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Ibuku Seorang Pembohong

Berita heboh terkini. Sebelum berkomentar baca dulu dengan benar yah..
Tidak sengaja saya lihat- lihat trit di forum sebelah, ada satu artikel yang membuat saya langsung menangis.
Kisahnya hampir sama dengan apa yang saya alami. berikut tulisannya...


Cerita ini bermula ketika saya masih kecil. Saya lahir sebagai seorang anak lelaki dalam sebuah keluarga sederhana. Makan minum serba kekurangan. Kami sering kelaparan.

Adakalanya, selama beberapa hari kami terpaksa makan ikan asin satu keluarga. Sebagai anak yang masih kecil, saya sering merengut. Saya menangis, ingin nasi dan lauk yang banyak. Tapi ibu pintar berbohong. Ketika makan, ibu sering membagikan nasinya untuk saya. Sambil memindahkan nasi ke mangkuk saya, ibu berkata : ”Makanlah nak ibu tak lapar.”


Ketika saya mulai besar, ibu yang gigih sering meluangkan watu senggangnya untuk pergi memancing di sungai sebelah rumah. Ibu berharap dari ikan hasil pancingan itu dapat memberikan sedikit makanan untuk membesarkan kami. Pulang dari memancing, ibu memasak ikan segar yang mengundang selera. Sewaktu saya memakan ikan itu, ibu duduk disamping kami dan memakan sisa daging ikan yang masih menempel di tulang bekas sisa ikan yang saya makan tadi. Saya sedih melihat ibu seperti itu. Hati saya tersentuh lalu memberikan ikan yg belum saya makan kepada ibu. Tetapi ibu dengan cepat menolaknya. Ibu berkata : “Makanlah nak, ibu tak suka makan ikan.”


Di awal remaja, saya masuk sekolah menengah. Ibu biasa membuat kue untuk dijual sebagai tambahan uang saku saya dan abang. Suatu saat, pada dinihari lebih kurang pukul 1.30 pagi saya terjaga dari tidur. Saya melihat ibu membuat kue dengan ditemani lilin di hadapannya. Beberapa kali saya melihat kepala ibu terangguk karena ngantuk. Saya berkata : “Ibu, tidurlah, esok pagi ibu kan pergi ke kebun pula.” Ibu tersenyum dan berkata : “Cepatlah tidur nak, ibu belum ngantuk.”


Di akhir masa ujian sekolah saya, ibu tidak pergi berjualan kue seperti biasa supaya dapat menemani saya pergi ke sekolah untuk turut menyemangati. Ketika hari sudah siang, terik panas matahari mulai menyinari, ibu

terus sabar menunggu saya di luar. Ibu seringkali saja tersenyum dan mulutnya komat-kamit berdoa kepada Illahi agar saya lulus ujian dengan cemerlang. Ketika lonceng berbunyi menandakan ujian sudah selesai, ibu dengan segera menyambut saya dan menuangkan kopi yang sudah disiapkan dalam botol yang dibawanya. Kopi yang kental itu tidak dapat dibandingkan dengan kasih sayang ibu yang jauh lebih kental. Melihat tubuh ibu yang dibasahi peluh, saya segera memberikan cawan saya itu kepada ibu dan menyuruhnya minum. Tapi ibu cepat-cepat menolaknya dan berkata : “Minumlah nak, ibu tak haus!!”


Setelah ayah meninggal karena sakit, selepas saya baru beberapa bulan dilahirkan, ibulah yang mengambil tugas sebagai ayah kepada kami sekeluarga. Ibu bekerja memetik cengkeh di kebun, membuat sapu lidi dan menjual kue-kue agar kami tidak kelaparan. Tapi apalah daya seorang ibu. Kehidupan keluarga kami semakin susah dan susah. Melihat keadaan keluarga yang semakin parah, seorang tetangga yang baik hati dan tinggal bersebelahan dengan kami, datang untuk membantu ibu. Anehnya, ibu menolak bantuan itu. Para tetangga sering kali menasihati ibu supaya menikah lagi agar ada seorang lelaki yang menjaga dan mencarikan nafkah untuk kami sekeluarga. Tetapi ibu yang keras hatinya tidak mengindahkan nasihat mereka. Ibu berkata : “Saya tidak perlu cinta dan saya tidak perlu laki-laki.”


Setelah kakak-kakak saya tamat sekolah dan mulai bekerja, ibu pun sudah tua. Kakak-kakak saya menyuruh ibu supaya istirahat saja di rumah. Tidak lagi bersusah payah untuk mencari uang. Tetapi ibu tidak mau. Ibu rela pergi ke pasar setiap pagi menjual sedikit sayur untuk memenuhi keperluan hidupnya. Kakak dan abang yang bekerja jauh di kota besar sering mengirimkan uang untuk membantu memenuhi keperluan ibu, pun begitu ibu tetap berkeras tidak mau menerima uang tersebut. Malah ibu mengirim balik uang itu, dan ibu berkata : “Jangan susah-susah, ibu ada uang.”


Setelah lulus kuliah, saya melanjutkan lagi untuk mengejar gelar sarjana di luar Negeri. Kebutuhan saya di sana dibiayai sepenuhnya oleh sebuah perusahaan besar. Gelar sarjana itu saya sudahi dengan cemerlang, kemudian saya pun bekerja dengan perusahaan yang telah membiayai sekolah saya di luar negeri. Dengan gaji yang agak lumayan, saya berniat membawa ibu untuk menikmati penghujung hidupnya bersama saya di luar negara. Menurut hemat saya, ibu sudah puas bersusah payah untuk kami. Hampir seluruh hidupnya habis dengan penderitaan, pantaslah kalau hari-hari tuanya ibu habiskan dengan keceriaan dan keindahan pula. Tetapi ibu yang baik hati, menolak ajakan saya. Ibu tidak mau menyusahkan anaknya ini dengan berkata ; “Tak usahlah nak, ibu tak bisa tinggal di negara orang.”


Beberapa tahun berlalu, ibu semakin tua. Suatu malam saya menerima berita ibu diserang penyakit kanker di leher, yang akarnya telah menjalar kemana-mana. Ibu mesti dioperasi secepat mungkin. Saya yang ketika itu berada jauh diseberang samudera segera pulang untuk menjenguk ibunda tercinta. Saya melihat ibu terbaring lemah di rumah sakit, setelah menjalani pembedahan. Ibu yang kelihatan sangat tua, menatap wajah saya dengan penuh kerinduan. Ibu menghadiahkan saya sebuah senyuman biarpun agak kaku karena terpaksa menahan sakit yang menjalari setiap inci tubuhnya. Saya dapat melihat dengan jelas betapa kejamnya penyakit itu telah menggerogoti tubuh ibu, sehingga ibu menjadi terlalu lemah dan kurus. Saya menatap wajah ibu sambil berlinangan air mata. Saya cium tangan ibu kemudian saya kecup pula pipi dan dahinya. Di saat itu hati saya terlalu pedih, sakit sekali melihat ibu dalam keadaan seperti ini. Tetapi ibu tetap tersenyum dan berkata : “Jangan menangis nak, ibu tak sakit.”

Setelah mengucapkan pembohongan yang kedelapan itu, ibunda tercinta menutup matanya untuk terakhir kali.
Anda beruntung karena masih mempunyai ibu dan ayah. Anda boleh memeluk dan menciumnya. Kalau ibu anda jauh dari mata, anda boleh menelponnya sekarang, dan berkata, ‘Ibu,saya sayang ibu.’ Tapi tidak saya, hingga
kini saya diburu rasa bersalah yang amat sangat karena biarpun saya mengasihi ibu lebih dari segala-galanya, tapi tidak pernah sekalipun saya membisikkan kata-kata itu ke telinga ibu, sampailah saat ibu menghembuskan nafasnya yang terakhir.
Ibu, maafkan saya. Saya sayang ibu…..

di kutip dari :

Dulu sewaktu ibu saya masih hidup, ibu terkadang mengeluh kalau dia selalu kapanasan kalau tidur.
Mungkin cuma itu kejujuran ibu yang pernah aku dengar . Biasanya beliau tidak pernah berkeluh kesah.
Selalu saja tutupi semuanya di depanku.

Begitu saya ada rejeki, saya buat kamar mirip rumah kecil di belakang rumah. saya pasang AC di sana. saya belikan tempat tidur yang empuk. saya ingin ibu bisa tidur senyaman mungkin.
Lalu apa yang terjadi ...ibu menangis memeluk aku.
dia bilang "heksa, ibu bangga punya anak seperti kamu"

Besoknya dia pamerkan kamar barunya kepada tetangga sambil berkata " kamar ini anaku yang buat ..loh"

tidak hanya itu saja dia juga bawa teman-teman pengajiannya ke rumah, dia pamerkan kamar barunya itu sambil selalu berkata dangan bangga " ini heksawati yang buat loh..."

Bayangkan hanya dengan membuat sebuah kamar.
Berapa biaya membuat kamar ? tidak sampai puluhan juta. tidak sampai membuat kita bangkrut. tapi hanya dengan kamar itu ibu bisa bangga punya anak seperti aku.

Bagi anda yang sudah mempunyai keluarga. mungkin anda bisa hidup senang dengan anak istri /suami.
Anda lakukan yang terbaik buat mereka. Anda bisa buat mereka senang. Anda bisa ajak mereka naik mobil anda. Anda ajak buat mereka bertamasya , makan enak setiap hari. Anda bahkan buat rumah bagus untuk mereka.
Tapi pernahkah anda terpikir untuk membuat senang orang yang berada di belakang kesuksesan kita. Membuat senang ibu kita ?

Setiap ada rejeki, Yang pertama kita kasih kabar adalah anak istri / suami kita. Yang  pertama kita buat senang-senang adalah  keluarga kita.
tanpa pernah ingat untuk ikut menyenangkan ibu kita.

Kita  kalau kita ada masalah, orang yang pertama kita temui adalah ibu kita. Kita hanya ingat beliau ketika kita susah.

Masih pantaskah kita di panggil seorang anak ? masih pantaskah kita di panggil sebagai orang terhormat ?

Bagi teman-teman yang masih mempunyai ibu,..Jangan pernah sia-siakan seorang ibu.
Buatlah beliau bangga telah mempunyai anak seperti kita.
Buatlah beliau bangga hingga mau berdiri sambil menunjuk ke arah kita " Lihatlah Dia itu anakku  !!!!"
Jangan pernah tunggu sampai terlambat.

Untuk ibu,..Semoga engkau tenang di alam sana..
Aku sayang kamu,... Ibu

Download MP3 Lagu Ade Elji - Keajaiban Cinta

Download lagu MP3 gratis Ade Elji - Keajaiban Cinta. Gunakanlah ini hanya sebagai referensi dan review saja. Gunakan Nada Sambung Pribadi Ade Elji - Keajaiban Cinta. Dan jangan lupa membeli Kaset dan CD original dari artis, band favorit Anda. Untuk menghargai dan mendukung karya musisi anak negeri.

Download MP3 Lagu Ade Elji - Keajaiban Cinta

Download MP3 Lagu Geisha - Aku Bukan Mereka

Download lagu MP3 gratis Geisha - Aku Bukan Mereka. Gunakanlah ini hanya sebagai referensi dan review saja. Gunakan Nada Sambung Pribadi Geisha - Aku Bukan Mereka. Dan jangan lupa membeli Kaset dan CD original dari artis, band favorit Anda. Untuk menghargai dan mendukung karya musisi anak negeri.

Download MP3 Lagu Geisha - Aku Bukan Mereka

Download MP3 Lagu Relief - Kau Di Sana

Download lagu MP3 gratis Relief - Kau Di Sana. Gunakanlah ini hanya sebagai referensi dan review saja. Gunakan Nada Sambung Pribadi Relief - Kau Di Sana. Dan jangan lupa membeli Kaset dan CD original dari artis, band favorit Anda. Untuk menghargai dan mendukung karya musisi anak negeri.

Download MP3 Lagu Relief - Kau Di Sana

Download MP3 Lagu Bondan Prakoso & Fade 2 Black - Tetap Semangat

Download lagu MP3 gratis Bondan Prakoso & Fade 2 Black - Tetap Semangat. Gunakanlah ini hanya sebagai referensi dan review saja. Gunakan Nada Sambung Pribadi Bondan Prakoso & Fade 2 Black - Tetap Semangat. Dan jangan lupa membeli Kaset dan CD original dari artis, band favorit Anda. Untuk menghargai dan mendukung karya musisi anak negeri.

Download MP3 Lagu Bondan Prakoso & Fade 2 Black - Tetap

Download MP3 Lagu Ridho Rhoma & Sonet 2 Band - Let's Have Fun Together (OST Dawai 2 Asmara)

Download lagu MP3 gratis Ridho Rhoma & Sonet 2 Band - Let's Have Fun Together (OST Dawai 2 Asmara). Gunakanlah ini hanya sebagai referensi dan review saja. Gunakan Nada Sambung Pribadi Ridho Rhoma & Sonet 2 Band - Let's Have Fun Together (OST Dawai 2 Asmara). Dan jangan lupa membeli Kaset dan CD original dari artis, band favorit Anda. Untuk menghargai dan mendukung karya musisi anak negeri.

Download MP3 Lagu Ridho Rhoma & Sonet 2 Band - Cinta Pertama (OST Dawai 2 Asmara)

Download lagu MP3 gratis Ridho Rhoma & Sonet 2 Band - Cinta Pertama (OST Dawai 2 Asmara). Gunakanlah ini hanya sebagai referensi dan review saja. Gunakan Nada Sambung Pribadi Ridho Rhoma & Sonet 2 Band - Cinta Pertama (OST Dawai 2 Asmara). Dan jangan lupa membeli Kaset dan CD original dari artis, band favorit Anda. Untuk menghargai dan mendukung karya musisi anak negeri.

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Download MP3 Lagu Bean - Rumah Cinta

Download lagu MP3 gratis Bean - Rumah Cinta. Gunakanlah ini hanya sebagai referensi dan review saja. Gunakan Nada Sambung Pribadi Bean - Rumah Cinta. Dan jangan lupa membeli Kaset dan CD original dari artis, band favorit Anda. Untuk menghargai dan mendukung karya musisi anak negeri.

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Download MP3 Lagu LUP - Jatuh Cinta (OST London Virginia)

Download lagu MP3 gratis LUP - Jatuh Cinta (OST London Virginia). Gunakanlah ini hanya sebagai referensi dan review saja. Gunakan Nada Sambung Pribadi LUP - Jatuh Cinta (OST London Virginia). Dan jangan lupa membeli Kaset dan CD original dari artis, band favorit Anda. Untuk menghargai dan mendukung karya musisi anak negeri.

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Download MP3 Lagu Caroline - Coba Kalau Kamu Bisa

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New imagery of Japan after the earthquake

(Cross-posted from the Lat Long Blog)

It�s now the third week after the devastating 9.0-magnitude earthquake that struck northeastern Japan. Aid organizations have been hard at work and cities are starting to show signs of recovery, but the damage is beyond imagination and there are still thousands of people at shelters grappling with daily challenges. As a native of Sendai city, I�m still speechless seeing the destruction and damage that has been done to the places I love and care about.

We�ve been looking for ways we can assist in the relief efforts using Google�s map-related tools. A few days after the quake, we published updated satellite imagery of northeast Japan in Google Maps and Google Earth, which illustrated the massive scale of devastation in the affected areas.

Today, we�ve published imagery of the Sendai region at even higher resolution, which we collected on Sunday and Monday. The new Sendai imagery, along with satellite imagery from throughout the area, is now live in the base imagery layer of Google Earth and will soon be visible in Google Maps. We hope to continue collecting updated images and publishing them as soon as they are ready.

We hope our effort to deliver up-to-date imagery provides the relief organizations and volunteers working around the clock with the data they need to better understand the current conditions on the ground. We also hope these tools help our millions of users�both those in Japan and those closely watching and sending their support from all over the globe�to find useful information about the affected areas.

A riverside neighborhood in Sendai from our newly released imagery

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Menikah Dengan Mayat.

Berita heboh terkini. Memang tambah aneh kejadian di dunia ini. Bayangkan saja, seorang gadis cantik asal perancis mau menikah dengan seorang mayat...

Kematian ternyata tidak menyurutkan niat seorang perempuan untuk menikahi lelaki yang dicintainya. Meskipun telah ditinggal mati, Magali Jaskiewicz, perempuan asal Prancis ini tetap ingin menikah dengan kekasihnya, Jonathan George. Setahun setelah kepergian sang kekasih, ia pun kini resmi menyandang status nyonya Jonathan George.

Sebenarnya, pasangan ini berencana menikah pada bulan November 2008 silam, setelah enam tahun berpacaran. Namun sayangnya, niat mereka tidak dapat terwujud karena sang mempelai lelaki tewas mengenaskan dalam kecelakaan motor, dua hari menjelang pernikahan.

Dengan sedikit pengetahuan yang dimilikinya, perempuan berusia 32 tahun ini, lalu mencari cara agar pernikahannya bisa tetap dilangsungkan. Ia mengetahui bahwa Kitab Undang-undang Hukum Perdata Perancis mengijinkan pernikahan anumerta jika semua persyaratan formal pernikahan sudah terlampir lengkap sebelum salah satu dari mempelai meninggal, termasuk diantaranya tanggal pernikahan.

Kepada para pejabat pemerintahan yang mengurus pernikahan dia menyakinkan bahwa dirinya dan sang calon suami, Jonathan sudah hidup bersama sejak tahun 2004 dan telah memiliki rekening bank bersama. Dia juga bahkan memperlihatkan foto-foto pakaian pengantin yang telah dibeli untuk dipakai pada hari pernikahannya.

Keinginanannya pun terkabul. Setahun pasca kematian sang kekasih, Magali berdiri sendirian tanpa mempelai lelaki di depan altar sebuah gereja, lengkap dengan menggunakan busana pengantin.

Ia melangsungkan pernikahan yang dulu tidak sempat terwujud dalam sebuah upacara yang dihadiri sekitar 30 anggota keluarga dan teman-teman dekat. Upacara pernikahan tanpa pengantin lelaki itu berlangsung di Dommary Baroncourt, sebelah timur Perancis, pada hari Sabtu pekan lalu.

Gimana kalau pacar agan yang meninggal. apa mau menikah dengan mayatnya ?..hiiiii....

M20 is a Shanzhai-ed 山寨 Russian Iskandar SSM? you be the judge.

Photo credit goes to top81's 六千

Russian Iskandar 9K720 "SS-26 Stone" theater ballistic missile

Chinese M-20 "surface-to-surface guided-missile systems"

Photo, taken on Feb. 20, 2011, shows staff of the Aerospace Long-March International Trade Company of China introducing M20 surface-to-surface guided-missile systems to visitors in the International Defense Exhibition (IDEX) in Abu Dhabi,

Photo of the day

If at first you don't succeed....parachuting is not for you.   Fail -- ZBD/ZLC2000 airborne infantry fighting vehicle.

+1�s: the right recommendations right when you want them�in your search results

Our goal at Google is to get you the most relevant results as quickly as possible. But relevance is about relationships as well as words on webpages. That�s why we recently started to include more information from people you know�stuff they�ve shared on Twitter, Flickr and other sites�in Google search results.

Today we�re taking that a step further, enabling you to share recommendations with the world right in Google�s search results. It�s called +1�the digital shorthand for �this is pretty cool.� To recommend something, all you have to do is click +1 on a webpage or ad you find useful. These +1�s will then start appearing in Google�s search results.

The +1 button will appear next to each search result

After pressing the +1 button, you have the option to undo the action immediately

Say, for example, you�re planning a winter trip to Tahoe, Calif. When you do a search, you may now see a +1 from your slalom-skiing aunt next to the result for a lodge in the area. Or if you�re looking for a new pasta recipe, we�ll show you +1�s from your culinary genius college roommate. And even if none of your friends are baristas or caffeine addicts, we may still show you how many people across the web have +1�d your local coffee shop.

The beauty of +1�s is their relevance�you get the right recommendations (because they come from people who matter to you), at the right time (when you are actually looking for information about that topic) and in the right format (your search results). For more information about +1, watch this video:

So how do we know which +1�s to show you? Like social search, we use many signals to identify the most useful recommendations, including things like the people you are already connected to through Google (your chat buddies and contacts, for example). Soon we may also incorporate other signals, such as your connections on sites like Twitter, to ensure your recommendations are as relevant as possible. If you want to know who you're connected to, and how, visit the �Social Circle and Content� section of the Google Dashboard.

To get started +1�ing the stuff you like, you�ll need to create a Google profile�or if you already have one, upgrade it. You can use your profile to see all of your +1�s in one place, and delete those you no longer want to recommend. To see +1�s in your Google search results you�ll need to be logged into your Google Account.

We�ll be slowly rolling out +1�s, starting in English on If you can�t wait to start seeing +1�s, we�ll soon let you opt-in to the launch by visiting our experimental search site. Initially, +1�s will appear alongside search results and ads, but in the weeks ahead they�ll appear in many more places (including other Google products and sites across the web). If you�re an advertiser and want to learn more about how the +1 button works on search ads and websites, visit our AdWords blog.

We�re confident that +1, combined with all of the social content we�re now including in search, will mean even better, more relevant results than you get today.

Ultra high-speed broadband is coming to Kansas City, Kansas

As part of our overall goal to make the web better for users, last year we announced a new project: to provide a community with Internet access more than 100 times faster than what most Americans have today. The response was overwhelming�nearly 1,100 cities felt the need for speed�and we were thrilled by the enthusiasm we saw across the country for better and faster web connections. Thank you to every community and individual that submitted a response, joined a rally, starred in a YouTube video or otherwise participated.

After a careful review, today we�re very happy to announce that we will build our ultra high-speed network in Kansas City, Kansas. We�ve signed a development agreement with the city, and we�ll be working closely with local organizations, businesses and universities to bring a next-generation web experience to the community.

Later this morning we'll join Mayor Reardon at Wyandotte High School in Kansas City, Kansas, for an event we�ll carry live on the Google YouTube channel�be sure to tune in at 10am PDT to watch.

In selecting a city, our goal was to find a location where we could build efficiently, make an impact on the community and develop relationships with local government and community organizations. We�ve found this in Kansas City. We�ll be working closely with local organizations including the Kauffman Foundation, KCNext and the University of Kansas Medical Center to help develop the gigabit applications of the future.

Pending approval from the city�s Board of Commissioners, we plan to offer service beginning in 2012. We�ll also be looking closely at ways to bring ultra high-speed Internet to other cities across the country.

Over the past decade, the jump from dial-up to broadband has led to streaming online video, digital music sales, video conferencing over the web and countless other innovations that have transformed communication and commerce. We can�t wait to see what new products and services will emerge as Kansas City moves from traditional broadband to ultra high-speed fiber optic connections.

Now it�s time to get to work.

Update 4:15PM: We�ve heard from some communities that they�re disappointed not to have been selected for our initial build. So just to reiterate what I've said many times in interviews: we're so thrilled by the interest we've generated�today is the start, not the end the project. And over the coming months, we'll be talking to other interested cities about the possibility of us bringing ultra high-speed broadband to their communities.

Giving Away Giveaways

Anyone here wants to have an X-Mini speaker? For free? :)

Bloop shirt, Dorothy Shop tulle skirt, Antyk Butyk necklace, Zara belt & shoes

I'm giving away 2 sets of X-Mini speakers for 2 winners, one in black color and another in red...all you need to do is answer the question below:
"What's your most favorite song of all time...and why?"

Leave your answer in the comment box of this blogpost by Saturday, April 2nd 2011 the latest, and I'll choose 2 of my favorite answers that will win these cool speakers...

Good luck! :)

What I Wore To Work

Second day going to the office...yayy! :)

Vintage shirt, Zara trousers, mom's belt, Amante wedges

I can't deny that I will always love the corporate world, just as much as I love being an entrepreneur. Both worlds offer different challenges and learning that enriches myself.

Kevin Cossom - How Did We Go Lyrics

Kevin Cossom - How Did We Go Lyrics

i’m sitting here … great…
and i’m thinking about everything
i would hate to say it plus a waste of time
but it seems like you game
on up, on us
girl is this quickly as you find love
it could have been love or maybe it was rushed
or maybe i just wasn’t good enough

i can’t say the same about my feelings
i just feel it like you aren’t feeling the same
in a matter of time you let me to believe
i was yours and you were mine, so how could you leave me
how did we go from everyday phone calls
to us not even speaking at all
how did we go from me and you
everyday that you been in my head
how did it go from good to bad
how could you walk away
how did i go from being … to your head baby
how did we go from everyday phone calls
to us not even speaking at all

Jim Jones Ft. Wyclef Jean - God Bless The Child Lyrics

Jim Jones Ft. Wyclef Jean - God Bless The Child Lyrics

god bless the child that can hold his own
god bless the child that can hold his own
god bless the child that can hold his own
god bless the child that can hold his own

i’ve been left here one
in the … slum
i … used to hunt for my food like wolves hunt sheeps
from the whole to the project learned to slap box cause i couldn’t take the disrespect

monalisa for a date on friday, she hears i was .. and she said go away, go away
but god blessed the child, i could have been a juvenile
yeap, but that’s my cousin crack,
and that’s me with the black and white … wraps
and the words became rare, and i gotta …
and i went from last to first, i bought 80 on the …

god bless the child that can hold his own
god bless the child that can hold his own
god bless the child that can hold his own
god bless the child that can hold his own

would god bless cause the streets is hard
pray for, living in the world we only see the sours
smoking mirrors, the … statue won’t …
so who make it out or who sees the bars, the slum
only a few make it out to see the cars
a whole recruit make it out don’t see the bars
then wyclef is on tour with the fugees
i was … boys in the hood you can’t force the movies
thought i was hard shit when bought the coop
i was down in the tunnel when i water goof
i was the ice broke … on the sweater
… this loving bitch wait before manner
just spending all my chips on the softest leathers
i told my niggers meet them at the crossroads
… i’ma see our best sports go
more money …more phones
shit i ain’t scared of you mofos
you funny niggers like … i do something till you say nigger turn around

god bless the child that can hold his own
god bless the child that can hold his own
god bless the child that can hold his own
god bless the child that can hold his own

it’s much deeper than a rap song
think it’s sweet until this beef is getting clapped on
i’ve seen sweet dreams turn in nightmares, freddie cooper
i watch street dreams turn in life years
you can hear the last screams when they cry tears
now i take my whole team and we fly less
if it’s new york then we’re up town
california sport … touchdown
i’m getting money with the call of fame
it was right before … call my name
backing out the telly wheels in reverse
she had the telly slip his own heels in the purse
i put it in the cab and deal it with a …
it’s the least that caught a mill…
this shit they follow me like i’m …
they must have got fat…
forget it erase your profile my block appearance
and i always ran the streets i had absent parents
and every night we pray to the sky
in the hood where is 9 million waste of …

god bless the child that can hold his own
god bless the child that can hold his own
god bless the child that can hold his own
god bless the child that can hold his own
god bless the child that can hold his own
god bless the child that can hold his own
god bless the child that can hold his own
god bless the child that can hold his own

Big K.R.I.T - American Rapstar Lyrics

Big K.R.I.T - American Rapstar Lyrics

an a&r once told me “you can determine the worth of a song within 15 seconds of it playing”
with complete n utter lack of the fact that it takes takes all 3 minutes and 40seconds of a song
to comprehend what i’m sayin’
it aint a single if it don’t fly
it aint a hit if it don’t ride
now he couldn’t tell me the components of a smash but the ringtones were their alltime high
and a rappers only as big as his chain, the flashier the better

they say money make the world go round
you never lost til you lose your crown
and they don’t love you till you’re on the ground
or when you’re maxing out your bank account
yeah, you do it all just to live the life
even if it means you don’t live it right
and even if it means you don’t survive the night
but if even if you do you won’t survive the hype
of an american rapstar

[verse 1]
push it to the limit just to get up high
with a wood grain kitted?
ride around town like i never lived in it
gun in my dash, pray i never kill with it
i’m that real with it
got my eyes on the prize
bills still due, muthaf-ck 9-5
searching for a freak that wanna f-ck once or twice
wanna buy a bottle but i aint paid my ties
this aint no lie, i got a vision and a masterplan
to hit the block and blow up like a taliban
i make run the plane never have to land
i make it where them lames never stand a chance
shit, you’ll never know what the time’ll tell
and see the star or find the scale?
we be buying or you tryna sell
you either fall or you grind the rails


[verse 2]
so watch me get it how i live
waiting on my momma, screaming f-ck how they feel
dodging jail cells and them pigs down in ?
they shot oscar grant swear it gave a n-gga chills
lets keep it real, if you aint looking keep your eyes closed
will i pay what i owe, only god knows
i aint for show, give me strength just to change what i can’t
and understand the difference between a n-gga and the king that i am
gotta keep ya finger on the trigger
pac died, biggie died, they aint found a killer
momma say she worried ’cause i rap about the government
and how the church caked other people out there struggling (its real though)
i just call it how it is foe
i’m breathing for a reason, what you here for?
they got us with the villains who a chill for?
cause they murdered all the heroes


Bow Wow - I Know Some Lyrics

Bow Wow - I Know Some Lyrics

yeah, i know some niggers they gonna like this
porsche same color as my white bitch
i know some niggers they gonna like this
i feel like just shitted on your life bitch
i got the whole club rocking, my … wrist popping
don’t be mad at me better check your bitch she …
big rims, poking eye, sour diesel smoking eye
all i get is big money, more money, large amounts

got a old school through that bitch i’m …
i hear the haters talking but honey i ain’t worry
bitch i … for my team i …
actin hard but we know you sweet like …

yeah, i know some niggers they gonna like this
porsche same color as my white bitch
i know some niggers they gonna like this
i feel like just shitted on your life bitch x 2

i go stunning it’s another one, yeah it’s another one
and i ain’t even high, get rico rolled up another one
it’s only one objective, let’s get to the paper
my mind is on my money, give a fuck about these haters
got a key on my belly i swear you gotta see it
i’m so high on my mind that you won’t believe it
see my girl is super thick, and like alicia … long in the face whip
beyonce features hey

yeah, i know some niggers they gonna like this
porsche same color as my white bitch
i know some niggers they gonna like this
i feel like just shitted on your life bitch x 2

diamonds make it rain on them fuckin hoes
let me give a fuck about these glow ones
it’s just some show money
spend 200 in a week, …50 in a day
go ahead and add it up, that’s over 500k
nowadays i can’t trust these niggers
all these females cause now they setting niggers up
posting up their emails
can’t go out like no lame, can’t go out like no sucker
bitch not get too close i’m too … this motherfucker alive

yeah, i know some niggers they gonna like this
porsche same color as my white bitch
i know some niggers they gonna like this
i feel like just shitted on your life bitch x 2.

Tyga Feat Adele - Reminded Lyrics

Tyga Ft. Adele - Reminded Lyrics

she said if you love me let me know
if you don’t then let me go

[tyga - verse 1]
the memories soon fade, why couldn’t they be erased
you hoping it’s just a phase, your heart’ll heal within days
some people think it’s wrong, being single isn’t right
but you hurt the right person you’ll be wrong all your life
inevitable to let you go, separate the sexual

feelings when i’m close to you, f-cking til’ the sky is blue
morning time, home fries, cooking with your t-shirt on
panties, bra, damn i eat you good when you take it off
ha, damn i’m nasty, i mean you make me nasty
going the extra mile flying just to make me happy
did it all, too much wasn’t enough
now it’s gone but sometimes i sit and hope

i hoped you’d see my face and that you’d be reminded
i hate to turn out up out of the blue uninvited
but i couldn’t stay away, i couldn’t fight it
i couldn’t stay away, i couldn’t fight it

i hoped you’d see my face and that you’d be reminded
i hate to turn out up out of the blue uninvited
but i couldn’t stay away, i couldn’t fight it
i couldn’t stay away, i couldn’t fight it

[tyga - verse 2]
whatever ever happened to love and being happy
infatuated with lust, i loved you and now i’m backwards
time is of the essence, i broke it, took it for granted
love is like art, heartbroken on the canvas
painted the perfect picture, you seemed to never get it
colors prevail and you turn into a f-cking monster
schizophrenic, nicknames bonnie and clyde
now doctors calling us mr. and mrs. high
how do you manage but still do you
can’t compromise, we all equal opportunists
it’s when i’m level headed they aiming to take my head off
birds flock together, tell bitches i’m throwing bread off
cold, women, fall in love getting splintered?
strictly plutonic, only thing she want is dinner
i can’t fuck with her, get her some tonic, gin, liquor
she might let me lick her, now she miss me sayin

i hoped you’d see my face and that you’d be reminded
i hate to turn out up out of the blue uninvited
but i couldn’t stay away, i couldn’t fight it
i couldn’t stay away, i couldn’t fight it

i hoped you’d see my face and that you’d be reminded
i hate to turn out up out of the blue uninvited
but i couldn’t stay away, i couldn’t fight it
i couldn’t stay away, i couldn’t fight it

angels in the a.m., sin on my flesh
girls in the p.m., excuses pms
they all wanna love em, call em ms. next
spirit of a hustler, i only chase checks
go home
i ain’t tryna do you wrong
i’d rather be alone
just sittin on the throne

Swizz Beatz Ft. Eve - Everyday (Coolin’) Lyrics

Swizz Beatz Ft. Eve - Everyday (Coolin’) Lyrics

it’s showtime!

everyday, they ask how i’m doin
deuces up playboy i’m coolin
i’m coolin
i’m coolin coolin, i’m coolin coolin
i’m just coolin
i’m coolin coolin, i’m coolin coolin

everyday, they ask how i’m feelin
you see the ounces playboy i’m chillin
i’m chillin
i’m chillin chillin, i’m chillin chillin
i’m just chillin
i’m chillin chillin, i’m chillin chillin

[verse 1 - swizz beatz]
i got my balmain on
plus my louis on
i got my christian on
boy i get this on
you see me ridin lotus and my top b-tch gone
the interior butter like popcorn
she got on givenchy, she fresh like me
everytime she go shoppin alexander mcqueen
i mean, we just coolin on a sunday
can’t wait to ball out on monday


[verse 2]
my jaeger-lecoultre is out ya culture
the hoods on fire man them boys is vultures
we are family la kostra nostra
go through up and downs like a roller coaster
ay! got my cavi- with them gators on ‘em
i’m in the studio fogging with some faders on em
and this beat is my entree
i’m audi three thousand, andre


[verse 3 - eve]
evey e, i’m back on my bullsh-t
came back, came back, back with a full clip
who want problem, wah- wah- wah-, who want flip
gun taste, one lick, wanna get some of this
you see that hot pink birken, that’s a problem
i’m hot like everything kickin i’m a problem
yeah, i’m a walking bow
you might talk a lil one but ya looks are oh


[outro - swizz beatz]
do ya dance now (x4)
hit the floor now
do ya dance now (x2)
get down now (x4)
lets work now (x4)

An update on Buzz

User trust really matters to Google. That�s why we try to be clear about what data we collect and how we use it�and to give people real control over the information they share with us. For example, Google Dashboard lets you view the data that�s stored in your Google Account and manage your privacy settings for different services. With our Ads Preferences Manager, you can see and edit the data Google uses to tailor ads on our partner websites�or opt out of them entirely. And the Data Liberation Front makes it easy to move your data in and out of Google products. We also recently improved our internal privacy and security procedures.

That said, we don�t always get everything right. The launch of Google Buzz fell short of our usual standards for transparency and user control�letting our users and Google down. While we worked quickly to make improvements, regulators�including the U.S. Federal Trade Commission�unsurprisingly wanted more detail about what went wrong and how we could prevent it from happening again. Today, we�ve reached an agreement with the FTC to address their concerns. We�ll receive an independent review of our privacy procedures once every two years, and we�ll ask users to give us affirmative consent before we change how we share their personal information.

We�d like to apologize again for the mistakes we made with Buzz. While today�s announcement thankfully put this incident behind us, we are 100 percent focused on ensuring that our new privacy procedures effectively protect the interests of all our users going forward.

Wooweb Pro 4.49

Wooweb is a Software Professional router for Internet Connection Sharing with a high quality level and filter bandwidth settings. Wooweb Runs on Windows 2000/XP/Vista and supports the most popular Internet connections such as routers, cable modems, ADSL modems (PPPoE, PPPoA USB), analog modem or ISDN.

  • Can support up to 16 simultaneous Internet connections in dedicated mode, load balancing, and fail-over.
  • Supports various kinds and types of connections such as Cable, Dial-Up, PPPoE, Cellular (3G/HSDPA/CDMA/EVDO), etc..
  • As replacement of hardware routers that are reliable and can be run on Windows-based OS (2000/XP/Vista)
  • Per-user bandwidth management
  • Routing table
  • Site filtering based on keywords and content categories with Orange Filter Option.      
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Tips Metode Baru Mengobati Jerawat dengan Vitamin

Jerawat merupakan masalah kulit yang bisa menurunkan kepercayaan diri seseorang. Salah satu cara untuk mengurangi masalah jerawat ini adalah dengan menggunakan vitamin.

Ketidakseimbangan hormonal merupakan penyebab utama dari jerawat, karenanya ibu hamil dan saat menstruasi seringkali dihinggapi masalah kulit ini. Masalah jerawat umumnya mencakup komedo, pustula (jerawat), seborrhea (kulit merah bersisik), papula, nodul dan luka dalam akibat penyakit kulit tertentu.

Beberapa orang menggunakan vitamin untuk mengatasinya. Tapi ada beberapa keuntungan dan kerugian dari mengurangi jerawat dengan menggunakan vitamin, seperti dikutip dari Buzzle, Rabu (30/3/2011) yaitu:

Keuntungan mengurangi jerawat dengan vitamin

1. Dokter ahli umumnya menggunakan vitamin karena pengobatan ini lebih alami dibandingkan perawatan atau terapi lainnya
2. Asupan vitamin ini juga menjadi tambahan nutrisi bagi tubuh
3. Perawatan ini tidak menjadi bumerang atau menunjukkan efek samping sehingga lebih aman digunakan

Kekurangan mengurangi jerawat dengan vitamin

1. Harus dilakukan secara disiplin karena dosis yang diberikan harus tepat dan tidak boleh berlebihan, agar tidak memicu kelebihan kadar vitamin di dalam tubuh.
2. Umumnya membutuhkan jangka waktu perawatan yang sangat lama

Vitamin yang digunakan untuk mengurangi munculnya jerawat bisa dalam bentuk kapsul, pil, tablet, salep atau krim serta pola makan. Dan vitamin-viamin ini akan memberikan nutrisi yang dibutuhkan oleh sel-sel kulit. Vitamin yang digunakan untuk mengurangi jerawat ini adalah:

Vitamin A
Vitamin A biasanya diubah atau dirumuskan menjadi asam vitamin A (Vitamin A acid) atau retinoic acid. Berfungsi mengaktifkan gen di sel-sel kulit yang belum matang atau dikenal sebagai keratinosit dan mengubahnya menjadi dewasa atau matang.

Vitamin C

Vitamin ini berfungsi untuk penyembuhan dan mengurangi radikal bebas yang berada di dalam kulit karena kandungan antioksidannya. Vitamin C ini juga membantu menyembuhkan kulit dengan cepat, mencegah komedo, peradangan dan luka.

Vitamin E
Vitamin E juga diketahui memiliki fungsi yang sangat mirip dan bertindak sebagai antioksidan di kulit, mencegah jaringan parut, pertumbuhan bakteri dan beberapa reaksi di tubuh.

Marvells - Udara (Full Album 2011)

Artis : Marvells
Full Album : Udara (2011)

Marvells - Udara (Full Album 2011)
Download lagu mp3 gratis Marvells - Udara (Full Album 2011). Gunakan Nada Sambung Pribadi Marvells - Udara (Full Album 2011). Dan jangan lupa beli Kaset dan CD original Marvells - Udara (Full Album 2011) dari Marvells album Udara 2011, untuk menghargai karya musisi anak negeri.

Track List :
01. Udara
02. Tentangmu
03. Hidup Kan Ku Nikmati
04. Hati Terakhir
05. Lelaki Misteri
06. Lebih Sadar
07. Shuqi
08. Dan Orang Itu Aku
09. Dasar Dunia
10. Bantu Bertahan

Download Via 4shared :

Source : Marvells album Udara 2011

BrandNewStorm - S.H.E.R (Full Album 2011)

Artis : Brand New Storm (BNS)
Full Album : S.H.E.R (Soul Heart Energy Responsive)(2011)

BrandNewStorm - S.H.E.R (Full Album 2011)
Download lagu mp3 gratis BrandNewStorm - S.H.E.R (Full Album 2011). Gunakan Nada Sambung Pribadi BrandNewStorm - S.H.E.R (Full Album 2011). Dan jangan lupa beli Kaset dan CD original BrandNewStorm - S.H.E.R (Full Album 2011) dari BrandNewStorm album S.H.E.R 2011, untuk menghargai karya musisi anak negeri.

Track List :
01. Harus Meninggalkanmu
02. Bahagia
03. Terbiasa Disakiti
04. Bukan Ksatria Cinta
05. Pergi
06. Menggilaimu
07. Seperti Mimpi
08. S.H.E.R
09. Cinta Sesaat
10. Di Jiwaku Ada Kamu, Indonesia

Download Via 4shared :
Source : BrandNewStorm album S.H.E.R 2011

Lala Karmela - Kamu, Aku, Cinta (Full Album 2011)

Artis : Lala Karmela
Full Album : Kamu, Aku, Cinta (2011)

Lala Karmela - Kamu, Aku, Cinta (Full Album 2011)
Download lagu mp3 gratis Lala Karmela - Kamu, Aku, Cinta (Full Album 2011). Gunakan Nada Sambung Pribadi Lala Karmela - Kamu, Aku, Cinta (Full Album 2011). Dan jangan lupa beli Kaset dan CD original Lala Karmela - Kamu, Aku, Cinta (Full Album 2011) dari Lala Karmela album Kamu, Aku, Cinta , untuk menghargai karya musisi anak negeri.

Track List :
01. Omong Kosong
02. Kamu, Aku, Cinta
03. Cinta Tak Tepat Waktu
04. Satu Jam Saja
05. Engkaulah Mentari
06. Serba Salah
07. Buka Semangat Baru
08. Kamu
09. Sweet Temptation
10. Hasrat Cinta
11. Rindu Kamu Yang Dulu
12. Engga Mau Susah

Download Via 4shared :

Source : Lala Karmela album Kamu, Aku, Cinta

When in Rome: New Street View imagery of historic sites in Italy and France

(Cross-posted on the Lat Long Blog)

We�ve been busy pedaling the Street View trike around the nooks and crannies of storied sites in Europe, including palaces, monuments and castles, so you can explore them in Google Maps with Street View.

Starting today, you can view some of the most historic and architecturally significant landmarks in Italy and France, including UNESCO sites in Rome, the center of Florence and stunning chateaux in the French countryside.

In addition to seeing the exterior of archaeological sites like the Imperial Forum and the Colosseum in Rome, you can now explore inside the Colosseum and imagine yourself viewing naumachiae�simulated sea battles for which the Colosseum was filled with water�or speaking with statesmen inside the Imperial Forum.

Inside the Colosseum, Rome

In few clicks you can navigate through centuries of history. Start at the birthplace of Rome, the Palatine Hill, where the mythical founders of the city, Romulus and Remus were found and saved by a she-wolf, and where the most ancient buildings of the city are located. Follow the Appian Way, a little path that became one of the most strategically important roads of ancient Rome. After the long walk, experience the splendor of Imperial Rome at the Thermae (Baths) of Diocletian�ancient wellness and cultural centers with 33 acres of pools, gymnasiums and public libraries.

Baths of Diocletian

After wandering around Rome, you can fast forward in time to witness the celebrated architectural wonders of the Italian Renaissance, including Giotto�s Campanile (bell tower) and Brunelleschi�s Cupola (dome) in Santa Maria del Fiore in Florence. While in Florence don�t miss the opportunity to walk through Ponte Vecchio and shop at the famous artisan jewel stores built on top of it!

Santa Maria del Fiore, Florence

In France, you can view picturesque chateaux and indulge your fantasies of living like French royalty by taking a virtual stroll around the beautiful Fontainebleau.

Ch�teau de Fontainebleau

Start exploring these sites in our Street View gallery, or find your favorite historic spots directly in Google Maps.

Mirillis Splash Pro HD Player

Splash Mirillis PRO is a video player application that is optimized to play video in high resolution (High Definition AVC/H.264), and display digital TV channels (DVB-T). Splash Player has a built-in Mirillis AVC/H.264 codec, which is the company's own development, and capable of providing a clear and smooth picture quality in high resolution. The player offers an interface, user-friendly style. With Splash Mirillis PRO allows you to enjoy smooth video with motion, more sharp and vivid color.

  • Supported files: AVI, MKV, MOV, M2TS, MTS, m2t, MP4, MPG, TS
  • Support for video, with its own codecs: H.264, MPEG-2, VC-1
  • Support for video through an external codec: DivX / XviD
  • The best video quality, thanks to software and hardware video decoding
  • user interface is attractive and easy to use
  • Support for hardware accelerated video decoding
  • Support for multi-core processors
  • Subtitles
  • DVB-T.
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