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Kindergarten Crayons

So-called photo session with my lil' sis and Dina...I heart them so! :)

eBase dress, Pink Floyd t-shirt, Kamiseta denim shorts, Topshop footless tights, Fashion Puff necklace, Toko Dua Amoi shoes

Soul Mate (Drama - 2006)

Directed by Noh Do-cheol (노도철)
Screenplay by Jo Jin-gook (조진국), Nam Ji-yeon (남지연), Park Eun-jeong (박은정)
•Comedy •Romantic comedy •Melodrama
MBC | Airing dates : 2006/03/13~2006/06/05

Cast :
Sin Dong-wook 신동욱 As Dong-wook (동욱)
Lee Soo-kyeong 이수경 As Soo-kyeong (수경)
Choi Philip 최필립 As Philip (필립)
Sa Kang 사강 As Yoo-jin (유진)
Ryohei Otani 오타니 료헤이 As Ryo He-i (료헤이)
Jang Mi-ne 장미인애 As Min-ae (민애)


Karena lagi pada ngomongin Soulmate, nih aku bahas tentang drama yang satu ini....

"The person you meet once in your lifetime that fate has brought to you! This person you call your soulmate."

Mungkin pesan diatas adalah yang ingin disampaikan dari drama ini. Soulmate sendiri sebenarnya merupakan sitkom di korea yang menceritakan tentang 6 orang pemuda dan pemudi tentang soulmate mereka. Namun lebih di fokuskan pada 2 orang yaitu Soo Kyung dan Dong Wook

Soo Kyung selalu berfikir bahwa Philip, pacarnya selama 5 tahun adalah soulmatenya. Ia sangat memimpikan menikah dengan Philip. Namun ketika Philip benar-benar melamarnya, hatinya tidak sesenang yang ia bayangkan. Ia sendiri pun tak tahu kenapa.

Malamnya Soo Kyung bermimpi aneh. Soo Kyung bermimpi ia memakai gaun pengantin di sebuah gereja. Perlahan-lahan Philip menghampirinya, ketika semakin dekat ternyata Philip terus saja melewatinya dan menghampiri wanita lain, dan Philip pun menikah dengan wanita itu. Dalam mimpinya Soo Kyung berlari ke arah luar gereja sambil menangis, namun ternyata ada sesosok laki-laki yang tengah menunggunya di pintu gereja, Soo Kyung pun menghampiri laki-laki itu dan menangis di pelukannya. Kemudian Soo Kyung terbangun dan merasa aneh dengan mimpinya.

Di sisi lain, Dong Wook terbangun dari tidurnya karena bermimpi aneh. Dia bermimpi memeluk seorang gadis yang sedang menangis di pintu gereja. Dong Wook adalah seorang laki-laki playboy yang tidak percaya akan adanya soulmate. Ia mempunyai beratus cara jitu untuk menaklukan hati para gadis.

Pada awal film ini mungkin agak membosankan. Terlalu banyak dialog jadi rada pusing juga baca subtitlenya. Trus di awal, kita yang nonton masih di ajak mendalami peran-peran 6 tokoh utama dalam film ini. Juga cerita-cerita tentang percintaan keenam tokoh tersebut. Tapi klo kita sabar nontonnya, tanpa di skip atau dicepetin, lama-lama kita pun akan dibawa ke cerita intinya. Karena awal cerita film ini termasuk penting untuk cerita selanjutnya.

Di tengah-tengah film sampe akhir baru terasa serunya. Ada adegan-adegan yang menunjukkan bahwa Soo Kyung dan Dong Gun adalah soulmate. Contohnya saja ketika Soo Kyung baru putus dari Philip, ia pergi ke telepon box dan menelepon sembarang orang dengan asal-asalan menekan tombol. Ia melakukan itu hanya ingin melampiaskan kesedihannya. Dan kebetulan yang di telepon adalah Dong Wook. Dong Wook yang mendenger ada suara tangisannya di seberang telepon, ia pun mendekati teleponnya ke tape yang sedang memutar sebuah lagu agar dapat didengar oleh si penelepon.

Pernah juga ketika Soo Kyung sedang menangis di pinggir jalan, tiba-tiba saja ada Dong Wook memasangkan sebelah earphonenya ke telinga Soo Kyung. Padahal saat itu mereka belum saling kenal.

Film ini banyak adegan lucu karena memang drama ini adalah sitkom alias situasi komedi. Tapi menjelang akhir kita akan terhanyut oleh love story Soo Kyung dan Dong Wook. Trus nilai tambah bagi serial tv ini adalah soundtraknya. Semuanya bagus.

Pokoknya menurutku nih film keren dan menarik banget ceritanya. Jadi coba aja deh kamu tonton. Semoga bisa jadi referensi buat kamu.

She Sells Sea Shells in the Sea Shore

Enjoyed seafood for dinner with my lovely friends...

Tailor-made dress, Forever 21 belt, Topshop tights, Dorothy Perkins bag, What's Pink shoes

Good night! :)

Inilah 8 Hotel Termahal di Dunia !

Pernahkah Anda merasakan istirahat di hotel berbintang? Bintang Dua? Tiga? Empat atau bahkan Lima? Jangan kaget! Hotel yang 'sebenar-benarnya' adalah hotel berbintang Tujuh! Di sini Anda akan benar-benar merasakan tinggal dan dilayani seperti raja. Bagi mereka yang kaya, hidup seperti ini mungkin sudah sehari-hari, tapi buat Anda yang sekali sekali ingin merasakan rasanya hidup sebagai raja, tidak ada salahnya Anda singgah sebentar di tempat ini. Selama Anda mampu merogoh kocek lebih dari 75 Juta Rupiah per malam, jangan ragu untuk mampir..

1. The Ciragan Palace Hotel Kempinski- Sultan’s Suite (75 Juta Rupiah per malam)

Hotel yang terletak di Istanbul di daerah Bosporus, hotel ini awalnya adalah istana kekaisaran Ottoman dan sudah ada sejak abad 16. Barulah pada 1991, kerajaan ini diubah fungsinya menjadi hotel. Hotel ini terdiri dari dua bangunan, istana asli dan bangunan baru. Jika anda ingin merasakan hidup seperti raja, maka hotel ini adalah tempat yang pas untuk anda! Harga? Tidak terlalu mahal kok, 'hanya' sekitar 75 Juta Rupiah per malam!

2. The Fairmont Hotel- Penthouse Suite (100 Juta Rupiah per malam)

Hotel yang terletak di bukit Nob, San Fransisco ini memiliki satu kamar khusus yang mengambil seluruh luas lantai delapan. Kamar hotel ini ternyata memiliki 3 kamar tidur, ruang makan dan ruang yang bisa menampung 50 orang, cukup bagi Anda dan seluruh keluarga besar. Ada meja bilyar, perapian, bahkan kamar mandi dari emas 24 karat! Hal yang unik: ada jalan rahasia di belakang rak buku di ruang buku lantai dua! Ke arah mana? Anda yang harus menjalani sendiri!

3. Hotel Cala di Volpe- Presidential Suite (140 Juta Rupiah per malam)
Cala di Volpe

Pantai Timur Sardinia ini menjadi terkenal pada 1960 ketika seseorang yang sangat kaya membeli daerah ini dan akhirnya berhasil mengajak teman-teman lain yang kaya untuk membangun villa dan club yacth. Ruang Presidensial ini bahkan pernah menjadi lokasi shooting Film James Bond "The Spy Who Loved Me". Ruang ini memiliki tiga kamar tidur, tiga kamar mandi dan dua ruang duduk. Yang keren banget adalah kolam renang pribadi air laut yang ada di lantai dua!

4. Westin Excelsior- Villa La Cupola (150 Juta Rupiah per malam)
Westin Excelsior

Villa ini berada di lantai lima dan enam Westin Excelsior, villa di dalam hotel ini menghabiskan ruang sebesar 6.100 kaki persegi dan bahkan masih ada balkon dan teras seluas 1.800 kaki persegi. Anda akan mendapat dapur pribadi, ruangan makan dengan pemegang lilin antik, dan bahkan lemari anggur pribadi. Jika masih kurang, Anda akan mendapat juga bioskop pribadi dengan sistem suara Dolby Surround, dan bahkan lift khusus untuk area fitness dan Jacuzzi.

5. The Martinez Hotel- Presidential Suite (185 Juta Rupiah per malam)

Hotel yang berada di Cannes ini merupakan hotel yang memiliki suite griya tawang paling mahal dan paling besar di Pantai Gading. Ruangan ini memiliki dua kamar mandi, satu tempat mandi Turki, dapur, sauna pribadi, dan teras yang dapat menampung sampai 100 orang. Anda bahkan akan dilayani seorang pelayan kepala pribadi selama 24 jam dalam satu hari.

6. President Wilson Hotel - The Imperial Suite (233 Juta Rupiah per malam)
Ruangan ini hanya bisa dicapai melalui lift pribadi, dan memiliki empat kamar tidur yang terbuka ke arah Danau Jenewa. Ruangan ini memiliki ruang kerja, 5 kamar mandi dengan lantai marmer. meja bilyar, ruang buku dan lounge koktail yang dapat menampung 40 orang. Ruangan yang satu ini bahkan mendapat pengamanan ekstra dari jendela dan pintu anti peluru

7. The Atlantis- The Bridge Suite (250 Juta Rupiah per malam)


Ruangan ini berada di atas 'jembatan' yang menghubungkan dua menara Atlantis Royal Towers, dengan kata lain, Anda akan mendapat pemandangan hotel, marina dan bahkan pulau tempat hotel The Atlantis ini berada, tanpa terhalang apapun! Ruangan yang memiliki 10 kamar tidur ini mendapat hiasan dengan warna merah, hitam dan emas.. dan sebagian besar, tentunya, emas! Anda bahkan mendapat pelayan dan chef pribadi yang datang melalui pintu pelayan khusus, sehingga tidak akan pernah mengganggu Anda! Dikatakan ruangan ini begitu mewah, sehingga Anda akan malas bepergian!

8. Palms Casino Resort- Hugh Hefner Sky Villa (400 Juta Rupiah Per Malam)


Villa ini terletak di lantai 34 Fantasy Tower, Villa Hugh Hefner ini punya sudah dilengkapi dengan semua kebutuhan untuk menjadi seorang Playboy kelas raja kakap! Jacuzzi udara terbuka, ruang media, ruang makan dan bar, dan tentunya kasur seukuran dua meter yang bisa berputar. Sampai sekarang ruangan ini adalah ruang termahal di dunia! O ya, kamar ini memang namanya Hugh Hefner, dan sudah lengkap dengan
semua kebutuhan jadi Playboy, tapi bukan berarti Anda pasti ditemani Playboy Bunnies lho!

Sumber : Kapan Lagi

Ghost Month 2009 DVDRip XviD-PUZZLE

Chop Chop Shop!

There were some problems on the website yesterday, but now Wondershoe's online shop is perfectly running... woohooo!!

To have your own Ashley, Alexis or Adrianne, click HERE :)

If you still experience problems, email

Inilah Hasil Drawing Liga Champions 2009-2010 !

Sistem pot atau unggulan yang diterapkan UEFA dalam melakukan undian atau drawing penyisihan grup Liga Champions kerap mempertemukan tim-tim raksasa Eropa. Hal itu pun kembali terjadi di musim ini. Sejumlah tim unggulan akan bertemu muka di babak utama. Seperti diketahui, hanya dua tim teratas dari setiap grup yang berhak melanjutkan kiprahnya di babak knock-out alias 16 Besar. Sementara, peringkat ketiga akan bertanding di babak 32 Besar Europa League.

Melihat komposisi delapan grup, Grup A sampai Grup B, terdapat empat grup yang layak disebut grup maut alias neraka. Yang mungkin paling menyita perhatian publik adalah bersatunya dua klub langganan jawara Liga Champions, Real Madrid dan AC Milan di Grup C. Selain faktor reuninya Kaka dengan Andrea Pirlo dkk, kehadiran Olympique Marseille, membuat grup ini terbilang ramai. Kekuatan anak-anak asuhan Didier Deschamps yang di musim lalu tampil sebagai runner-up Ligue 1 ini tentu tak boleh dipandang sebelah mata oleh Rossoneri dan Los Blancos.

Grup lainnya yang layak disebut grup maut adalah Grup A. Tim raksasa Bundesliga yang telah empat kali menjadi jawara Eropa, Bayern Muenchen ketiban sial harus bertemu dengan tim kuat Italia, Juventus dan juara Ligue 1 musim lalu, Bordeaux. Satu tim lainnya di grup ini adalah wakil Israel, Maccabi Haifa.

Kerja keras juga akan dilakoni Carlo Ancelotti bersama klub barunya di musim ini, Chelsea. Tergabung dalam Grup D, The Blues, julukan Chelsea, akan bertemu dengan dua tim tangguh Eropa, juara Liga Champions musim 1986-87 dan 2003-04, FC Porto, plus Atletico Madrid. Tim debutan di grup ini adalah wakil Siprus, Apoel FC.

Satu grup lainnya yang pantas menjadi perhatian pemirsa sepakbola adalah bertemunya tiga tim yang kekuatannya dinilai setara alias sama kuat di Grup E, yaitu Liverpool, Olympique Lyonnais, dan Fiorentina. Kehadiran tim “pemula” dari Hungaria, Debreceni, yang sukses menjegal Levski Sofia di babak play-off juga layak mendapat perhatian penuh dari Rafael Benitez, Claude Puel, dan Cesare Prandelli.

Bagaimana dengan Grup F yang mempertemukan Barcelona dan Inter Milan? Tentu saja, di samping reuninya Zlatan Ibrahimovic dengan Javier Zanetti dkk, pertandingan antara skuad asuhan Pep Guardiola dan Jose Mourinho itu wajib untuk disaksikan. Namun, diyakini keduanya bakal mampu melewati hadangan dua klub Negara Timur, Dinamo Kiev (Ukraina) dan Rubin Kazan (Rusia).

Hasil Drawing Perempat Final Liga Champions 2010 !


Grup A: Bayer Munchen, Juventus, Bordeaux, Maccabi Haifa.

Grup B: Manchester United, CSKA Moskow, Besiktas, Wolfsburg

Grup C: AC Milan, Real Madrid, Marseille, Zurich

Grup D: Chelsea, FC Porto, Atletico Madrid, APOEL

Grup E: Liverpool, Lyon, Fiorentina, Debrecan

Grup F: Barcelona, Inter Milan, Dynamo Kiev, Rubin Kazan

Grup G: Sevilla, Glasgow Rangers, Stuttgart, Unirea Urziceni

Grup H: Arsenal, AZ Alkmaar,Olympiacos, Standart Leige


Selasa, 15 September (GMT):

Pertandingan pertama:

Grup A

Juventus (Italia) v Bordeaux (Prancis)

Maccabi Haifa (Israel) v Bayern Munich (Jerman)

Grup B

VfL Wolfsburg (Jerman) v CSKA Moscow (Rusia)

Besiktas (Turki) v Manchester United (Inggris)

Grup C

FC Zurich (Swiss) v Real Madrid (Spanyol)

Marseille (Prancis) v AC Milan (Italia)

Grup D

Chelsea (Inggris) v FC Porto (Portugal)

Atletico Madrid (Spanyol) v APOEL Nicosia (Siprus)

Rabu, 15 september

Grup E

Liverpool (Inggris) v Debrecen (Hungaria)

Lyon (PRancis) v Fiorentina (Italia)

Grup F

Inter Milan (Italia) v Barcelona (Spanyol)

Dynamo Kiev (Ukraina) v Rubin Kazan (Rusia)

Grup G

Stuttgart (Jerman) v Glasgow Rangers (Skotlandia)

Sevilla (Spanyol) v Unirea Urziceni (Romania)

Grup H

Olympiakos (Yunani) v AZ Alkmaar (Belanda)

Standard Liege (Belgia) v Arsenal (Inggris)

Pertandingan kedua

Selasa, 29 September

Grup E

Fiorentina (Italia) v Liverpool (Inggris)

Debrecen (Hungaria) v Lyon (Prancis)

Grup F

Rubin Kazan (Rusia) v Inter Milan (Italia)

Barcelona (Spanyol) v Dynamo Kiev (Ukraina)

Grup G

Unirea Urziceni (Romania) v Stuttgart (Jerman)

Rangers (Skotlandia) v Sevilla (Spanyol)

Grup H

Arsenal (Inggris) v Olympiakos (Yunani)

AZ Alkmaar (Belanda) v Standard Liege (Belgia)

Rabu, 30 September

Grup A

Bayern Munich (Jerman) v Juventus (Italia)

Bordeaux (Prancis) v Maccabi Haifa (Israel)

Grup B

Manchester United (Inggris) v VfL Wolfsburg (Jerman)

CSKA Moscow (Rusia) v Besiktas (Turki)

Grup C

AC Milan (Italia) v FC Zurich (Swiss)

Real Madrid (Spanyol) v Marseille (Prancis)

Grup D

APOEL (Siprus) v Chelsea (Inggris)

FC Porto (Portugal) v Atletico Madrid (Spanyol)

Pertandingan ketiga

Selasa, 20 Oktober

Grup E

Debrecen (Hungaria) v Fiorentina (Italia)

Liverpool (Inggris) v Lyon (Prancis)

Grup F

Barcelona (Spanyol) v Rubin Kazan (Rusia)

Inter Milan (Italia) v Dynamo Kiev (Ukraina)

Grup G

Rangers (Skotlandia) v Unirea Urziceni (Romania)

Stuttgart (Jerman) v Sevilla (Spanyol)

Grup H

AZ Alkmaar (Belanda) v Arsenal (Inggris)

Olympiakos (Yunani) v Standard Liege (Belgia)

Rabu, 21 Oktober

Grup A

Bordeaux (Prancis) v Bayern Munich (Jerman)

Juventus (Italia) v Maccabi Haifa (Israel)

Grup B

CSKA Moscow (Rusia) v Manchester United (Inggris)

VfL Wolfsburg (Jerman) v Besiktas (Turki)

Grup C

Real Madrid (Spanyol) v AC Milan (Italia)

FC Zurich (Swiss) v Marseille (Prancis)

Grup D

FC Porto (Portugal) v APOEL (Siprus)

Chelsea (Inggris) v Atletico Madrid (Spanyol)

Pertandingan keempat

Selasa, 3 Nopember

Grup A

Bayern Munich (Jerman) v Bordeaux (Prancis)

Maccabi Haifa (Israel) v Juventus (Italia)

Grup B

Manchester United (Inggris) v CSKA Moscow (Rusia)

Besiktas (Turki) v VfL Wolfsburg (Jerman)

Grup C:

AC Milan (Italia) v Real Madrid (Spanyol)

Marseille (Prancis) v FC Zurich (Swiss)

Grup D

APOEL (Siprus) v FC Porto (Portugal)

Atletico Madrid (Spanyol) v Chelsea (Inggris)

Rabu, 4 Nopember

Grup E

Fiorentina (Italia) v Debrecen (Hungaria)

Lyon (Prancis) v Liverpool (Inggris)

Grup F

Rubin Kazan (Rusia) v Barcelona (Spanyol)

Dynamo Kiev (Ukraina) v Inter Milan (Italia)

Grup G

Unirea Urziceni (Romania) v Rangers (Skotlandia)

Sevilla (Spanyol) v Stuttgart (Jerman)

Grup H

Arsenal (Inggris) v AZ Alkmaar (Belanda)

Standard Liege (Belgia) v Olympiakos (Yunani)

Pertandingan kelima

Selasa, 24 Nopember

Grup E

Debrecen (Hungaria) v Liverpool (Inggris)

Fiorentina (Italia) v Lyon (Prancis)

Grup F

FC Barcelona (Spanyol) v Inter Milan (Italia)

Rubin Kazan (Rusia) v Dynamo Kiev (Ukraina)

Grup G

Rangers (Skotlandia) v Stuttgart (Jerman)

Unirea Urziceni (Romania) a Sevilla (Spanyol)

Grup H

AZ Alkmaar (Belanda) v Olympiakos (Yunani)

Arsenal (Inggris) v Standard Liege (Belgia)

Rabu, 25 Nopember

Grup A

Bordeaux (Prancis) v Juventus (Italia)

Bayern Munich (Jerman) v Maccabi Haifa (Israel)

Grup B

CSKA Moscow (Rusia) v VfL Wolfsburg (Jerman)

Manchester United (Inggris) v Besiktas (Turki)

Grup C

Real Madrid (Spanyol) v FC Zurich (Swiss)

AC Milan (Italia) v Marseille (Prancis)

Grup D

FC Porto (Portugal) v Chelsea (Inggris)

APOEL (Siprus) v Atletico Madrid (Spanyol)

Pertandingan keenam

Selasa, 8 Desember

Grup A

Bayern Munich (Jerman) v Juventus (Italia)

Maccabi Haifa (Israel) v Bordeaux (Prancis)

Grup B

VfL Wolfsburg (Jerman) v Manchester United (Inggris)

Besiktas (Turki) v CSKA Moscow (Rusia)

Grup C

FC Zurich (Swiss) v AC Milan (Italia)

Marseille (Prancis) v Real Madrid (Spanyol)

Grup D

Chelsea (Inggris) v APOEL (Siprus)

Atletico Madrid (Spanyol) v FC Porto (Portugal)

Rabu, 9 Desember

Grup E

Liverpool (Inggris) v Fiorentina (Italia)

Lyon (Prancis) v Debrecen (Hungaria)

Grup F

Inter Milan (Italia) v Rubin Kazan (Rusia)

Dynamo Kiev (Ukraina) v Barcelona (Spanyol)

Grup G

Stuttgart (Jerman) v Unirea Urziceni (Romania)

Sevilla (Spanyol) v Rangers (Skotlandia)

Grup H

Olympiakos (Yunani) v Arsenal (Inggris)

Standard Liege (Belgia) v AZ Alkmaar (Belanda)

Hasil Drawing Perempat Final Liga Champions 2010 !

Translate documents: sharing across languages and generations

My cousin is in first grade and sometimes she writes short stories for class. I try to share the stories with her grandparents, but because Japanese is their first language and they don't speak English very well, it's been tough. Today we're releasing a feature for Google Docs to make this kind of multi-lingual sharing easier — you can now automatically translate documents into 42 different languages.

So for my cousin's latest story, I helped her type it up in Google Docs and then clicked "Translate document" from the "Tools" menu. In a matter of seconds, Google Docs has translated the whole story into Japanese using Google Translate's technology.

You can replace the original document with the translation or make a new translated version. I like keeping an English version for friends here and creating a separate Japanese version for her grandparents. All the formatting and layout is preserved no matter what language it's in — translations aren't perfect, but we are continuously working on improving translation quality over time. We hope this new feature helps you more easily share information without worrying about language barriers.

X-Men Origins Wolverine DVDRip XviD-JUAMNJi

Hitung FengSui Nomor Rumah Anda, disini Gratis !

Konsep angka atau nomor adalah hal yang diperhitungkan dalam fengsui. Banyak yang percaya, angka berimplikasi pada banyak hal sehingga muncul istilah angka baik dan angka buruk. Fengsui angka 4 misalnya sering kali diartikan buruk akibat kesalahpahaman suatu penafsiran budaya tertentu.

Dalam kaitan dengan rumah Anda, setiap detail memang penting artinya dalam menganalisis fengsui, termasuk nomor rumah. Walau begitu, apakah bijaksana untuk mengatakan, ada fengsui baik, atau fengsui buruk dalam nomor rumah? Lalu, bagaimana Anda menyikapi fengsui dengan kenyataan bahwa nomor rumah Anda dianggap memiliki fengsui buruk?

Nah, ada baiknya jika Anda melihat masalah ini dengan sudut pandang yang lebih luas.

Ketika Anda terhubung lebih dalam dengan energi rumah, Anda akan mulai memahami bagaimana fengsui dari kamar tidur, sebagai contoh, berpengaruh dengan kesehatan Anda, atau fengsui di jalan masuk utama memperkuat energi dari keseluruhan rumah Anda.

Selain penting artinya untuk memerhatikan detail saat memperbaiki fengsui rumah, penting pula artinya untuk tenang dan bijak saat menyikapi konsep fengsui yang keliru seperti halnya fengsui nomor rumah. Jadi, jika Anda percaya bahwa nomor rumah menjadi sumber kemalangan, tentu hal itu bukan sikap yang cerdas.

Cara terbaik untuk memahami energi murni dari angka-angka adalah melihat ke dalam numerologi atau ilmu kuno tentang angka-angka. Begitu Anda menjelajah beberapa sumber numerologi yang bagus, Anda akan mulai melihat persamaan di antara mereka dan memahami lebih banyak energi tentang angka spesifik, atau kombinasi angka-angka. Anda juga akan memahami bahwa masing-masing kultur mempunyai penafsiran-penafsiran yang agak berbeda untuk arti dari angka-angka.

Energi dari angka-angka, seperti halnya energi lain dalam hidup, selalu datang untuk membantu memahami perkembangan Anda. Begitu Anda merasakan arti angka-angka 0 sampai 9, Anda kemudian dapat menjumlahkan nomor rumah Anda untuk menemukan angka satu digit beserta artinya.

Janganlah menginterpretasikan arti dari angka-angka secara langsung. Misalnya, jika nomor rumah Anda adalah 313, yang jika dijumlah (3 + 1 + 3) berarti 7, dan salah satu kecenderungan dari nomor 7 adalah kesunyian/kesendirian, jangan menginterpretasikan bahwa akan tetap sendiri selamanya.

Cobalah untuk bijaksana menanggapinya. Kata-kata hanya dapat mengekspresikan secara terbatas. Anda harus merasakan energi di balik kata-kata tersebut.

Inilah arti yang sangat dasar dari energi angka-angka :

0 - kekosongan, ketiadaan, potensi
1 - arus tenaga yang tanpa halangan, permulaan-permulaan baru
2 - keseimbangan, pilihan, kooperasi
3 - kreativitas, keluarga, pernyataan diri
4 - stabilitas, mengandaskan, keamanan
5 - perubahan, kepanjangan daya akal, petualangan
6 - tenang, kesabaran
7 - perenungan, evaluasi diri, kesunyian
8 - ketidakterbatasan, kelimpahan, sukses di dalam bisnis
9 - nomor paling tinggi, pemenuhan, pencapaian.

Dalam fengsui, energi angka-angka cenderung ditafsirkan secara keliru, seperti penafsiran tradisional angka yang didasarkan pada cara bunyi angka-angka dalam bahasa China. Sebagai contoh, angka 4 dipertimbangkan sangat tidak beruntung karena kedengarannya seperti "kematian". Jika memang angka 4 tidak berbunyi seperti "kematian" dalam bahasa Anda, mengapa Anda harus cemas memiliki rumah dengan nomor tersebut?

Tentu saja, ini merupakan konsep dasar tentang angka-angka rumah dalam feng shui. Seorang pakar fengsui dapat membaca pola energi yang lebih spesifik dari kombinasi angka-angka rumah Anda, tetapi ini pun bukan semata soal fengsui baik atau buruk. Ini semua hanya tentang energi, dan Anda tentu paham bila Anda dapat menciptakan energi baik saat Anda mengambil keputusan.

Five years of introducing students to open source

We've just concluded our fifth Google Summer of Code, our flagship global program to introduce college and university students to open source development. Once again, the results this year have been impressive. Nearly 2,000 mentors from 64 countries participated in the program. They worked to bring 1,000 students from 69 countries into the communities of 150 free and open source projects. We're particularly excited this year to have introduced several students to open source development that has a direct impact on social causes, from microfinance software to global educational initiatives to making government data more transparent and accessible. Three months and hundreds of thousands of lines of code later, 85 percent of our student participants have successfully completed their projects. We'll be publishing more extensive program statistics and wrap up reports in the coming weeks on the Google Open Source Blog, so stay tuned there for more news about Google Summer of Code.

We'd like to congratulate all of our student participants for their hard work and tremendous achievements this summer. We're excited to hear that many of our students have planned out the next few months of their coding work with their chosen open source project. Finally, our sincerest thanks to all of our mentors for volunteering their time and expertise to help these students more actively engage with open source development.

More books in more places: public domain EPUB downloads on Google Books

Try doing a search for [Hamlet] on Google Books. The first few results you'll get are "Full View" books — which means you can read the full text. And, because the book is in the public domain, you can also download a copy of Hamlet in PDF form.

Starting today, you'll be able to download these and over one million public domain books from Google Books in an additional format. We're excited to now offer downloads in EPUB format, a free and open industry standard for electronic books. It's supported by a wide variety of applications, so once you download a book, you'll be able to read it on any device or through any reading application that supports the format. That means that people will be able to access public domain works that we've digitized from libraries around the world in more ways, including some that haven't even been built or imagined yet.

We founded Google Books on the premise that anyone, anywhere, anytime should have the tools to explore the great works of history and culture. We began digitizing these books because we thought it was important for people to be able to find and read them, and we want them to be able to do so anywhere — not just when they happen to be at a computer. This feature takes us one step closer towards realizing that goal by helping support open standards that enable people to access these books in more places, on more devices and through more applications.

To find out more, check out our post on the Google Books blog.

I Proudly Present...

Super yayness! Finally the shoes I designed for Wondershoe are available and ready to accompany you walk around town!! I tried to keep the shoes simple yet edgy to make sure it's suitable for daily wear but cool enough to make your friends notice the 3 new babies; Alexis, Ashley and Adrianne...:)

FYI, Wondershoe's online shop ships worldwide...yayyyyyyyyy!

Available at:

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The Killing Room (2009) DVDRip.XviD-VoMiT

Malware Statistics Update

Every now and then people ask us for an update on the malware statistics we published in the All Your iFrames Point To Us blog post. We're glad to share this sort of data because we believe that collaboration and information sharing are crucial in driving anti-malware efforts forward. Here is a small update containing some interesting trends we've observed over the last 12 months.

Number of Entries on the Google Safe Browsing Malware List

As we mentioned in our Top-10 Malware Sites blog post, we have seen a large increase in the number of compromised sites since April. The number of entries on our malware list has more than doubled in one year, and we have seen periods in which 40,000 web sites were compromised per week. However, compared to infections associated with Gumblar and Martuz — two relatively large and well-known pieces of malicious code, many compromised web sites now point to hundreds of different domains. As these malware trends evolve, we're constantly improving our systems to better detect compromised web sites. The increase in compromised sites we observed may have also been influenced by our improved detection capabilities.

Search Results Containing a URL Labeled as Harmful

The above graph shows the percentage of daily queries that contain at least one search result that we labeled as harmful. In January 2008, more than 1.2% of all Google search queries contained at least one such result (you can review a graph of this data in the aforementioned All Your iFrames Point To Us post). Since then, there has been a downward trend to well below 1%. We noticed an increase around May 2009, and that growth may be due to the appearance of a larger number of compromised web sites. That said, it's encouraging that compared to last year, fewer search queries contain results to potentially harmful sites.

Users of Google search, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and Apple Safari receive warnings when visiting sites we identify as potentially harmful. These warnings are produced by our Safe Browsing API, a technology that is freely available for webmasters to implement.

Finding great stuff to read with Google Reader

I only followed a handful of blogs when I first started using Google Reader, but was always on the lookout for more great stuff to read. Over time, I discovered that my friends followed lots of interesting sites, and my reading list grew from 4 to 34 sites and blogs as I incorporated their recommendations.

Since then, Reader has launched several sharing features that make it easier to find and subscribe to feeds that your friends like, and we thought that recommendations could make finding good stuff to read even easier. This time, instead of asking our friends, we approached leaders across a variety of fields and asked them what they read online. We received lots of great responses, which we've collected into our second edition of Power Readers. In this edition, we've expanded from Power Readers in Politics to include journalists, techies, fashion critics, foodies and more. We hope this will be a good place to find great things to read, whether you already have an extensive reading list or are totally new to Google Reader.

Plus, now we can answer some questions that have interested us for years: Where does Arianna Huffington go to get different perspectives on the news? When Paul Krugman surfs the web, what are his favorite economics sites? What blogs do tech, foodie and fashion bloggers read? Visit to explore and subscribe to any of their reading lists, or to any individual items that they recommend.

A big thanks to all of the contributors who shared their reading lists with us.

Lupin III vs. Detective Conan (2009)[HDTVx264](Eng sub)

Lupin III vs. Detective Conan (2009)[HDTVx264](Eng sub) | 104mins | MP4 | 736MB

The story unfolds in the Kingdom of Vespania, where the Kingdom mourns the loss of the Queen and Prince in a hunting accident. Princess Mira, the Queen’s eldest daughter is next in line to the throne, and this is how Conan and his best friend, Ran, gets involved in the events to come.
A splitting image of the princess, Ran gets taken away to the Kingdom to take the place of Princess Mira. Meanwhile, Lupin has his sights set on stealing the Kingdom’s Queen’s Crown, and with the turn of events, with their individual missions, Conan and Lupin end up meeting in the Kingdom.

What will happen in the clash between the century’s greatest thief and the greatest detective?

Inilah Selebriti Dunia Paling Berbahaya dalam Dunia Maya ?

Siapa seleb yang paling berbahaya di dunia maya? Menurut perusahaan keamanan internet McAfee, aktris hollywood Jessica Biel adalah nama seleb yang paling berisiko dalam pencarian internet di tahun ini, menggusur posisi Brad Pitt.

Untuk 3 tahun berturut-turut, MacAfee telah mensurvei selebritis ngetop mana yang paling membahayakan pengguna internet. Sebelumnya di tahun 2008, Brad Pitt bertengger di posisi satu. Sedangkan di tahun 2007, Paris Hilton menyabet gelar itu.

Biel didapuk sebagai seleb paling berbahaya di ranah cyber karena para fans yang berkeinginan mencari sesuatu tentang dirinya, berisiko 20 persen terkena ancaman online seperti spyware, adware, spam, phishing ataupun virus.

"Para penjahat cyber memanfaatkan nama selebritis untuk menggoda para surfer yang mencari berita terkini, screensaver, ringtone serta situs-situs yang menawarkan download gratis, namun sesungguhnya penuh program jahat," demikian pernyataan McAfee yang dilansir Reuters Selasa (25/8/2009).

Berada di posisi runner up dalam daftar terbaru McAfee itu adalah penyanyi top Beyonce Knowles diikuti Jennifer Aniston di tempat ketiga. Bintang cantik Megan Fox dan Angelina Jolie masuk pula dalam posisi 10 besar.

Para bintang muda Hollywood juga banyak yang menerobos daftar seperti Miley Cyrus, Ahsley Tisdale dan bintang film Twiligth, Robert Pattinson serta Kristen Stewart. Sedangkan presiden Amerika Serikat, Barack Obama 'hanya' menduduki posisi ke 34.

In the future, everyone will monetize their 15 minutes

(Cross-posted from the YouTube Biz Blog)

We first launched the YouTube Partnership Program (YPP) to help some of our more popular users make money from their videos on YouTube. While we've focused on accepting prolific users who regularly produce videos that reach a wide audience — like Fred and ValsArtDiary — we've occasionally extended the program to include some of the site's more unforgettable videos, such as the Battle of Kruger, David after dentist and Otters holding hands. These individual video partnerships recognize the role popular "one-off" videos play on YouTube, and have helped many people earn thousands of dollars a month as their videos went viral and endured over time.

We decided it was time to spread the wealth. Today we're excited to announce that we're extending the YouTube Partnership Program to include individual popular videos on our site. Now, when you upload a video to YouTube that accumulates lots of views, we may invite you to monetize that video and start earning revenue from it. To determine whether a particular video is eligible for monetization, we look at factors like the number of views, the video's virality and compliance with the YouTube Terms of Service. If your video is eligible for monetization, you will receive an email and see an "Enable Revenue Sharing" message next to your video on the watch page, as well as in other places in your account:

Once you've chosen to enable revenue sharing, YouTube will sell advertising against your video and pay you a revenue share into your Google AdSense account each month. (If you don't have an AdSense account, you'll have the opportunity to create one.) Individual video partnerships will not be eligible for many of the benefits of user partnerships, like enhanced channel features or the ability to monetize other videos in your account, so we encourage you to apply to be a member of the YPP. We'll consider your individual video partnerships when reviewing your YPP application. For now individual video partnerships are available only in the United States, but we hope to roll these out internationally soon.

It's taken us some time to build out the YouTube Partnership Program, our content management tools and other infrastructure to handle expanding the YPP to so many individual users and videos. Now that we're ready to share these opportunities with a wider audience, we're excited to see how individual video partnerships will help even more people make money from their success on YouTube.

The bright side of sitting in traffic: Crowdsourcing road congestion data

This post is the latest in an ongoing series about how we harness the data we collect to improve our products and services for our users. - Ed.

What if you could do a little something to improve the world during your daily drive to work? Here are a few ideas: tell everybody in the city when you're stuck in slow-moving traffic; warn the drivers on the freeway behind you that they should consider an alternate route; tell the people still at home that they should spend another ten minutes reading the morning news before they leave for work; tell your city government that they might want to change the timing of that traffic light at the highway on-ramp. Of course, you can't just get on the phone and call everybody, and your one traffic report from your one spot on the road might not help much anyway. But if everybody on the road, all at once, could tell the world how fast their car is moving, and we could make it easy for anybody to check that information on their computer or cell phone, well — then we'd be getting somewhere.

If you use Google Maps for mobile with GPS enabled on your phone, that's exactly what you can do. When you choose to enable Google Maps with My Location, your phone sends anonymous bits of data back to Google describing how fast you're moving. When we combine your speed with the speed of other phones on the road, across thousands of phones moving around a city at any given time, we can get a pretty good picture of live traffic conditions. We continuously combine this data and send it back to you for free in the Google Maps traffic layers. It takes almost zero effort on your part — just turn on Google Maps for mobile before starting your car — and the more people that participate, the better the resulting traffic reports get for everybody.

This week we're expanding our traffic layer to cover all U.S. highways and arterials when data is available. We're able to do this thanks in no small part to the data contributed by our users. This is exactly the kind of technology that we love at Google because it's so easy for a single person to help out, but can be incredibly powerful when a lot of people use it together. Imagine if you knew the exact traffic speed on every road in the city — every intersection, backstreet and freeway on-ramp — and how that would affect the way you drive, help the environment and impact the way our government makes road planning decisions. This idea, which we geeks call "crowdsourcing," isn't new. Ever since GPS location started coming to mainstream devices, people have been thinking of ways to use it to figure out how fast the traffic is moving. But for us to really make it work, we had to solve problems of scale (because you can't get useful traffic results until you have a LOT of devices reporting their speeds) and privacy (because we don't want anybody to be able to analyze Google's traffic data to see the movement of a particular phone, even when that phone is completely anonymous).

We achieve scale by making Google Maps for mobile easy to install and use, and by making it easy for people to provide information about their own vehicle speed. There's no extra device to plug into your car and no extra software to buy. Google Maps is free and works with most cell phones, and the number of cell phones with GPS is rising every day. Some phones, such as the T-Mobile myTouch 3G and the Palm Pre, come with Google Maps and traffic crowdsourcing pre-installed (the iPhone Maps application, however, does not support traffic crowdsourcing). Google is fortunate to have a lot of people using our products, and that scale helps make our products better.

We understand that many people would be concerned about telling the world how fast their car was moving if they also had to tell the world where they were going, so we built privacy protections in from the start. We only use anonymous speed and location information to calculate traffic conditions, and only do so when you have chosen to enable location services on your phone. We use our scale to provide further privacy protection: When a lot of people are reporting data from the same area, we combine their data together to make it hard to tell one phone from another. Even though the vehicle carrying a phone is anonymous, we don't want anybody to be able to find out where that anonymous vehicle came from or where it went — so we find the start and end points of every trip and permanently delete that data so that even Google ceases to have access to it. We take the privacy concerns related to user location data seriously, and have worked hard to protect the privacy of users who share this data — but we still understand that not everybody will want to participate. If you'd like to stop your phone from sending anonymous location data back to Google, you can find opt-out instructions here.

We've already been able to provide useful traffic information with the help of our existing mobile users, but we hope that is just the start. As GPS-enabled phones and data plans get less expensive, more people will be able to participate. Crowdsourcing traffic gives us a way to harness bits of location data from our users and give it back to them in a form they can use to make impactful decisions that affect their free time, their pocketbooks and the environment. The more people use it, the better it will get. So next time you're sitting in morning traffic, turn on Google Maps for mobile and let someone else know they can hit the snooze button one more time. Tomorrow morning, they might do the same for you.

Mango-Flavored Yoghurt

Soooooooo today was a good day as I managed to finish everything at work by 4.30 p.m. sharp then drove back home under the warm reddish sunlight...yay!!

Something more to add up the good hairbands and necklace from Angelova!! Yippiiieeeee....:)

This one's my favorite!

Thank you so much, visit them here!! :)