Get directions” in the left-hand panel, and then the train icon to see public transport directions. Enter your departure location next to A, and your destination next to B. These can be either street addresses or names of popular places, businesses or restaurants. When you’re done, click the “Get directions” button and suggestions for your trip will appear below.

Public transport directions are available on both Google Maps and Google Maps for mobile, so you always have access to a trip planner. When you’re on mobile, Maps even uses your current location to determine the best trip to your destination. Just search for your destination location, select it on the map and choose the “Directions” option. The suggested trips will be based on your location by default, and provide you multiple alternatives whenever possible.

If you’re using an Android-powered device, you can also get public transport directions with Transit Navigation (Beta) in Google Maps. With this new feature, which we launched earlier this month, you’ll get alerts when it’s time to get off the bus or train at your destination or to make a transfer. Transit Navigation is available in all regions where public transport directions are available, including London.

TfL is among the first agencies in a major European city to make its timetable information publicly available through the London Datastore. We’re strong supporters of open data and bringing information out into the open, and believe that making information publicly accessible can be an enormous engine of economic growth and innovation. ITO World has been a great partner in this launch by ensuring TfL’s data was adapted correctly and ready for our use.

Public transport directions are available for all Underground, bus, tram and Docklands Light Railway (DLR) lines, and we’ll include more public transport information as soon as it’s available. Whether you use public transport every day or infrequently, as a commuter, on a business trip or as a tourist, we hope that public transport directions in London make planning your trips more convenient!

Catch the London Underground with Google Maps

(Cross-posted on the Lat Long Blog)

Starting today, you can get public transport directions for London within Google Maps. One of Europe�s largest metropolitan areas, London is a major destination for both business travelers and tourists. More than 1 billion passengers are serviced by Transport for London (TfL) every year across over 18,000 bus stops and over 250 Underground stations.

Let�s say you�re at Trafalgar Square, and you want to visit Madame Tussauds. With a simple directions search, you�ll see all the possible public transport connections. In Maps, click �Get directions� in the left-hand panel, and then the train icon to see public transport directions. Enter your departure location next to A, and your destination next to B. These can be either street addresses or names of popular places, businesses or restaurants. When you�re done, click the �Get directions� button and suggestions for your trip will appear below.

Public transport directions are available on both Google Maps and Google Maps for mobile, so you always have access to a trip planner. When you�re on mobile, Maps even uses your current location to determine the best trip to your destination. Just search for your destination location, select it on the map and choose the �Directions� option. The suggested trips will be based on your location by default, and provide you multiple alternatives whenever possible.

If you�re using an Android-powered device, you can also get public transport directions with Transit Navigation (Beta) in Google Maps. With this new feature, which we launched earlier this month, you�ll get alerts when it�s time to get off the bus or train at your destination or to make a transfer. Transit Navigation is available in all regions where public transport directions are available, including London.

TfL is among the first agencies in a major European city to make its timetable information publicly available through the London Datastore. We�re strong supporters of open data and bringing information out into the open, and believe that making information publicly accessible can be an enormous engine of economic growth and innovation. ITO World has been a great partner in this launch by ensuring TfL�s data was adapted correctly and ready for our use.

Public transport directions are available for all Underground, bus, tram and Docklands Light Railway (DLR) lines, and we�ll include more public transport information as soon as it�s available. Whether you use public transport every day or infrequently, as a commuter, on a business trip or as a tourist, we hope that public transport directions in London make planning your trips more convenient!

7 Karakter Kucing Dalam Film Kartun Terkenal

1. DoraemonDoraemon adalah judul sebuah manga populer yang dikarang Fujiko F. Fujio sejak tahun 1969 dan berkisah tentang kehidupan seorang anak pemalas kelas 5 SD yang bernama Nobi Nobita yang didatangi oleh sebuah robot kucing bernama Doraemon yang datang dari abad ke-22. Dia dikirim untuk menolong Nobita agar keturunan Nobita dapat menikmati kesuksesannya daripada harus menderita dari utang

7 HandPhone Paling Unik Di Dunia

Tidak sampai 10 tahun lalu, Handphone adalah barang yang amat mewah, dengan hanya sedikit orang yang mampu membelinya, tapi sekarang telepon genggam sudah menjadi konsumsi orang sehari-hari, bahkan tukang sayur di kompleks perumahan juga punya Handphone, yang ternyata sangat membantu si tukang sayur dalam bergerak di dunia penyediaan bahan makanan segar bagi para ibu rumah tangga.Dari berbagai

7 Hal Tentang Indonesia Yang Mesti Kamu Ketahui

1. Tiga orang Presiden RI pertama memiliki bulan lahir yang sama, yaitu bulan juni. Bungkarno lahir 6 Juni 1901 (Bernama asli Kusno Sosrodihardjo). Pak Soeharto 8 Juni 1921. Sedangkan Pak Habibie 25 Juni 1936.2. Istana Merdeka mulai dibangun pada tahun 1873 dan selesai pada tahun 1879. Istana tsb di rancang oleh arsitek Drossares dengan luas 6,8 hektar dan 16 jumlah anak tangga yg terdapat di

7 Keunikan Di Dunia Yang Jarang Ditemui

1. Seorang gadis dapat mencari tahu siapa calon suaminya dengan pergi ke makam St. Valentinus pada tengah malam menjelang perayaan tersebut. Ia kemudian harus menyanyikan suatu lagu yang telah ditentukan dan lari mengelilingi gereja sebanyak 12 kali.2. Kota Verona di Italia, tempat tinggal Romeo dan Juliet, sepasang kekasih dalam cerita Shakespeare, tiap tahun menerima sekitar 1.000 pucuk surat

7 Pesawat Tempur Terbaik Sepanjang Masa

1. F-22 RAPTORManufacturer: Lockheed MartinPower Plant: Pratt & Whitney F-119 PW-100Top Speed: Mach 2.5Armament: One 20mm cannon, six AMRAAM and two AIM-9 Sidewinder missilesKarena hampir tak kelihatan ke radar dan kelengkapan dari persenjataan F-22 Raptor, merupakan pesawat tempur USA generasi ke-empat, dengan inovasi yang hebat dan sangat ditakuti. Namun, semua dibarengi oleh biaya produksi

7 Kategori Kecerdasan Manusia

1. Kecerdasan LinguistikKemampuan menggunakan kata secara efektif, lisan maupun tertulis. Meliputi juga kemampuan memanipulasi tata bahasa atau struktur bahasa, bunyi bahasa makna sehingga pekaterhadap kata kalimat, susunan, huruf, dan mampu menyusunnya dengan baik dan indah.2. Kecerdasan Matematis-LogisKemampuan menggunakan angka dengan baik, melakukan penalaran dengan benar, kepekaan pada pola

7 Fakta Menarik Tentang Perseteruan Real Madrid Vs Barcelona FC

El Clasico (bahasa Inggris: The Classic), juga dikenal sebagai El Derbi Español atau El Classic adalah nama generik yang diberikan untuk setiap pertandingan sepak bola antara FC Barcelona dan Real Madrid. Hal ini ditentang setidaknya (dan biasanya) bi-setiap tahun sebagai bagian dari kompetisi La Liga Spanyol, dengan maksimum sembilan pertandingan tahun, dengan dua tambahan di Copa del Rey, Liga

7 Manfaat Radiasi Selain Sebagai Pembangkit Listrik Dan Bom

Radiasi di deskripsikan dengan setiap proses di mana energi bergerak melalui media atau melalui ruang, dan akhirnya diserap oleh benda lain. Dengan terjadinya gempa Jepang yang menyebabkan tragedi nuklir, telah menyerap perhatian berita utama akhir-akhir ini. Mudah untuk bertanya kenapa para ilmuwan pernah berpikir, akan jadi ide yang baik jika mendidihkan air dengan uranium dan plutonium?

7 Inovasi Transportasi Manusia Di Masa Depan

Masa depan transportasi kita sangatlah unik dan luar biasa. Ini mungkin masih konsep, tapi sangatlah tidak mungkin bahwa akan terealisasi. Berikut 7 Inovasi Transportasi Manusia Di Masa Depan, yaitu :1. Robot Sepeda Untuk Mengayuh SepedamuIngin berkeliling dengan sepeda? menikmati angin di pagi hari, tapi anda terlalu malas untuk mengayuh sepeda?Santai ini jawabannya, dengan sepeda ini anda tidak

Save your friends from outdated email—help them switch to Gmail

(Cross-posted from the Gmail Blog)

I switched to Gmail the first month it came out, mere seconds after receiving an invitation from a friend and two years before joining Google. Since then, I’ve invited hundreds of people, most of whom have happily made the switch to Gmail and never looked back.

But I have one friend, Andy, who’s the straggler in the group. A couple months ago, I sent out an email about a barbecue I was having. On the “To:” line, there were 15 Gmail addresses and then Andy. He stuck out like a sore thumb. Shortly thereafter, Andy was complaining to us about how much spam he got. That was the last straw.

My friends and I sat Andy down and talked him through how to import his contacts. We answered his questions, guilt-tripped him a little, and a few painless minutes later we were done. Andy had Gmail.

We all have a story like this. On the Gmail team, we affectionately refer to them as “email interventions.” We hear about them all the time: the cousin who finally switched from an embarassing address like hottie6elliot1977 to a more professional, a co-worker who helped his dentist switch after he heard her grumble about having to pay for IMAP access, etc.

It’s for these folks we created, a site that makes it easier than ever to help your friends and family make the switch.

Staging an intervention is simple:
  1. Visit
  2. Sign in and automatically identify who from your contacts has yet to make the switch, or just enter a friend’s email address manually
  3. Choose from one of three intervention message templates (“straightforward”, “concerned” or “ embarrassed”), and add your own intervention video if you’d like
  4. Send a customized email and follow up as needed

Your loved ones are counting on you. Even if they don't know it yet.

Save your friends from outdated email�help them switch to Gmail

(Cross-posted from the Gmail Blog)

I switched to Gmail the first month it came out, mere seconds after receiving an invitation from a friend and two years before joining Google. Since then, I�ve invited hundreds of people, most of whom have happily made the switch to Gmail and never looked back.

But I have one friend, Andy, who�s the straggler in the group. A couple months ago, I sent out an email about a barbecue I was having. On the �To:� line, there were 15 Gmail addresses and then Andy. He stuck out like a sore thumb. Shortly thereafter, Andy was complaining to us about how much spam he got. That was the last straw.

My friends and I sat Andy down and talked him through how to import his contacts. We answered his questions, guilt-tripped him a little, and a few painless minutes later we were done. Andy had Gmail.

We all have a story like this. On the Gmail team, we affectionately refer to them as �email interventions.� We hear about them all the time: the cousin who finally switched from an embarassing address like hottie6elliot1977 to a more professional, a co-worker who helped his dentist switch after he heard her grumble about having to pay for IMAP access, etc.

It�s for these folks we created, a site that makes it easier than ever to help your friends and family make the switch.

Staging an intervention is simple:
  1. Visit
  2. Sign in and automatically identify who from your contacts has yet to make the switch, or just enter a friend�s email address manually
  3. Choose from one of three intervention message templates (�straightforward�, �concerned� or � embarrassed�), and add your own intervention video if you�d like
  4. Send a customized email and follow up as needed

Your loved ones are counting on you. Even if they don't know it yet.

Congratulations Russia, the National Geographic World Champions

(Cross-posted from the Lat Long and Student Blogs)

This island has a population of about 57,000 people, with the most settlements concentrated on the west coast. Very little of this island is suitable for agriculture.

After eight rounds of questions from none other than quiz king Alex Trebek himself, the team from Russia was crowned the National Geographic World Champions today at our Mountain View, Calif. headquarters after answering this final question correctly.

(By the way, the answer is Greenland.)

The National Geographic World Champions from Russia (photo courtesy of National Geographic)

Students from 17 regions around the world competed in the 2011 National Geographic World Championship. Today’s final round included answering a series of challenging questions like the one above. The students also interpreted maps and museum artifacts from the University of California Berkeley and fielded questions about live animals from the San Francisco Zoo during the earlier rounds of the competition.

Congratulations to the Russian team and to all of the students who participated. We look forward to seeing where your explorations and knowledge take you.

Congratulations Russia, the National Geographic World Champions

(Cross-posted from the Lat Long and Student Blogs)

This island has a population of about 57,000 people, with the most settlements concentrated on the west coast. Very little of this island is suitable for agriculture.

After eight rounds of questions from none other than quiz king Alex Trebek himself, the team from Russia was crowned the National Geographic World Champions today at our Mountain View, Calif. headquarters after answering this final question correctly.

(By the way, the answer is Greenland.)

The National Geographic World Champions from Russia (photo courtesy of National Geographic)

Students from 17 regions around the world competed in the 2011 National Geographic World Championship. Today�s final round included answering a series of challenging questions like the one above. The students also interpreted maps and museum artifacts from the University of California Berkeley and fielded questions about live animals from the San Francisco Zoo during the earlier rounds of the competition.

Congratulations to the Russian team and to all of the students who participated. We look forward to seeing where your explorations and knowledge take you.

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Windows XP Neo Reconia Pooh Edition 2010
Windows XP Neo Reconia Pooh Edition 2010

XP version a huge and comprehensive - Genuine Genuine needs here or activate any crack. Another version with updates until late September 2010 and the definitions of sound and the screen and the network Version by a group of programs in the WPI file you can optionally including any terracing terracing after Windows.


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