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UPDATE How To Download File His manner was easy enough that click Skip Ad button / Skip and Wait 5 Seconds .
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Cara Membuat Artikel Tidak Bisa di Copy Paste

Cara Membuat Artikel Agar Tidak Bisa di Copy Paste - Apalah yang paling menjengkalkan hati seorang blogger selain ketika artikelnya di Copas ( salin ) tanpa seizinnya. Bayangkan saja sob, artikel yang dengan susah payah di ketik dengan bercucuran keringat dan menguras otak ( hehe.. berlebihan ya?? ) akhirnya harus ada duplikatnya tanpa se izin dari yang empunya artikel.
Meskipun tak sedikit yang tidak mempermasalahkan tindakan Copy paste artikel ini, namun yang namanya mencuri hasil karya tanpa ada ijinnya tetap saja dianggap sebagai tindakan kurang sportif.. sebetulnya saya sendiri tidak mempermasalahkn tindakan copy paste terutama yang lakukan di blog ini, asalkan sobat menyertakan link aktif artikel yang di copas sebagai sumbernya, kira - kira dengan cara seperti itulah kita bisa saling menghargai hasil ketikan jari sesama blogger. Berikut beberapa teknik anti Copas yang bisa saya share untuk sobat blogger.

Gunakan script berikut untuk meletakkan link sumber ( link source ) otomatis ketika di copas
Letakkan script berikut di atas kode <body> kemudian di save.
<script type="text/javascript"> if(document.location.protocol=='http:'){ var Tynt=Tynt||[];Tynt.push('cXIEhKYVSr4lJ5adbi-bpO');Tynt.i={"ap":"Sumber :"}; (function(){var s=document.createElement('script');s.async="async";s.type="text/javascript";s.src='';var h=document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0];h.parentNode.insertBefore(s,h);})(); } </script>

Catatan :
Ubah tulisan berwarna biru sesuai keinginan. misalnya "artikel bersumber dari"

Namun jika sobat blogger memang sama skali tak mentolerir tindakan ini atau memang tidak mau artikelnya sampai di duplikat orang lain, maka bisa sobat siasati dengan memasang 2 trik anti copas ( disable klik kanan ) berikut.

Membuat Artikel Tidak Bisa di Copas 

1. Trik Pertama :

1. Klik rancangan -->Edit HTML
2. Cari dan ganti kode <body> dengan kode berikut
<body onmousedown="return false" oncontextmenu="return false" onselectstart="return false" >

3. klik save

2. Trik Ke Dua :
Menonaktifkan klik kanan sekaligus mengeluarkan pesan peringatan seperti gambar berikut.

Caranya :
1. Klik rancangan --> Elemen laman --> Tambah gadget --> HTML/Javascript
2. masukkan kode dalam kotak yang di sediakan
var pesen="Tidak diperbolehkan klik kanan oleh admin!";
function clickIE4(){if (event.button==2){alert(pesen);return false;}}
function clickNS4(e){if (document.layers||document.getElementById&&!document.all){if (e.which==2||e.which==3){alert(pesen);return false;}}}
if (document.layers){document.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEDOWN);document.onmousedown=clickNS4;}
else if (document.all&&!document.getElementById){document.onmousedown=clickIE4;}
document.oncontextmenu=new Function("alert(pesen);return false")
 Ubah tulisan yang berwarna merah dengan pesan peringatan yang di inginkan.

3. klik save

Silahkan pilih yang mana yang di rasa lebih baik, apakah sobat memperbolehkan Copas tapi harus ada link sumbernya, atau sama sekali tidak ingin ada yang meng-copas artikelnya.

Cara Memasang Breaking News di Blog

Cara Memasang Breaking News di Blog - Ada yang baru dengan tampilan christian tatelu, blog jelek ini kini dilengkapi dengan breaking news. Breaking news adalah widget yang dipasang dengan tujuan memperindah tampilan blog dan juga untuk  meningkatkan pageview blog. Widget ini berupa judul artikel yang ditampilkan secara bergantian yang terkadang juga di sertai dengan tanggal posting artikel tersebut.

Sebenarnya postingan kali ini hampir sama dengan postingan sebelumnya ( baca : cara membuat headline news di blog ) tapi mungkin yang ini ( breaking news ) agak sedikit lebih keren. Sobat yang tertarik memasang widget ni, silahkan ikuti tutorial berikut.

Cara Memasang Breaking News di Blog

1. Login dulu ke akun blog sobat
2. Klik rancangan --> Edit HTML
3. Letakkan kode berikut di atas kode ]]></b:skin>
.newspic {background:#252525 url( no-repeat top left;width:979px;margin:0 auto;padding:0 auto; height:24px;color:#fff;}
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.news a:link, .news a:visited{color:#000000;text-decoration:none;}
.news a:hover {color:#ddd;text-decoration:underline;}

Catatan :
Sesuaikan kode yang berwarna biru dengan ukuran template blog sobat

4. Kemudian letakkan kode berikut di atas kode </head>
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5. Cari kode <div id='header-wrapper'> ( gunakan Ctrl + F ) dan letakkan kode berikut tepat di bawahnya.
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var cssfeed=new gfeedrssticker(&quot;example1&quot;, &quot;example1class&quot;, 4000, &quot;_new&quot;)
cssfeed.addFeed(&quot;Creating Website&quot;, &quot;;) //Specify &quot;label&quot; plus URL to RSS feed
cssfeed.displayoptions(&quot;date&quot;) //show the specified additional fields
cssfeed.setentrycontainer(&quot;div&quot;) //Wrap each entry with a DIV tag
cssfeed.filterfeed(10, &quot;date&quot;) //Show 10 entries, sort by date
<div style='clear:both;'/>

Catatan :
Ganti dengan url blog sobat.

6. Klik save dan lihat hasilnya.

D'Masiv - Persiapan (Full Album 2012)

D'Masiv - Berbesar Hati

Artis : D'Masiv
Judul : Berbesar Hati
Album : Single (2012)
Download mp3 D'Masiv - Berbesar Hati Download Lagu D'Masiv - Berbesar Hati ini hanya untuk review lagu. Belilah original cassette/CD dari album Band, atau gunakan NSP / RBT / i-Ring D'Masiv - Berbesar Hati

D'Masiv - Berbesar Hati

Download D'Masiv - Berbesar Hati
4shared | sharebeast

source : D'Masiv - Berbesar Hati

D'Masiv - Aku Dan Kamu (Tuhan Yang Tahu)

Artis : D'Masiv
Judul : Aku Dan Kamu (Tuhan Yang Tahu)
Album : Single (2012)
Download mp3 D'Masiv - Aku Dan Kamu (Tuhan Yang Tahu) Download Lagu D'Masiv - Aku Dan Kamu (Tuhan Yang Tahu) ini hanya untuk review lagu. Belilah original cassette/CD dari album Band, atau gunakan NSP / RBT / i-Ring D'Masiv - Aku Dan Kamu (Tuhan Yang Tahu)

D'Masiv - Aku Dan Kamu (Tuhan Yang Tahu)

Download D'Masiv - Aku Dan Kamu (Tuhan Yang Tahu)
4shared | sharebeast

source : D'Masiv - Aku Dan Kamu (Tuhan Yang Tahu)

CCTV Report of the day: Women J-7 pilots.

PLA Air Force trains 328 female pilots

BEIJING - A total of 328 female pilots have been trained by the People's Liberation Army (PLA) Air Force over the past six decades, according to figures disclosed at a ceremony held Thursday to mark the 60th anniversary of the debut flight of Chinese women pilots.

The PLA Air Force has

Official news release.

Note the PLA's PR department - hire a native English speaker.

China making preparations for aircraft carrier

(Source: Xinhua) 2012-03-30

BEIJING, March 29 (Xinhua) -- China is conducting scientific testing and training exercises for its aircraft carrier, Defense Ministry spokesman Yang Yujun said Thursday.

It takes time for weapons and equipment to be developed from scientific research to

Foto dan Video Demo Kenaikan Harga BBM di Berbagai Kota

Polisi vs Mahasiswa Bentrok di Makassar.
Ketegangan antara demonstran dan polisi kembali pecah di jalan Sultan Alauddin, Makassar, Kamis (29/3) malam. Tiga mahasiswa menjadi korban dalam aksi saling serang tersebut.

Insiden bermula saat mahasiswa terkena lemparan batu yang dilempar warga di belakang polisi. Sontak, lemparan tersebut memicu lemparan lainya. Mahasiswa menduga, polisi menyewa preman untuk menyerang mahasiswa.

Akibatnya, dua demonstran terkena lemparan batu, dan satu mahasiswa terkena anak panah di bagian paha. Kedua korban langsung dibawa ke Rumah Sakit Faisal, Makassar. Sementara satu korban masih terkapar di lokasi bentrok.

Ketegangan semakin meningkat saat polisi mencoba membubarkan dan melokalisir tawuran dengan menembakkan gas air mata ke berbagai arah. Namun, mahasiswa tetap melempari, hingga akhirnya polisi langsung bergerak menuju mahasiswa.

Polisi antihuru-hara langsung bergerak ke arah mahasiswa dengan membawa tameng, dan senjata berisikan gas air mata untuk membubarkan blokade yang dilakukan mahasiswa. Polisi terus menyisir demonstran dengan menggunakan tiga kendaraan, sembari menembakan gas air mata untuk melumpuhkan demosntran.

Tak puas, polisi beramai-ramai menghajar seorang mahasiswa yang sedang mencoba mengambil sepeda motornya di lokasi bentrokan. Selain itu, Polisi juga mengamankan dua warga ke Polsek Rappocini. Setelah beres membubarkan demonstrasi, polisi kemudian kembali ke formasi awal.

Namun, mahasiswa yang kabur ke dalam kampus Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar, masih melempari batu.

Beberapa foto demonstrasi kenaikan harga BBM di Berbagai Kota :

Video Demo Tolak Kenaikan BBM di Berbagai Kota diBalik Lensa Media

The Big Tent, and big ideas, arrive stateside

The Internet has transformed society in so many ways, and that’s bound to continue. The aim of our Big Tent events is to bring together people with diverse views to debate some of the hot-button issues that transformation raises.

This week we hosted our first Big Tent event stateside at the Computer History Museum in Mountain View, Calif. The theme was Digital Citizenship, and over the course of the day we discussed child safety online, the most effective ways to incorporate technology with education and what governments and civil society can do to maintain a responsible and innovative web.

The policymakers, commentators and industry members who attended heard from a variety of speakers, from child prodigy and literacy evangelist Adora Svitak to filmmaker and Webby Awards founder Tiffany Shlain. Wendy Kopp, the CEO and founder of Teach for America, gave a keynote about the need to integrate technology into education thoughtfully, not as a panacea, but rather within a greater context that supports critical thinking and other crucial curriculum goals. In a fireside chat with David Drummond, Jennifer Pahlka, the founder and executive director of Code for America (which takes the idea of skilled service from Teach for America and applies it to programmers) laid out her vision for a growing corps of young coder volunteers with an “agile, maker-and-doer mentality” that can help local governments better serve their citizens, and help citizens better participate in their democracy. “Instead of a chorus of voices,” she said, “I’d like to see a chorus of hands.”

We also launched a new Big Tent YouTube channel with a collection of content from past Big Tents and information about upcoming events around the world. Visit the channel to watch speaker videos, participate in the debate via the comments, get more information on the presenters and see how different communities approach many of the same issues. Stay tuned for future Big Tents, both here and abroad.

The Big Tent, and big ideas, arrive stateside

The Internet has transformed society in so many ways, and that�s bound to continue. The aim of our Big Tent events is to bring together people with diverse views to debate some of the hot-button issues that transformation raises.

This week we hosted our first Big Tent event stateside at the Computer History Museum in Mountain View, Calif. The theme was Digital Citizenship, and over the course of the day we discussed child safety online, the most effective ways to incorporate technology with education and what governments and civil society can do to maintain a responsible and innovative web.

The policymakers, commentators and industry members who attended heard from a variety of speakers, from child prodigy and literacy evangelist Adora Svitak to filmmaker and Webby Awards founder Tiffany Shlain. Wendy Kopp, the CEO and founder of Teach for America, gave a keynote about the need to integrate technology into education thoughtfully, not as a panacea, but rather within a greater context that supports critical thinking and other crucial curriculum goals. In a fireside chat with David Drummond, Jennifer Pahlka, the founder and executive director of Code for America (which takes the idea of skilled service from Teach for America and applies it to programmers) laid out her vision for a growing corps of young coder volunteers with an �agile, maker-and-doer mentality� that can help local governments better serve their citizens, and help citizens better participate in their democracy. �Instead of a chorus of voices,� she said, �I�d like to see a chorus of hands.�

We also launched a new Big Tent YouTube channel with a collection of content from past Big Tents and information about upcoming events around the world. Visit the channel to watch speaker videos, participate in the debate via the comments, get more information on the presenters and see how different communities approach many of the same issues. Stay tuned for future Big Tents, both here and abroad.

WinISO Standard

WinISO Standard
WinISO Standard | 6MB
WinISO is a useful tool to open, create, edit, extract, convert the ISO file and other image formats. In addition, WinISO can also create a bootable CD / DVD / BD. WinISO is also capable of processing almost all image file CD / DVD / BD, including ISO and BIN. WinISO provide the best solution. You can handle ISO image file you want.

Key Features:

Add / delete / rename / extract file) in the image file and convert image files to standard ISO format.
• Create ISO image file (s) from a CD-ROM.
Ability to edit BIN / ISO and almost all image file
• You can convert almost all image file formats, including BIN, and save it as a standard ISO format file.
• Supports almost all known CD-ROM image files, including some virtual CD-ROM container files.
• Select some files or directories, and then create the ISO based on these files.
• Ability to open an image file, display the file tree, then run files from within the image file.
• You can simply double click an ISO file in Windows Explorer to open it.
• Very easy to use interface

WinISO Standard
 Password Link

An improved Google Authenticator app to celebrate millions of 2-step verification users

Since we first made 2-step verification available to all Google users in February of 2011, millions of people around the world have chosen to use this extra layer of security to protect their Google Accounts. Thousands more are signing up every day. And recently, we updated the feature’s companion smartphone app, Google Authenticator, for Android users.

2-step verification works by requiring users to enter a verification code when signing in using a computer they haven’t previously marked as “trusted.” Many users choose to receive their codes via SMS or voice call, but smartphone users also have the option to generate codes on their phone by installing the Google Authenticator app — an option that is particularly useful while traveling, or where cellular coverage is unreliable. You can use Google Authenticator to generate a valid code even when your phone isn’t connected to a cellular or data network.

We want 2-step verification to be simple to use, and therefore we are working continually to make it easier for users to sign up, manage their settings, and maintain easy access to their verification codes at any time and from anywhere. Our updated Google Authenticator app has an improved look-and-feel, as well as fundamental upgrades to the back-end security and infrastructure that necessitated the migration to a new app. Future improvements, however, will use the familiar Android update procedure.

Current Google Authenticator users will be prompted to upgrade to the new version when they launch the app. We’ve worked hard to make the upgrade process as smooth as possible, but if you have questions please refer to the Help Center article for more information. And, if you aren’t already a 2-step verification user, we encourage you to give it a try.

D'Masiv - Jalani Sepenuh Hati

Artis : D'Masiv
Judul : Jalani Sepenuh Hati
Album : Single (2012)
Download mp3 D'Masiv - Jalani Sepenuh Hati Download Lagu D'Masiv - Jalani Sepenuh Hati ini hanya untuk review lagu. Belilah original cassette/CD dari album Band, atau gunakan NSP / RBT / i-Ring D'Masiv - Jalani Sepenuh Hati

D'Masiv - Jalani Sepenuh Hati

Download D'Masiv - Jalani Sepenuh Hati
4shared | sharebeast

source : D'Masiv - Jalani Sepenuh Hati

D'Masiv - Nyaman

Artis : D'Masiv
Judul : Nyaman
Album : Single (2012)
Download mp3 D'Masiv - Nyaman Download Lagu D'Masiv - Nyaman ini hanya untuk review lagu. Belilah original cassette/CD dari album Band, atau gunakan NSP / RBT / i-Ring D'Masiv - Nyaman

D'Masiv - Nyaman

Download D'Masiv - Nyaman
4shared | sharebeast

source : D'Masiv - Nyaman

D'Masiv - Jelaskan Statusmu

Artis : D'Masiv
Judul : Jelaskan Statusmu
Album : Single (2012)
Download mp3 D'Masiv - Jelaskan Statusmu Download Lagu D'Masiv - Jelaskan Statusmu ini hanya untuk review lagu. Belilah original cassette/CD dari album Band, atau gunakan NSP / RBT / i-Ring D'Masiv - Jelaskan Statusmu

D'Masiv - Jelaskan Statusmu

Download D'Masiv - Jelaskan Statusmu
4shared | sharebeast

source : D'Masiv - Jelaskan Statusmu

Ini Dia Pandangan Fraksi Partai Politik Tentang Kenaikan Harga BBM

Palu telah diketuk oleh Ketua DPR RI, Marzuki Alie. Masa skor berakhir dan sidang paripurna kembali dimulai. Giliran Ketua Badan Anggaran DPR, Melchias Markus Mekeng, membacakan sikap fraksi terkait rencana pemerintah menaikkan harga bahan bakar minyak (BBM).

Sebelumnya, Banggar telah melakukan rapat kerja dengan Menteri Keuangan dan Bank Indonesia dengan materi acara penyampaian pokok-pokok RUU tentang APBN-P 2012. Dalam rapat tersebut, muncul pandangan mini fraksi.

Berikut pandangan mini fraksi yang dibacakan di sidang paripurna.

Fraksi Demokrat:

Mencermati penetapan asumsi Makro APBN-P 201, Fraksi Partai Demokrat berpandangan bahwa asumsi makro yang telah ditetapkan sebagai dasar penyusunan APBN-P 2012 cukup realistis dalam mengadaptasi perubahan kondisi ekonomi global serta dapat mengakomodasi penyesuaian besaran APBN yang lebih realistis untuk mencapai target pembangunan 2012.

Fraksi Golkar:

Fraksi Partai Golkar menyatakan beberapa hal. Pertama, mendukung kenaikan alokasi subsidi energi dari Rp167 triliun pada APBN 2012 menjadi Rp225 triliun pada APBN Perubahan 2012.

Kedua, F-PG memandang bahwa tidaklah tepat untuk menaikkan harga BBM bersubsidi saat ini. Ketiga, oleh karena pengelolaan anggaran merupakan domain pemerintah, maka F-PG menyerahkan sepenuhnya kewenangan pengelolaan subsidi energi tersebut pada pemerintah.

Fraksi PDI-Perjuangan:

Menyatakan ketidaksepakatan atas alasan-alasan pemerintah dalam mengajukan RAPBN-P tahun 2012 terutama persoalan argumen teknis defisit anggaran yang akan melebihi 3,0 persen. Fraksi PDI Perjuangan tetap mengusulkan besaran subsidi BBM sebesar Rp178 triliun agar harga BBM bersubsidi tetap, sebagaimana data yang diberikan pemerintah.

Fraksi PKS:

Memandang bahwa alasan eksternal dalam pengajuan RAPBN-P bukanlah menjadi faktor utama, karena penyebab terpenting sesungguhnya terletak pada faktor internal berupa kelemahan perencanaan dan penyusunan APBN 2012 serta kegagalan perencanaan anggaran dan pengelolaan korporasi PLN yang terlihat dalam pengajuan tambahan subsidi listrik yang meningkat sebesar 107 persen.

Fraksi PAN:

Dapat memahami besaran anggaran energi yang sebesar Rp225 triliun karena dengan besaran subsidi tersebut defisit akan terjaga dikisar 2,23 persen dari PDB, Fraksi PAN berharap pemerintah bisa melakukan penghematan penggunaan BBM yang hampir separuh dari konsumsinya disediakan melalui impor yang berarti menguntungkan pihak asing.

Fraksi PPP:

Dalam menghadapi gejolak harga minyak dunia pada tahun 2012, fraksi Partai Persatuan Pembangunan berkeyakinan secara husnudzon bahwa pemerintah tidak akan menyengsarakan rakyatnya, apalagi sampai menyakiti hati rakyatnya. Oleh karena itu fraksi PPP memberikan keleluasaan kepada pemerintah untuk mengambil kebijakan yang terbaik dan pro rakyat untuk mewujudkan kesejahteraan rakyat antara lain melalui pengaturan subsidi BBM yang tepat.

Fraksi PKB:

Memahami pentingnya pembahasan RUU tentang perubahan atas UU nomor 22 tahun 2011 tentang APBN TA.2012, mengingat bahwa perkembangan dan perubahan kondisi makro ekonomi global dan domestik secara langsung telah berpengaruh terhadap arah kebijakan fiskal dan pelaksanaan APBN TA.2012.

Fraksi Partai Gerindra:

Berpendapat bahwa masih banyak solusi yang dapat diambil pemerintah tanpa harus mencabut subsidi BBM atau menaikkan harga BBM, antara lain melakukan penghematan APBN, moratorium pembayaran bunga utang dan pengelolaan energi terpadu.

Fraksi Partai Hanura:

Menolak perubahan pasal 7 ayat (6) undang-undang tentang APBN 2012, dan meminta pemerintah melaksanakan pengendalian dan pengawasan dengan bertambahnya besaran BBM bersubsidi dengan diikuti langkah-langkah penghematan dan perbaikan pelaksanaan APBN 2012.

Advanced PC Tweaker 4.2 (30.03.2012)

Advanced PC Tweaker 4.2 (30.03.2012)
Advanced PC Tweaker 4.2 (30.03.2012) | 3MB
Advanced PC Tweaker is a utility that allows you to analyze problems in a system that has over 15 functions to maintain a complete maintenance and improve performance for your PC.

With this you can improve the system repair problems, clean junk, manage backups and optimize the system, but also can completely remove unwanted programs, and optimize system memory and protect sensitive information by removing all traces of Internet activity private.

In addition, Advanced PC Tweaker offers a service to users to submit problems to get good information. It supports Windows 98, ME, 2000, XP, and Vista.

Advanced PC Tweaker 4.2 (30.03.2012)
 Password Link

7 Tips Tampil Mempesona di Hari Pernikahan

Hari pernikahan bisa jadi satu hari yang paling dinantikan oleh Anda dan pasangan. Calon mempelai pun ingin sebisa mungkin tampil sempurna, melebihi penampilan sehari-hari. Berikut 7 Tips Tampil Mempesona di Hari Pernikahan, yaitu :1. Yakinkan diri sendiri kalau Anda mampu menjadi diri sendiri, apa adanya sesuai dengan kepribadian dan karakter yang telah dimiliki selama ini. Kepercayaan diri yang

7 Tips Merawat Rambut Berminyak

Memiliki jenis rambut yang berminyak memang menjadi masalah tersendiri. Rambut kerap tampak kusam dan sulit distyling. Agar rambut berminyak tidak terlihat lepek, Anda perlu mengetahui cara merawat rambut yang tepat. Berikut 7 Tips Merawat Rambut Berminyak, yaitu :1. Anda bisa menggunakan shampo ringan (mild shampoo), shampo khusus untuk rambut berminyak dan shampo bayi.2. Anda bisa mencuci

7 Tips Memandikan Bayi

Setelah melahirkan, salah satu kegiatan yang ibu harus pelajari adalah bagaimana memandikan bayi. Untuk Anda calon ibu dan para ibu baru, berikut ini tipsnya, seperti dilansir iVillage. Berikut 7 Tips Memandikan Bayi, yaitu :1. Sebelum memandikan, sebaiknya persiapkan dulu seluruh perlengkapan sebelum dan sesudah bayi mandi. Mulai dari handuk, sabun, bak mandinya, shampo, baju bersih, kain kasa (

Animasi Text dengan CSS3

Animasi Text dengan CSS3

Entah kenapa akhir" ini lagi seneng"a main animasi,mungkin lagi bosen buat template kali ya?wkwkwk,padahal dari dulu paling males pakai keyframe karena agak berat,apalagi kalau di browser mozilla.ggrrrr malesin bgt deh=___=".saya buat beberapa experimen coba" dan hasil'a ada yg seperti hedaer saya,dan efek menarik lainya.tapi yang seperti di header saya tidak bisa dishare,karena udah nyatu ama header blog saya,mana yg dicopas jg udah lupa,n ribet==v,tapi contoh" dibawah ini tidak kalah menarik juga loh.daripada css HTMLa dibuang sayang,saya share aja deh.beberapa animasi diantara'a,mungkin cenderung lebih bagus di browser google chrome daripada mozilla firefox.meskipun udah diupdate browser mozilla'a ke yang paling baru,tp tetap aja masih menang google chrome kalau soal CSS3.

nah,langsung aja saya dah sediain demo + CSS + HTMLnya.masih ada yang gatau css sama html'a mau ditaruh dimana?ckckck=="

#Indonesian ._.

Htmlnya bisa di masukan di layout blog kamu,add a gadget=>html/javkascript,lalu copas dan simpan.
atau juga dimanapun yang kamu mau.

<body> isi html </body>

css/a diatas /b:skin

do you know what I mean?

1. Animasi dengan keyframe CSS3

Sliding text background color

Ganti tanda pagar dengan URL link kamu

<div class="menuku">
<li><a href="#">Home</a></li>
<li><a href="#">About me</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Contact</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Download</a></li>

.menuku {background:#000;width:auto;margin: 5px;}

.menuku ul {
font-family:"helvetica neue", helvetica, arial, sans-serif;
text-shadow: 0 1px 1px transparent;

.menuku ul li {
background:-webkit-linear-gradient(0, #3FB1E7 50%, #fff 50%);
background-position:100% 0;
background-size:200% 100%;
-webkit-transition:background-position .4s cubic-bezier(0,0,.5,1);
-moz-transition:background-position .4s cubic-bezier(0,0,.5,1);}

.menuku ul li:hover {
background-position:0 0;}

Animated text background gambar


<div class="textanimasi1">

@-webkit-keyframes slide {
0% { background-position:0 0; opacity:0; }
2% { background-position:2% 2%; opacity:1; }
99% { background-position:99% 99%; }
100% { background-position:100% 100%; opacity:0; }

.textanimasi1 {
font:700 9.4em helvetica, sans-serif;
-webkit-animation:slide 60s linear infinite;
-moz-animation:slide 60s linear infinite;
text-shadow: 0 1px 1px transparent;

Animated text background gradient



<div class="textanimasi2">



background: -webkit-gradient(linear,left top,right bottom,from(#E51D66),to(#705170));
-webkit-background-clip: text;
-webkit-text-fill-color: transparent;
-webkit-animation:slide1 5s linear infinite;
-moz-background-clip: text;
-moz-text-fill-color: transparent;
-moz-animation:slide1 5s linear infinite;
background: -moz-gradient(linear,left top,right bottom,from(#E51D66),to(#705170));
font:700 9.4em helvetica, sans-serif;
text-shadow: 0 1px 1px transparent;}

@-webkit-keyframes slide1 {
0% { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(0); }
1% { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(30deg); }
3% { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(-28deg); }
5% { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(34deg); }
7% { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(-32deg); }
9% { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(30deg); }
11% { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(-28deg); }
13% { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(26deg); }
15% { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(-24deg); }
17% { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(22deg); }
19% { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(-20deg); }
21% { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(18deg); }
23% { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(-16deg); }
25% { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(14deg); }
27% { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(-12deg); }
29% { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(10deg); }
31% { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(-8deg); }
33% { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(6deg); }
35% { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(-4deg); }
37% { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(2deg); }
39% { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(-1deg); }
41% { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(1deg); }
43% { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(0); }
100% { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(0); }

@-moz-keyframes slide1 {
0% { -moz-transform: rotate(0); }
1% { -moz-transform: rotate(30deg); }
3% { -moz-transform: rotate(-28deg); }
5% { -moz-transform: rotate(34deg); }
7% { -moz-transform: rotate(-32deg); }
9% { -moz-transform: rotate(30deg); }
11% { -moz-transform: rotate(-28deg); }
13% { -moz-transform: rotate(26deg); }
15% { -moz-transform: rotate(-24deg); }
17% { -moz-transform: rotate(22deg); }
19% { -moz-transform: rotate(-20deg); }
21% { -moz-transform: rotate(18deg); }
23% { -moz-transform: rotate(-16deg); }
25% { -moz-transform: rotate(14deg); }
27% { -moz-transform: rotate(-12deg); }
29% { -moz-transform: rotate(10deg); }
31% { -moz-transform: rotate(-8deg); }
33% { -moz-transform: rotate(6deg); }
35% { -moz-transform: rotate(-4deg); }
37% { -moz-transform: rotate(2deg); }
39% { -moz-transform: rotate(-1deg); }
41% { -moz-transform: rotate(1deg); }
43% { -moz-transform: rotate(0); }
100% { -moz-transform: rotate(0); }


<div class="textanimasi3">Johanes</div>


font:700 9.4em helvetica, sans-serif;
text-shadow: 0px 0px 0px #ddd, 0x 0px 0px #ddd;
-webkit-animation:text1 10s linear infinite;
-moz-animation:text1 10s linear infinite;
height: 100px;

@-webkit-keyframes text1 {
0% {-webkit-transform: rotateZ(-20deg);font:700 9.4em helvetica, sans-serif; }
25% {-webkit-transform: rotateZ(360deg);font:700 2.4em helvetica, sans-serif;}
50% {-webkit-transform: rotateZ(-20deg);font:700 9.4em helvetica, sans-serif;}
75% {-webkit-transform: rotateZ(360deg);font:700 2.4em helvetica, sans-serif;}
100% {-webkit-transform: rotateZ(-20deg);font:700 9.4em helvetica, sans-serif;}

@-moz-keyframes text1 {
0% {-webkit-transform: rotateZ(-20deg);font:700 9.4em helvetica, sans-serif; }
25% {-webkit-transform: rotateZ(360deg);font:700 2.4em helvetica, sans-serif;}
50% {-webkit-transform: rotateZ(-20deg);font:700 9.4em helvetica, sans-serif;}
75% {-webkit-transform: rotateZ(360deg);font:700 2.4em helvetica, sans-serif;}
100% {-webkit-transform: rotateZ(-20deg);font:700 9.4em helvetica, sans-serif;}


<div class="textwrapper">
<div class="textanimasi4">Johanes</div>
<div class="textanimasi5">Johanes</div>


color: rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.3 );
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height: 100px;top:0px;position:absolute;
text-shadow: 0 1px 1px transparent;

color: rgba(0, 0, 255, 0.3 );
font:700 9.4em helvetica, sans-serif;
-webkit-animation:text5 3s linear infinite;
-moz-animation:text5 3s linear infinite;
height: 100px;top:0px;position:absolute;
text-shadow: 0 1px 1px transparent;

.textwrapper{position:relative;height: 100px;}

@-webkit-keyframes text4 {
0% {margin-left:5;}
50% {margin-left:-10px;}
100% {margin-left:5;}
@-webkit-keyframes text5 {
0% {margin-left:-5;}
50% {margin-left:10px;}
100% {margin-left:-5;}
@-moz-keyframes text4 {
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50% {margin-left:-10px;}
100% {margin-left:5;}
@-moz-keyframes text5 {
0% {margin-left:-5;}
50% {margin-left:10px;}
100% {margin-left:-5;}


<div class="textanimasi6">Johanes</div>

color: rgba(0, 0, 255, 0.3 );
font:700 9.4em helvetica, sans-serif;
-webkit-animation:text6 10s linear infinite;
height: 100px;
text-shadow: 0 1px 1px transparent;

@-webkit-keyframes text6 {
0% {color:#74015A;}
25% {color:#FF005E;}
50% {color:#FC537D;}
75% {color:#FBB185;}
90% {color:#FDF9DB;}
100% {color:#74015A;}

@-moz-keyframes text6 {
0% {color:#74015A;}
25% {color:#FF005E;}
50% {color:#FC537D;}
75% {color:#FBB185;}
90% {color:#FDF9DB;}
100% {color:#74015A;}


<div class="textwrapper1">
<div class="textanimasi7">Johanes</div>
<div class="textanimasi8">|</div>
<div class="textanimasi9">Scaning...</div>


.textanimasi7, .textanimasi8{
color: rgba(0, 0, 255, 0.3 );
font:700 9.4em helvetica, sans-serif;
height: 100px;top:0px;position:absolute;
text-shadow: 0 1px 1px transparent;
.textanimasi8 {
-webkit-animation:text8 3s linear infinite;
-moz-animation:text8 3s linear infinite;}

.textwrapper1{position:relative;height: 100px;}

@-webkit-keyframes text8 {
0% {margin-left:0px;}
50% {margin-left:530px;}
100% {margin-left:0px;}
@-moz-keyframes text8 {
0% {margin-left:0px;}
50% {margin-left:530px;}
100% {margin-left:0px;}

.textanimasi9 {
text-align: center;
letter-spacing: 15px;
color: rgba(0, 255, 0, 0.5 );
font: 700 20px helvetica, sans-serif;
bottom: -20px;
position: absolute;
text-shadow: 0 1px 1px transparent;
width: 100%;
-webkit-animation:text9 2s linear infinite;
-moz-animation:text9 2s linear infinite;
@-webkit-keyframes text9 {
0% {color: rgba(0, 255, 0, 0 );}
50% {color: rgba(0, 255, 0, 1 );}
100% {color: rgba(0, 255, 0, 0 );}

Sekianlah contoh" experimen saya tentang css3 keyframe~
Semoga bermanfaat :) Arigatou Gozaimasu~xD

7 Tips Agar Anak Aman dari Bahaya Listrik

Hal yang paling berbahaya dan sering disentuh oleh anak-anak adalah stop kontak, kabel dan colokan. Oleh karena itu, jauhkan anak Anda dari hal-hal tersebut. Cabut semua kabel yang tidak terpakai dan tutup stop kontak dengan pelindung plastik. Ada beberapa aturan untuk anak agar terhindar dari bahaya listrik yang terjangkau di rumah. Aliran listrik yang bebas, bisa menjadi sebab kebakaran di

7 Hal Tentang Miss V yang Belum Tentu Anda Tahu

Pria terkadang merasa mereka mengetahui segalanya tentang seks. Mereka seolah mengerti bagaimana cara membuat pasangannya bergairah dan paham benar soal anatomi tubuh wanita. Tapi bisa jadi delapan hal tentang Miss V berikut ini belum pria ketahui, termasuk Anda sendiri. Berikut 7 Hal Tentang Miss V yang Belum Tentu Anda Tahu, yaitu :1. Miss V Punya Pembersih AlamiAlat kelamin wanita memiliki

7 Tips Menjaga Kebersihan Miss V

Iritasi, merah-merah, gatal dan bau tidak sedap merupakan gangguan yang bisa terjadi karena tidak rajin membersihkan Miss V. Organ intim wanita memang rentan terkena bakteri karena merupakan bagian tubuh yang sering lembab karena kurangnya sirkulasi udara. Oleh karena itu, sangat penting menjaga kebersihan dan kesehatan di area sekitar Miss V agar terhindar dari berbagai penyakit kelamin yang

Learning independence with Google Search features

Searches can become stories. Some are inspiring, some change the way we see the world and some just put a smile on our face. This is a story of how people can use Google to do something extraordinary. If you have a story, share it. - Ed.

We all have memories of the great teachers who shaped our childhood. They found ways to make the lightbulb go off in our heads, instilled in us a passion for learning and helped us realize our potential. The very best teachers were creative with the tools at their disposal, whether it was teaching the fundamentals of addition with Cheerios or the properties of carbon dioxide with baking soda and vinegar. As the Internet has developed, so too have the resources available for teachers to educate their students.

One teacher who has taken advantage of the web as an educational tool is Cheryl Oakes, a resource room teacher in Wells, Maine. She’s also been able to tailor the vast resources available on the web to each student’s ability. This approach has proven invaluable for Cheryl’s students, in particular 16-year-old Morgan, whose learning disability makes it daunting to sort through search results to find those webpages that she can comfortably read. Cheryl taught Morgan how to use the Search by Reading Level feature on Google Search, which enables Morgan to focus only on those results that are most understandable to her. To address the difficulty Morgan faces with typing, Cheryl introduced her to Voice Search, so Morgan can speak her queries into the computer. Morgan is succeeding in high school, and just registered to take her first college course this summer.

There’s a practically limitless amount of information available on the web, and with search features, you can find the content that is most meaningful for you. For more information, visit

Learning independence with Google Search features

Searches can become stories. Some are inspiring, some change the way we see the world and some just put a smile on our face. This is a story of how people can use Google to do something extraordinary. If you have a story, share it. - Ed.

We all have memories of the great teachers who shaped our childhood. They found ways to make the lightbulb go off in our heads, instilled in us a passion for learning and helped us realize our potential. The very best teachers were creative with the tools at their disposal, whether it was teaching the fundamentals of addition with Cheerios or the properties of carbon dioxide with baking soda and vinegar. As the Internet has developed, so too have the resources available for teachers to educate their students.

One teacher who has taken advantage of the web as an educational tool is Cheryl Oakes, a resource room teacher in Wells, Maine. She�s also been able to tailor the vast resources available on the web to each student�s ability. This approach has proven invaluable for Cheryl�s students, in particular 16-year-old Morgan, whose learning disability makes it daunting to sort through search results to find those webpages that she can comfortably read. Cheryl taught Morgan how to use the Search by Reading Level feature on Google Search, which enables Morgan to focus only on those results that are most understandable to her. To address the difficulty Morgan faces with typing, Cheryl introduced her to Voice Search, so Morgan can speak her queries into the computer. Morgan is succeeding in high school, and just registered to take her first college course this summer.

There�s a practically limitless amount of information available on the web, and with search features, you can find the content that is most meaningful for you. For more information, visit

Let’s fill London with startups...

London has become one of the world's great digital capitals. The Internet accounts for eight percent of the U.K. economy and has become, in these days of tough public finances, a welcome engine of economic growth.

We believe there is even more potential for entrepreneurs to energize the Internet economy in the U.K., and to help spur growth, today we’re opening Campus London , a seven story facility in the east London neighborhood known as Tech City. Google began as a startup in a garage. We want to empower the next generation of entrepreneurs to be successful by building and supporting a vibrant startup community. Our goal with Campus is to catalyze the startup ecosystem and build Britain's single largest community of startups under one roof.

The U.K.’s Chancellor of the Exchequer, the Rt. Hon. George Osborne MP, launched Campus at this morning's official opening. The Chancellor toured the building, meeting some of the entrepreneurs currently making their home in Campus and learning more about their innovations, ranging from fashion trendsetting websites to personalized London leisure guides. He then flipped the switch on a commemorative graffiti plaque.

Campus is a collaboration between Google and partners Central Working, Tech Hub, Seedcamp and Springboard. It will provide startups with workspace in an energizing environment and will also host daily events for and with the community. We will run a regular speaker series, alongside lectures and programing, as well as provide mentorship and training from local Google teams.

Visitors will have access to a cafe and co-working space, complete with high speed wifi. We welcome members of the startup community: entrepreneurs, investors, developers, designers, lawyers, accountants, etc. and hope that this informal, highly concentrated space will lead to chance meetings and interactions that will generate the ideas and partnerships that will drive new, innovative businesses.

The buzz around Campus from within the startup community has meant that today, on day one, Campus is already at 90% capacity, with more than 100 people on site and an additional 4,500 who have signed up online to visit.

We are looking forward to getting to know the community. East London is emerging as a world-leading entrepreneurial hub, and we’re excited to be a part of it. Take a photo tour of Campus here, and if you’d like to learn more, visit us at

Let’s fill this town with startups!

(Cross-posted from the European Public Policy blog)

Let�s fill London with startups...

London has become one of the world's great digital capitals. The Internet accounts for eight percent of the U.K. economy and has become, in these days of tough public finances, a welcome engine of economic growth.

We believe there is even more potential for entrepreneurs to energize the Internet economy in the U.K., and to help spur growth, today we�re opening Campus London , a seven story facility in the east London neighborhood known as Tech City. Google began as a startup in a garage. We want to empower the next generation of entrepreneurs to be successful by building and supporting a vibrant startup community. Our goal with Campus is to catalyze the startup ecosystem and build Britain's single largest community of startups under one roof.

The U.K.�s Chancellor of the Exchequer, the Rt. Hon. George Osborne MP, launched Campus at this morning's official opening. The Chancellor toured the building, meeting some of the entrepreneurs currently making their home in Campus and learning more about their innovations, ranging from fashion trendsetting websites to personalized London leisure guides. He then flipped the switch on a commemorative graffiti plaque.

Campus is a collaboration between Google and partners Central Working, Tech Hub, Seedcamp and Springboard. It will provide startups with workspace in an energizing environment and will also host daily events for and with the community. We will run a regular speaker series, alongside lectures and programing, as well as provide mentorship and training from local Google teams.

Visitors will have access to a cafe and co-working space, complete with high speed wifi. We welcome members of the startup community: entrepreneurs, investors, developers, designers, lawyers, accountants, etc. and hope that this informal, highly concentrated space will lead to chance meetings and interactions that will generate the ideas and partnerships that will drive new, innovative businesses.

The buzz around Campus from within the startup community has meant that today, on day one, Campus is already at 90% capacity, with more than 100 people on site and an additional 4,500 who have signed up online to visit.

We are looking forward to getting to know the community. East London is emerging as a world-leading entrepreneurial hub, and we�re excited to be a part of it. Take a photo tour of Campus here, and if you�d like to learn more, visit us at

Let�s fill this town with startups!

(Cross-posted from the European Public Policy blog)

-HEP-WeaponHack- [ NS & NSX ]

◘ Download :
• File SWF
"Klik Gambar dibawah Ini Untuk Mendownload"

• Password SWF
"Klik Gambar dibawah Ini Untuk Mendownload"

◘ Tutor :
[-] Buka Ninja Saga atau PlayNS
[-] Pada Waktu Pemilihan Charackter Buka Fiddler2
[-] Klik Icon "Auto Responder" [ Icon Petir ]
[-] Truss Centang "Enable Automatic Responses" dan "Unmatched Request"
[-] Drag File SWF yang Sudah di Download Tadi .
[-] Truss Klik "Clear Chache" Pada Fiddler2
[-] Clear Chache Juga Browser Anda Dengan Cara Tekan "Ctrl + Shift + Delete" Truss Pilih Chahce Dan OK
[-] Klik IconPlayNS atau Play Pada Ninja Saga
[-] Open "Gear"
[-] Happy Cheating

◘ Created :
[-] Kãñg Çêlviñ Wæ

◘ Spesial Thank's To :
[-] All Member HEP-Syndicate
[-] Wildan ArnemaG-neration Readytowarr

• Damage

NB :
[-] Copas ?? Sertakan Sumbernya !!
[-] Follownya Donk Ganz !! Hajar !!

Yahoo Messenger

Yahoo Messenger
Yahoo Messenger | 18.48MB
Yahoo! Messenger is an application to maintain the privacy of chat conversations and dramatically. Yahoo! Messenger is a very popular program because it is the best chat application to send an instant message or mail. Besides Yahoo Messenger can also send messages from anywhere to send each person when the program is open Messenger and Yahoo Messenger now has support for all versions of Windows.

Yahoo Messenger offers firewall support a standby mode that minimizes the program to connect to the Internet. Besides Yahoo Messenger has the ability to save and print your conversations.

Yahoo Messenger
 Password Link

Fenomena Alam Aneh, Ada Badai Salju di Sumatera Barat

Meski termasuk negara tropis, ternyata Indonesia pun bisa mengalami badai salju. Tidak percaya? Itulah yang terjadi ketika puluhan rumah warga mengalami kerusakan akibat dihantam badai salju yang melanda Kabupaten Sijunjung, Sumatera Barat (Sumbar). "Badai salju melanda Kabupaten Sijunjung pada Rabu (28/3) sekitar pukul 20.00 WIB mengakibatkan puluhan rumah mengalami kerusakan, "kata Kabid Penanggulangan Bencana BPBD Sumbar Ade Edwar di Padang, Kamis (29/3).

Menurutnya, berdasarkan data sementara diperoleh BPBD Sumbar, dimana 48 unit rumah atapnya beterbangan, dua unit rumah hancur berantakan. "Selain puluhan rumah warga rusak, badai salju juga merusak beberapa unit bangunan Sekolah Dasar (SD), tiga lokal belajar dan beberapa atapnya beterbangan, serta satu unit rumah dinas sekolah," katanya.

Dia menambahkan, badai salju yang melanda Kabupaten Sijunjung itu tidak menimbulkan korban jiwa, hanya mengalami kerugian materil. "BPBD masih melakukan penghitungan berapa kerugian harta benda ketika badai salju itu,"katanya.
Dia mengatakan, badai salju yang melanda Kabupaten Sijunjung hingga merusak puluhan rumah tersebut merupakan yang pertama kali terjadi di Sumbar. "Badai salju ini tidak pernah terjadi, ini merupakan pertama kali terjadi di Sumbar,"katanya.
Menurutnya, warga yang rumahnya mengalami kerusakan akibat dihantam badai salju telah dievakuasi ke tempat yang dirasakan aman. "BPBD telah mendirikan berapa unit tenda darurat bagi warga yang mengungsi, sementara itu bantuan akan segera dikirimkan,"katanya.

Dia menambahkan, untuk sementara aktivitas warga yang berada di Kabupaten Sijunjung masih belum pulih akibat badai salju yang melanda. "Masyarakat Kabupaten Sinjunjung masih merasakan khawatir jika badai salju susulan kembali terjadi, mereka berharap pemeerintah cepat memberikan bantuan,"katanya.