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UPDATE Cara Mendownload File Cara nya Cukup mudah yaitu klik tombol Skip Ad / Lewati dan Tunggu 5 Detik .
UPDATE How To Download File His manner was easy enough that click Skip Ad button / Skip and Wait 5 Seconds .
Please help me weeks to promote the blogger page to purchase a .com domain please click on the button below to donate to build a mini website thank you for your attention may god bless you. amen

Distant People Feat. Nickson - My Love Song (Zepherin Saint Tribe Vocal Mix)

Wrong On So Many Levels News of the day: Chinese navy asked to escort Titanic II

In addition to funding James Cameron’s Avatar II (here),  the Communist China's Navy is asked to escort Titanic II on its maiden voyage to New York by a Capitalist billionaire.  Is me or the world has gone mad?

Titanic II to Be Built by Billionaire Palmer, Chinese Yard
By Elisabeth Behrmann - Apr 29, 2012 5:46 PM PT

Australian billionaire Clive Palmer plans to build a 21st-century

The Dizz & Azza feat.Mmelashon - I Want You For Myself (Maurice Joshua Remix)

Deep Xcape feat. Thandi Draai - Don't Say No (Vick Lavender's Sophisticado Vocal Mix)

Davidson Ospina feat.David Walker - The More I Get - The More I Want (Norty Cotto Remix)

DJD & Chaz Jankel feat. Angie Brown Ain't Too High (Shane D Vocal Club Mix)

Klevakeys feat. Julie Iwheta Moving On (Distant People Mix)

Stephanie Cooke & Diviniti I Believe In You (Main Vocal)

Blak Beat Niks - I'll Be There (Kerri Chandler's Brazilian Vibe)

Macromedia Dreamweaver 8

Macromedia Dreamweaver 8
Macromedia Dreamweaver 8 | 60MB
Macromedia Dreamweaver 8 is one of the most popular HTML editors to build a website. You can easily develop Web sites with user-friendly interface and professional. Dreamweaver uses Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) and Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML) and has good features support for editing code that will help you to write CSS, HTML, Javascript, XML and other text documents. In addition to writing code, you can also use a visual layout tool to build your site and make them look attractive. Dreamweaver makes it easy for users to use plug-ins if you want to put video, music and other media into a web page. You can also use RSS to simplify other users to get the latest content on your site.

Macromedia Dreamweaver 8

CongQ & The Keys - Aku Cinta Mantanku

Artis : CongQ & The Keys
Judul : Aku Cinta Mantanku
Album : Single (2012)
Download mp3 CongQ & The Keys - Aku Cinta Mantanku Download Lagu CongQ & The Keys - Aku Cinta Mantanku ini hanya untuk review lagu. Belilah original cassette/CD dari album Band, atau gunakan NSP / RBT / i-Ring CongQ & The Keys - Aku Cinta Mantanku

CongQ & The Keys - Aku Cinta Mantanku
Download CongQ & The Keys - Aku Cinta Mantanku
4shared | sharebeast

source : CongQ & The Keys - Aku Cinta Mantanku

Syngress: Hack Proofing Your Web Applications

Syngress: Hack Proofing Your Web Applications
Syngress: Hack Proofing Your Web Applications
ISBN: 1-928994-31-8 | 2001 | 625 Pages | 7.16MB
Hack Proofing Your Web Applications is a book written for application development to assist in establishing programs that are less vulnerable and webmaster who writes for use on web sites. These include Java, XML, ColdFusion, and other database applications. The book is very focused on catching the hackers when they enter the site and show how a programmer to design a strict code to prevent hackers.

Table of Contents:
Chapter 1: Hacking Methodology
Chapter 2: How to Avoid Becoming a "Code Grinder"
Chapter 3: Understanding the Risks Associated with Mobile Code
Chapter 4: Vulnerable CGI Scripts
Chapter 5: Hacking Techniques and Tools
Chapter 6: Code Auditing and Reverse Engineering
Chapter 7: Securing Your Java Code
Chapter 8: Securing XML
Chapter 9: Building Safe ActiveX Internet Controls
Chapter 10: Securing ColdFusion
Chapter 11: Developing Security-Enabled Applications
Chapter 12: Cradle to Grave: Working with a Security Plan

Syngress: Hack Proofing Your Web Applications
 Password Link

Sankarea blogger Template

Sankarea blogger Template

Hoammm,akhir'a 1lagi template anime selesai,meskipun agak lelah abis nonton jkt48 kemarin di citywalk lippo cikarang,tetap semangat!!!.yosh,template kali ini tema'a sankarea,yang berasl dari Anime yang baru" ini sangat menarik jalan ceritanya,oleh karena itu template ini sudah jadi rencana project saya xD.template ini desain'a masih agak sama dengan template sebelum'a accel world.lebih simple,putih dan green.sebenar'a masih mau saya tambahin hiasan daun lagi,tapi karena takut nambah beban pada blog,jadi saya letakan pada header untuk menambah suasana daun hydrangea.


-Pengaturan menu

Buka blogger =>Template => Edit HTML
lalu cari kode HTML seperti dibawah ini.

<div id='navigation'>
<div id='navi'>
<li class='selected'><a href='#'>Home</a></li>
<li class='selected1'><a href='#'>About me</a></li>
<li class='selected2'><a href='#'>Exchange link</a></li>
<li class='selected3'><a href='#'>Site map</a></li>
<li class='selected4'><a href='#'>Guestbook</a></li>
<li class='selected5'><a href='#'>Download</a></li>
<li class='selected6'><a href='#'>Contact</a></li></ul>

Ganti tanda pagar dengan URL web yang kamu inginkan,lalu simpan.

-Pengaturan Avatar

Untuk Avatar,sama seperti template Another kamu harus setting manual agar avatar mucul,kalau tidak,ya tidak akan muncul==v
ukuran gambar avatar tepatnya 68px x 111px

Pertama,buka blogger=>rancangan=>edit HTML=> Centang Expand Widget Templates
Lalu carikode html seperti dibawah ini

<div style='width:550px; height: 90px;'>
<div class='admin'>
<b:if cond=' == &quot;Johanes djogan&quot;'><img src=''/></b:if>
<b:if cond=' == &quot;Chera Ant Sullivan™&quot;'><img src=''/></b:if>
<b:if cond=' == &quot;xMikhailx Ryuzaki&quot;'><img src=''/></b:if>


kode html Diatas ini,saya sudah sediakan 3 jenis avatar untuk tiga author blog.
cara mengaktifkan avatar ini,yang perlu kamu lakukan adalah mengganti username blogger kamu pada tag conditional author yang sudah tersedia

text bewarna merah:ganti dengan Username kamu.
text bewarna biru :ganti dengan Url gambar avatar kamu.Ukuranya 68px x 111px.

kalau tidak tahu username kamu,sebenar'a mudah aja,tinggal copas dari nama profil di blog kamu,atau bila ada banyak penulis tapi tidak tahu username'a,cara'a:
buka blogger=>setting=>izin/permission.


Lalu kamu akan melihat beberapa nama penulis dan admin disana.tinggal copy paste deh nama'a

Selesai deh,selamat mencoba,Arigatou Gozaimasu :)
semoga bermanfaat~xD
#teparr @__@"

#Update 1 may 2012
#fix navibar support mozila firefox.
#fix post comment

bagi yang sebelumnya sudah menggunakan template ini,silakan download dan upload lagi.thx

Note:template ini saya hosting di Google Drive.
cara mendownload'a dengan memilih menu file=> download atau melalui keyboard=Ctrl+s

Menu Navigasi Terapung

Menu Navigasi Terapung - Jika sebelumnya kita sudah membuat Menu Drop Down Multi Level CSS3 dan Mega Menu jQuery CSS maka kali ini kia akan membuat menu yang berbeda pula, dan di minggu yang cerah ini saya akan menerangkan cara membuat Menu Navigasi Terapung.

Apa itu Menu Navigasi Terapung? Menu navigasi terapung adalah suatu menu yang menyediakan jalan pintas untuk suatu web ataupun blog denagan dalih mempersingkat pencarian dan mempermudah dalam segi pemakaian, menu terapung ini berada dibagian bawah dan selalu mengikuti scroll ataupun ketika reader menuju bawah blog maka denagn otomatis menu ini mengikuti kemanapun kita pergi, entah keatas ataupun kebawah.
Dalam hal tutorial di Blogger memang jika dikupas tiada habisnya, pastilah setiap hari adapula tutorial baru, entah tutorial dengan jenis jQuery ataupun CSS.


Memasang Menu Navigasi Terapung

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Cheklist "Expand Template Widget"
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Cari kode ]]></b:skin> dan letakkan kode dibawah ini diatasnya
* Navigasi Apung  *
align: center;
position: fixed;
border-top: 1px solid #fff;
border-bottom: 1px solid #000;
background-color: #c0c0c0;
width: 100%;
left: 0px;
color: #000;
opacity: 0.8;
filter: alphaundefinedopacity: 80);
opacity: 1;
filter: alphaundefinedopacity: 100);
#navigasi-apung a
color: #000;
* Navigasi Apung Kiri *
margin:3px 0px 3px 5px;}
.kiri_apungmnu li
padding: 0px 0px 0px 3px;
font:normal 11px arial;
.kiri_apungmnu li a
font:normal 11px arial;
.kiri_apungmnu li a:hover
* Navigasi Apung Kanan *
margin:3px 5px 3px 0;
.kanan_apungmnu li
padding: 0 0 0 3px;
font:normal 11px arial;
.kanan_apungmnu li a
font:normal 11px arial;
.kanan_apungmnu li a:hover
Langkah 3
Kemudian cari kode <body> dan letakkan kode dibawah ini dibawahnya
<div id='navigasi-apung'>
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Pada kode diatas yang di blok merah silahkan di Edit sesuai keperluan sobat
dan yang XXXXXX gantilah dengan ID blog sobat.

Artikel Information:
Source: Blogger Tune-Up
Title: Menu Navigasi Terapung

Menu Drop Down Multi Level CSS3

Pure CSS3 Multi Level Drop Down Navigation Menu - Kali ini saya akan berbagi tentang cara pembuatan menu drop down yang dipadu dengan kode CSS3, menu kali ini cukup elegan dan cantik, cantik rupa cantik pula kode-nya.
Jika pada postingan yang lalu kita telah memahas tentang Mega Menu jQuery CSS maka kali ini beda karena menu ini lebih simpel, simpel dari penggunaannya maupun bentuknya.

Menu Drop Down Multi Level CSS3

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Cari kode  ]]></b:skin> dan letakkan kode CSS dibawah ini diatasnya
#nav {
    float: left;
    font: bold 12px Arial, Helvetica, Sans-serif;
    border: 1px solid #121314;
    border-top: 1px solid #2b2e30;
    -webkit-border-radius: 5px;
    -moz-border-radius: 5px;
    border-radius: 5px;
    overflow: hidden;

#nav ul {

#nav ul li {

#nav ul li a {
    float: left;
    padding: 10px 20px;
  background: -webkit-gradient( linear, left bottom, left top, color-stop(0.09, rgb(59,63,65)), color-stop(0.55, rgb(72,76,77)), color-stop(0.78, rgb(75,77,77)) );
background: -moz-linear-gradient( center bottom, rgb(59,63,65) 9%, rgb(72,76,77) 55%, rgb(75,77,77) 78% );
background: -o-linear-gradient( center bottom, rgb(59,63,65) 9%, rgb(72,76,77) 55%, rgb(75,77,77) 78% );
box-shadow: 0 1px 0 rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1) inset, 0 0 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1) inset;
border-left: 1px solid rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.05);
        border-right: 1px solid rgba(0,0,0,0.2);
  text-shadow: 0 -1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6);

#nav li ul {
    background-image: -webkit-gradient( linear, left bottom, left top, color-stop(0.09, rgb(77,79,79)), color-stop(0.55, rgb(67,70,71)), color-stop(0.78, rgb(69,70,71)) );
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    left: -999em;
    margin: 35px 0 0;
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#nav li ul a {
    background: none;
    border: 0 none;
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    border-top: 1px solid transparent;

#nav ul li a:hover,
#nav ul li:hover > a {
    color: #252525;
background: -webkit-gradient( linear, left bottom, left top, color-stop(0.09, rgb(77,79,79)), color-stop(0.55, rgb(67,70,71)), color-stop(0.78, rgb(69,70,71)) );
background: -moz-linear-gradient( center bottom, rgb(77,79,79) 9%, rgb(67,70,71) 55%, rgb(69,70,71) 78% );
background: -o-linear-gradient( center bottom, rgb(77,79,79) 9%, rgb(67,70,71) 55%, rgb(69,70,71) 78% );
    text-shadow: 0 1px 0 rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2), 0 -1px #000;


#nav li ul a:hover,
#nav ul li li:hover > a  {
    color: #2c2c2c;
  background: #5C9ACD;
background: -webkit-gradient( linear, left bottom, left top, color-stop(0.17, rgb(61,111,177)), color-stop(0.51, rgb(80,136,199)), color-stop(1, rgb(92,154,205)) );
background: -moz-linear-gradient( center bottom, rgb(61,111,177) 17%, rgb(80,136,199) 51%, rgb(92,154,205) 100% );
background: -o-linear-gradient( center bottom, rgb(61,111,177) 17%, rgb(80,136,199) 51%, rgb(92,154,205) 100% );
    border-bottom: 1px solid rgba(0,0,0,0.6);
    border-top: 1px solid #7BAED9;
    text-shadow: 0 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.3);

#nav li:hover ul {
    left: auto;

#nav li li ul {
    margin: -1px 0 0 160px;
    -webkit-border-radius: 0 10px 10px 10px;
    -moz-border-radius: 0 10px 10px 10px;
    border-radius: 0 10px 10px 10px;

#nav li li:hover ul {

#nav ul ul li:last-child > a {
-moz-border-radius:0 0 10px 10px;
-webkit-border-radius:0 0 10px 10px;
border-radius:0 0 10px 10px;

#nav ul ul ul li:first-child > a {
-moz-border-radius:0 10px 0 0;
-webkit-border-radius:0 10px 0 0;
border-radius:0 10px 0 0;

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Masukan (copypaste) kode dibawah ini pada bagian kolom:
<div id="nav">
<li><a href="#">Home</a></li>
<li><a href="#">About Us</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Our Portfolio</a></li>
<li><a href="#">One Dropdown</a>
<li><a href="#">Level 2.1</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Level 2.2</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Level 2.3</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Level 2.4</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Level 2.5</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Three Levels</a>
<li><a href="#">Level 2.1</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Level 2.2</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Level 2.3</a>
<li><a href="#">Level 2.3.1</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Level 2.3.2</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Level 2.3.3</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Level 2.3.4</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Level 2.3.5</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Level 2.3.6</a></li>
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Klik Simpan Template

Semoga bermanfaat, selamat mencoba dan semoga berhasil.

Article Information:
Title: Pure CSS3 Multi Level Drop Down Navigation Menu

Salju - Pelita Hati

Artis : Salju
Judul : Pelita Hati
Album : Single (2012)
Download mp3 Salju - Pelita Hati Download Lagu Salju - Pelita Hati ini hanya untuk review lagu. Belilah original cassette/CD dari album Band, atau gunakan NSP / RBT / i-Ring Salju - Pelita Hati

Salju - Pelita Hati

Download Salju - Pelita Hati
4shared | sharebeast

source : Salju - Pelita Hati

Arians - Cobalah Mengerti

Artis : Arians
Judul : Cobalah Mengerti
Album : Single (2012)
Download mp3 Arians - Cobalah Mengerti Download Lagu Arians - Cobalah Mengerti ini hanya untuk review lagu. Belilah original cassette/CD dari album Band, atau gunakan NSP / RBT / i-Ring Arians - Cobalah Mengerti

Arians - Cobalah Mengerti

Download Arians - Cobalah Mengerti
4shared | sharebeast

source : Arians - Cobalah Mengerti

More Sino-Thai rocket projects in the work.
Top brass China visit secures joint missile deal

Published: 28/04/2012 at 04:54 AM
Newspaper section:


BEIJING : Thailand and China have agreed to jointly develop multiple rocket launchers with a guidance system as part of a move to strengthen military ties.

The two sides reached the

Ternyata Makan di Restoran Cepat Saji Bahayakan Kesehatan

Seorang karyawan McDonald’s di South Carolina meludah ke dalam dua cangkir es teh manis yang dikembalikan pengunjung karena kurang manis. Sebuah video menunjukkan, karyawan itu membungkuk di depan cangkir sebelum menyerahkan cangkir itu kembali.

Pihak McDonalds mengakui terdapat lendir di dalam es teh manis. Si karyawan pun ditangkap atas tuduhan memasukkan bahan berbahaya ke dalam makanan. Insiden McDonald’s itu seolah membuktikan kebenaran ungkapan “Jangan pernah bikin pelayan marah. Mereka bisa saja meracuni makanan kita.”

Rahasia dapur
Anthony Bourdain, seorang koki, pernah menulis buku yang mengupas habis sisi kelam dunia kuliner lebih dari 10 tahun lalu. Buku itu amat bagus dijadikan panduan supaya kita tidak keracunan ketika sedang kencan. Bourdain menyibak pintu dapur dan mengungkapkan beberapa trik kotor yang dilakukan restoran. Misalnya, menyaring abu rokok dari mentega yang sudah terpakai — untuk membuat saus — serta menyajikan daging sapi lama kepada pengunjung yang minta steak matang (well-done).

Skandal ayam
Ada banyak lagi contoh penyajian makanan terkontaminasi oleh restoran (serta dapur yang tidak bersih), terutama oleh waralaba resto cepat saji. Baru-baru ini, seorang mantan manajer KFC di Oregon menuntut pemilik cabang karena memecat seorang karyawan yang menolak menyajikan ayam busuk dan lewat kedaluwarsa. Menurut gugatan itu, si manajer mengundurkan diri karena “tidak tahan terus-terusan menyajikan ayam busuk kepada pengunjung.”

Bahaya makanan cepat saji
Tanpa bermaksud menunjuk hidung satu pihak tertentu, sebuah investigasi oleh NBC Dateline mengungkapkan 60 persen jaringan restoran telah melanggar kode etik kesehatan selama satu setengah tahun sebelum laporan itu dibuat.

Beberapa masalah kesehatan yang terjadi di waralaba seperti McDonalds, Taco Bell, Wendy’s dan Burger King adalah masuknya tikus, serangga, dan kotoran lain ke dalam dapur, serta buruknya sanitasi karyawan. Mengingat 25 persen warga Amerika Serikat makan di resto cepat saji setiap hari, bayangkan betapa besarnya kemungkinan mereka terjangkit penyakit.

The Huffington Post telah merilis katalog yang berisi laporan benda-benda “asing” dalam makanan cepat saji. Antara lain: telur lalat di kentang goreng Wendy’s, air liur di burger Whopper, dan plester berdarah di Pizza Hut, lalu tikus goreng di dalam keranjang Popeye’s.

Bagaimana dengan restoran independen (yang tak tergabung dalam jaringan)? Bourdain mengatakan, dapur mereka kini lebih bersih dibanding dulu. “Kondisi pasar ikan, dan penanganan kualitas makanan secara umum, sekarang lebih baik,” katanya kepada WebMD. “Ada upaya menjaga kualitas di dapur-dapur yang dulu tidak ada.”

Meski demikian, tidak ada restoran yang mampu mengendalikan tindakan impulsif karyawannya. Mungkin ada baiknya bila teh Anda kurang manis, tambahkan saja gula sendiri.

Sumber : Disini

Ello - Taub Mumu (Full Album 2012)

Artis : Ello
Judul : Taub Mumu
Album : Single (2012)

Naruto VS Sasuke V2 Blogger Template

Naruto VS Sasuke V2 Blogger Template

nah,akhirnya selesai juga template naruto vs sasuke v2.template ini hasil pengembangan dari template'a juga saya buat lebih simple dan gaya header'a masih sama dengan template yang sebelumnya.untuk menubar'a sendiri,sebenar'a menu'a masih sama sperti sebelumnya,tapi sudah saya sedikit modifikasi jadi agak aneh,tapi unik xDD

Pengaturan menu
buka blogger=>template=>edit HTML lalu cari kode html seperti dibawah ini.

<div id='nav'>
<li><a href='http://#'>Home</a></li>
<li><a href='http://#'>Contact</a></li>
<li><a href='http://#'>About</a></li>
<li><a href='http://#'>Download</a></li>
<li><a href='http://#'>Email</a></li>
<li><a href='http://#'>RSS</a></li>
<li><a href='http://#'>Portfolio</a></li>
<li><a href='http://#'>Anime</a></li>

ganti tanda pagar '#' dengan url web yang kamu inginkan.

Untuk mengganti pesan/deskripsi ,cari kode html dibawah ini,lalu ganti pesannya.

<div id='headerbg1'><p>Naruto VS Sasuke,who is the strongest? </p></div>

So,bila tertarik,silakan dilihat" dulu,dicoba,dan arigatou gozaimasu~ semoga bermanfaat :)

Note:template ini saya hosting di Google Drive.
cara mendownload'a dengan memilih menu file=> download atau melalui keyboard=Ctrl+s

In Nashville, the sweet sound of entrepreneurship

Nashville and Silicon Valley have a lot in common. They're both filled with smart, creative people building businesses together. Nashville's start-up scene may be less well known, but it's bursting with energy and creativity like the rest of the city, and on April 19, we brought our Google for Entrepreneurs program down to the home of honky tonks to learn more about how we might help out.

Event crowd in our rustic music hall venue.

Google for Entrepreneurs was a full day of sessions exploring topics from how to use Google+ and Youtube to publicize your content, to ads and analytics tools for businesses to our various platforms for developers. The crowd of 430 attendees ranged from tech startups like, which is building a beautiful HTML5 micropublishing app, to ArtistGrowth, which is creating a platform for artists to organize and monetize a music business from their phone. A group of eight enterprising Googlers led conversations on getting your business on the global map, while the Creator’s Freedom Project hosted a panel of local artists discussing how creative people can make a living using today's technology. We closed the day by discussing how music and tech can work together to make the Internet awesome. Then, naturally, it was time to let the live music and beverages flow. For more photos, check out our web album here.

Google panel taking any and all questions.

We’d like to thank all our partners Flo {thinkery}, Entrepreneur Center, Nashville Area Chamber of Commerce, Nashville Technology Council and Tennessee Film, Entertainment & Music Commission, as well as Karl Dean, the Mayor of Nashville and Beth Harwell, Speaker of the House (Tenn.) for making this event truly memorable. In one amazing day, we came together to bring the magic of Google to Nashville and made friends with one talented city. We look forward to connecting with more entrepreneurial cities around the country, and the world.

In Nashville, the sweet sound of entrepreneurship

Nashville and Silicon Valley have a lot in common. They're both filled with smart, creative people building businesses together. Nashville's start-up scene may be less well known, but it's bursting with energy and creativity like the rest of the city, and on April 19, we brought our Google for Entrepreneurs program down to the home of honky tonks to learn more about how we might help out.

Event crowd in our rustic music hall venue.

Google for Entrepreneurs was a full day of sessions exploring topics from how to use Google+ and Youtube to publicize your content, to ads and analytics tools for businesses to our various platforms for developers. The crowd of 430 attendees ranged from tech startups like, which is building a beautiful HTML5 micropublishing app, to ArtistGrowth, which is creating a platform for artists to organize and monetize a music business from their phone. A group of eight enterprising Googlers led conversations on getting your business on the global map, while the Creator�s Freedom Project hosted a panel of local artists discussing how creative people can make a living using today's technology. We closed the day by discussing how music and tech can work together to make the Internet awesome. Then, naturally, it was time to let the live music and beverages flow. For more photos, check out our web album here.

Google panel taking any and all questions.

We�d like to thank all our partners Flo {thinkery}, Entrepreneur Center, Nashville Area Chamber of Commerce, Nashville Technology Council and Tennessee Film, Entertainment & Music Commission, as well as Karl Dean, the Mayor of Nashville and Beth Harwell, Speaker of the House (Tenn.) for making this event truly memorable. In one amazing day, we came together to bring the magic of Google to Nashville and made friends with one talented city. We look forward to connecting with more entrepreneurial cities around the country, and the world.

Scott Whichello - Soulful Evolution

Track List:

1. Stephanie Cooke & Diviniti - I Believe In You(Pirahnahead Remix)
2. Terry Hunter Ft Eric King - Inspiration To Me(Terry Hunter 2012 Classic Club Mix)
3. Kings Of Groove Ft Jessi Colasante - I Can't Get You(Original Mix)
4. Andrew Hartley Ft..Justine Hattams - What No Eye Has Seen (Richard Earnshaw Remix)
5. Wipe The Needle Ft..CT Martin - Count On Me(Original Mix)
6. Winston Warrior - Bad 4 U(Dave Doyle Remix)
7. Sheree Hicks & SOL4ORCE - Ready For Love(Mac Da Knife Mix)
8. Raul Rincon Ft..Clara Mendes - Dry Martini(Original Mix)
9. K.Diggy - Ooh La La(Maurice Joshua Remix)
10. The Moodyfreaks & Donald Sheffey - Wonderful(Mummified Mix)
11. Kubu & Justin Mb - Flying High(Original Mix)
12. Oscar P & Marcus Pearson - Violet Soul Pack(Abicah Soul Mix Re-Mastered)
13. Scott Jenkins Ft..Richard Webb & Emma White - Love Conversation (Scott Jenkins Main Mix)
14. Steve Mill & Elias Tzikas - You Gonna Love It(Main Mix from Christie's Inner Thoughts EP)
15. Elz & Elise - Useless(Harlum Original Mix) 16. Lovebirds Ft..Novika - This Time(Tiger Stripes Remix)

Ini Dia Penyebab Perceraian Tamara Bleszynski dan Mike Lewis

Adanya perselingkuhan atau orang ketiga sebagai penyebab kandas rumah tangganya dengan Mike Lewis memang ditampik oleh Tamara Bleszynzki. Namun, ternyata ada hal lain yang membuat keduanya keukeuh bercerai.

Seorang sumber yang dekat dengan keduanya mengungkapkan, gugatan cerai yang dilayangkan oleh Tamara disebabkan karena cek-cok yang berkepanjangan. Hal tersebut sering berujung pada pertengkaran antara mereka.

"Mereka sering cek-cok, berselisih yang membuat mereka sering tidak akur di rumah," ujar sumber tersebut kepada detikHOT, Rabu (26/4/2012).

Sumber yang sama juga menambahkan, tidak ada faktor keyakinan yang berbeda, yang melandasi Tamara berkeinginan pisah dari Mike Lewis.

"Bukan soal keyakinan. Hal itu tidak dijadikan alasan Tamara untuk menggugat cerai suaminya," tutup sumber tersebut.

Ini Dia Daftar dan Jenis Mobil yang Menggunakan BBM Bersubsidi

Menteri Perindustrian M.S Hidayat memastikan bahwa pembatasan bahan bakar minyak (BBM) bersubsidi pasti akan dilakukan pemerintah. Namun, dia belum mau mengungkapkan kapan pemerintah mau menerapkan pembatasan itu untuk menjaga tingkat konsumsi BBM bersubsidi 40 juta kiloliter.

"Secara resmi akan diumumkan pada Mei nanti,” kata Hidayat ketika dikonfirmasi wartawan, di Jakarta, Rabu, 25 April 2012.

Meski belum jelas kapan pembatasan BBM bersubsidi mulai dijalankan, namun Hidayat memastikan bahwa pembatasan tetap akan dilakukan berdasarkan kapasitas mesin mobil. “Iya pembatasan akan dilakukan di situ, untuk kendaraan roda empat dengan kapasitas 1.500 cc ke atas,” ujarnya.

Berdasarkan riset Tempo, ada sejumlah jenis mobil dari berbagai merek yang mesinnya di bawah 1.500 cc. Lihat daftar mobil di tabel bawah.

Batalnya penyesuaian harga menyebabkan BBM bersubsidi yang dijual akan terus melebihi kuota. Dalam postur APBNP 2012, subsidi bahan bakar minyak sebesar Rp 137,38 triliun dan subsidi listrik Rp 64,9 triliun. Adapun kuota BBM bersubsidi 40 juta kilo liter.

Untuk menjaga kuota, berbagai opsi sempat dikaji, salah satunya pembatasan penggunaan BBM bersubsidi untuk mobil pribadi dengan kapasitas silinder mesin diatas 1500 cc. Lewat cara ini diasumsikan ada penghematan bahan bakar antara 2-3 jut kiloliter.

Sementara itu, Ketua Gabungan Industri Kendaraan Bermotor Indonesia (Gaikindo), Sudirman Maman Rusdi mengatakan pihaknya masih menunggu keputusan jelas dari pemerintah soal pemberlakuan pembatasan BBM bersubsidi.

Menurut dia, meskipun pemerintah akan membatasi konsumsi BBM bersubsidi namun Gaikindo tidak akan membatasi permintaan. “Tergantung permintaan pasar, mulai 1.000 cc, 1.400 cc, atau masing-masing merek aan menyesuaikan permintaan pasar dengan kapasitas pabriknya,” kata Sudirman.Dia meminta pemerintah segera memberikan klarifikasi dan informasi jelas mengenai kebijakan pengendalian konsumsi BBM bersubsidi.

Sedangkan untuk konvesi BBM ke bahan bakar gas (BBG), lanjutnya, Gaikindo bersedia membantu pemerintah untuk memasang alat konversi (converter kit) di bengkel-bengkel resmi yang telah ditunjuk. “Converter kit ini juga harus sesuai dengan masing-masing kendaraan,” ujarnya.

Gaikindo, kata dia, sudah diajak bicara oleh Kementerian Perindustrian, namun belum mengetahu teknis pastinya. “Arahannya belum jelas.”

Breaking down the language barrier—six years in

The rise of the web has brought the world’s collective knowledge to the fingertips of more than two billion people. With just a short query you can access a webpage on a server thousands of miles away in a different country, or read a note from someone halfway around the world. But what happens if it’s in Hindi or Afrikaans or Icelandic, and you speak only English—or vice versa?

In 2001, Google started providing a service that could translate eight languages to and from English. It used what was then state-of-the-art commercial machine translation (MT), but the translation quality wasn’t very good, and it didn’t improve much in those first few years. In 2003, a few Google engineers decided to ramp up the translation quality and tackle more languages. That's when I got involved. I was working as a researcher on DARPA projects looking at a new approach to machine translation—learning from data—which held the promise of much better translation quality. I got a phone call from those Googlers who convinced me (I was skeptical!) that this data-driven approach might work at Google scale.

I joined Google, and we started to retool our translation system toward competing in the NIST Machine Translation Evaluation, a “bake-off” among research institutions and companies to build better machine translation. Google’s massive computing infrastructure and ability to crunch vast sets of web data gave us strong results. This was a major turning point: it underscored how effective the data-driven approach could be.

But at that time our system was too slow to run as a practical service—it took us 40 hours and 1,000 machines to translate 1,000 sentences. So we focused on speed, and a year later our system could translate a sentence in under a second, and with better quality. In early 2006, we rolled out our first languages: Chinese, then Arabic.

We announced our statistical MT approach on April 28, 2006, and in the six years since then we’ve focused primarily on core translation quality and language coverage. We can now translate among any of 64 different languages, including many with a small web presence, such as Bengali, Basque, Swahili, Yiddish, even Esperanto.

Today we have more than 200 million monthly active users on (and even more in other places where you can use Translate, such as Chrome, mobile apps, YouTube, etc.). People also seem eager to access Google Translate on the go (the language barrier is never more acute than when you’re traveling)—we’ve seen our mobile traffic more than quadruple year over year. And our users are truly global: more than 92 percent of our traffic comes from outside the United States.

In a given day we translate roughly as much text as you’d find in 1 million books. To put it another way: what all the professional human translators in the world produce in a year, our system translates in roughly a single day. By this estimate, most of the translation on the planet is now done by Google Translate. (We can’t speak for the galaxy; Douglas Adams’s “Babel fish” probably has us beat there.) Of course, for nuanced or mission-critical translations, nothing beats a human translator—and we believe that as machine translation encourages people to speak their own languages more and carry on more global conversations, translation experts will be more crucial than ever.

We imagine a future where anyone in the world can consume and share any information, no matter what language it’s in, and no matter where it pops up. We already provide translation for webpages on the fly as you browse in Chrome, text in mobile photos, YouTube video captions, and speech-to-speech “conversation mode” on smartphones. We want to knock down the language barrier wherever it trips people up, and we can’t wait to see what the next six years will bring.

Breaking down the language barrier�six years in

The rise of the web has brought the world�s collective knowledge to the fingertips of more than two billion people. With just a short query you can access a webpage on a server thousands of miles away in a different country, or read a note from someone halfway around the world. But what happens if it�s in Hindi or Afrikaans or Icelandic, and you speak only English�or vice versa?

In 2001, Google started providing a service that could translate eight languages to and from English. It used what was then state-of-the-art commercial machine translation (MT), but the translation quality wasn�t very good, and it didn�t improve much in those first few years. In 2003, a few Google engineers decided to ramp up the translation quality and tackle more languages. That's when I got involved. I was working as a researcher on DARPA projects looking at a new approach to machine translation�learning from data�which held the promise of much better translation quality. I got a phone call from those Googlers who convinced me (I was skeptical!) that this data-driven approach might work at Google scale.

I joined Google, and we started to retool our translation system toward competing in the NIST Machine Translation Evaluation, a �bake-off� among research institutions and companies to build better machine translation. Google�s massive computing infrastructure and ability to crunch vast sets of web data gave us strong results. This was a major turning point: it underscored how effective the data-driven approach could be.

But at that time our system was too slow to run as a practical service�it took us 40 hours and 1,000 machines to translate 1,000 sentences. So we focused on speed, and a year later our system could translate a sentence in under a second, and with better quality. In early 2006, we rolled out our first languages: Chinese, then Arabic.

We announced our statistical MT approach on April 28, 2006, and in the six years since then we�ve focused primarily on core translation quality and language coverage. We can now translate among any of 64 different languages, including many with a small web presence, such as Bengali, Basque, Swahili, Yiddish, even Esperanto.

Today we have more than 200 million monthly active users on (and even more in other places where you can use Translate, such as Chrome, mobile apps, YouTube, etc.). People also seem eager to access Google Translate on the go (the language barrier is never more acute than when you�re traveling)�we�ve seen our mobile traffic more than quadruple year over year. And our users are truly global: more than 92 percent of our traffic comes from outside the United States.

In a given day we translate roughly as much text as you�d find in 1 million books. To put it another way: what all the professional human translators in the world produce in a year, our system translates in roughly a single day. By this estimate, most of the translation on the planet is now done by Google Translate. (We can�t speak for the galaxy; Douglas Adams�s �Babel fish� probably has us beat there.) Of course, for nuanced or mission-critical translations, nothing beats a human translator�and we believe that as machine translation encourages people to speak their own languages more and carry on more global conversations, translation experts will be more crucial than ever.

We imagine a future where anyone in the world can consume and share any information, no matter what language it�s in, and no matter where it pops up. We already provide translation for webpages on the fly as you browse in Chrome, text in mobile photos, YouTube video captions, and speech-to-speech �conversation mode� on smartphones. We want to knock down the language barrier wherever it trips people up, and we can�t wait to see what the next six years will bring.

Uptown Funk Empire -- N.O.W (Patchworks Remix)

Abe - Jiwa Mati

Artis : Abe
Judul : Jiwa Mati
Album : Single (2012)
Download mp3 Abe - Jiwa Mati Download Lagu Abe - Jiwa Mati ini hanya untuk review lagu. Belilah original cassette/CD dari album Band, atau gunakan NSP / RBT / i-Ring Abe - Jiwa Mati

Abe - Jiwa Mati

Download Abe - Jiwa Mati
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source : Abe - Jiwa Mati

Lanusa - Sakau (Sayang Kau)

Artis : Lanusa
Judul : Sakau (Sayang Kau)
Album : Single (2012)
Download mp3 Lanusa - Sakau (Sayang Kau) Download Lagu Lanusa - Sakau (Sayang Kau) ini hanya untuk review lagu. Belilah original cassette/CD dari album Band, atau gunakan NSP / RBT / i-Ring Lanusa - Sakau (Sayang Kau)

Lanusa - Sakau (Sayang Kau)

Download Lanusa - Sakau (Sayang Kau)
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source : Lanusa - Sakau (Sayang Kau)

OMG! - Indonesian Girls

Artis : OMG!
Judul : Indonesian Girls
Album : Single (2012)
Download mp3 OMG! - Indonesian Girls Download Lagu OMG! - Indonesian Girls ini hanya untuk review lagu. Belilah original cassette/CD dari album Band, atau gunakan NSP / RBT / i-Ring OMG! - Indonesian Girls

OMG! - Indonesian Girls

Download OMG! - Indonesian Girls
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source : OMG! - Indonesian Girls

Jupiter - Let's Ride

Artis : Jupiter
Judul : Let's Ride
Album : Single (2012)
Download mp3 Jupiter - Let's Ride Download Lagu Jupiter - Let's Ride ini hanya untuk review lagu. Belilah original cassette/CD dari album Band, atau gunakan NSP / RBT / i-Ring Jupiter - Let's Ride

Jupiter - Let's Ride

Download Jupiter - Let's Ride
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source : Jupiter - Let's Ride

Achikochi - Katakan Aishiteiru

Artis : Achikochi
Judul : Katakan Aishiteiru
Album : Single (2012)
Download mp3 Achikochi - Katakan Aishiteiru Download Lagu Achikochi - Katakan Aishiteiru ini hanya untuk review lagu. Belilah original cassette/CD dari album Band, atau gunakan NSP / RBT / i-Ring Achikochi - Katakan Aishiteiru

Achikochi - Katakan Aishiteiru

Download Achikochi - Katakan Aishiteiru
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source : Achikochi - Katakan Aishiteiru

Revo Uninstaller Pro 2.5.8

Revo Unistaller Pro 2.5.8
Revo Uninstaller Pro 2.5.8 | 7.46MB
This is the latest version of Revo Uninstaller is software that helps you in removing the program already installed on your computer or if you have trouble removing applications that can not be removed from the control panel "Windows Add or Remove Programs". Revo Uninstaller is an alternative that is much faster and more powerful than the "Windows Add or Remove Programs".

  • Scanning the Registry after Uninstall
    With its advanced and fast algorithm that analyzes the application before it is removed and scanning the registry after you uninstall a program.
  • Forced Unistall
    This feature allows you to remove the remnants of a program that has been deleted, incomplete installation and uninstall program left! It does not matter if you want to delete, the program that are not listed in Revo Uninstaller or the Windows Add / Remove Programs Control Panel applet.
  • Real-Time Monitor Installation
    This feature allows the monitoring of the installation program and detect changes in the system during installation. This process is done in real time - simultaneously!
  • Multi-Level Backup System
    This feature creates a backup of the deleted registry keys, values, files and folders. Backup Manager is a major part of that system. It helps you to manage backup information stored by Revo Uninstaller Pro after the removal of registry entries, files and folders
  • Hunter mode
    This is a special feature the innovative Revo uninstaller has two sub modes - Hunter mode and Drag and drop mode. This mode gives you the flexibility to uninstall applications with one click (stop or delete) by simply dragging and dropping icons into icon Hunter program or choose their icons with the mouse cursor, whether it be on the toolbar, desktop quick launch, in the system tray or windows open the program.
  • Junk File Cleaner
    Allows you to find and remove various types of waste and unnecessary files from your computer.
  • The tool window
    This feature provides a quick, one-click access to more than ten Windows utilities that are used in day-to-day management of PCs. The tools available are: System Restore, Network Diagnostics, Network Information, Security Center, System Properties, System Information, TCP / IP Netstat Command, On-Screen Keyboard, Disk Defragmenter, Services, Shared Folders, Group Policy.
  • Autorun Manager
    This feature allows you to manage programs that run automatically at Windows startup.Dengan this tool you not only can enable or disable applications from auto starting on Windows startup, but you can also get more detailed information.
  • Browser Cleaner
    This feature will erase web site history of web browsers including Firefox, Internet Explorer, Netscape and Opera. With Browsers Cleaner you can also delete temporary internet files that include all the pictures you have seen, all the online videos you have seen and all web pages you visit.
  • MS Office Cleaner
    Allows you to remove history of most recently used files in MS Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint and Front Page.
  • Window Cleaner
    This feature allows you to delete the history that you do on your computer like file search history when you search for files and folders, history of recently opened documents; open / save history used in standard open / save dialogs from different applications installed on your computer; start menu click history, then opened registry key history and much more.
  • Evidence Remover
    Deleting files and folders that does not mean that they are gone forever. When you empty the Recycle Bin the files and folders you just marked as deleted but they are not deleted physically. There is a chance to recover deleted data from 10 years of age or older PC and maybe the data is very important and confidential. With a recovery tool or un-delete program you can easily recover your important documents and other files you have deleted. And here comes Evidence Remove tool Revo Uninstaller.
  • Unrecoverable Delete
    This feature allows to delete files or folders you a very personal secret permanently without any application that can recover deleted file.

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